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Online Discussion Board Rubric Name: Category

Critical Thinking

Discussion Board: 8
rich in content full of thought, insight & analysis clear connections to previous or current class content or to real life situations contain fully developed new ideas, connections or applications length is appro#imately $ % word processing page all re)uired postings early in discussion & throughout the discussion made in time for others to read and respond few grammatical, spelling or stylistic errors all re)uired replies posted replies provide meaningful feedback on other"s ideas & encourage discourse among the class reply is $ % word processing page in length

substantial information thought, insight & analysis has taken place connections to previous or current class content or to real life situations, but the connections are not really clear or are too obvious contain new ideas, connections, or applications, but they lack depth and or detail &ength is $ '( $ % word processing page all re)uired postings *ome not in time for others to read & respond

generally competent information is thin & commonplace limited connections often cast in the form of vague generalities

rudimentary & superficial no analysis or insight is displayed no connections, off topic



Length of Initial Post

contain few new ideas or applications, often restating or summari!ing others" comments length is one paragragh

no new ideas

length is $(% sentences


all re)uired postings most postings at the last minute without allowing for response time obvious grammatical, spelling or stylistic errors that interfere with content all re)uired replies posted replies provide comments on other"s ideas, but not specific feedback

some, or all, re)uired postings missing


several grammatical, spelling or stylistic errors all re)uired replies posted replies provide feedback on other"s ideas


Obvious grammatical or stylistic errors that make understanding impossible no reply or missing replies

Length of eply

reply is one paragragh

length is $(% sentences

no replies

+otal ,oints:

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