FinalProject Checklist 101

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Final Project Checklist (225 pts)

Group/Names: Class Time: Due Date:

Objectives: Using Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel the ICS 101 Students will develop and manage a business that incorporates the items in the checklist. Self Inst. Lab files are not used. If lab files are used, the checklist will not be accepted for credit. (20%) The whole project is created from scratch (5 pts) Land to be rented/bought is an actual piece of property found in the newspaper or online. A URL or a hard-copy MUST be turned in with the project files to Laulima. (5 pts) PRETEND to take out a loan to help fund the purchase/renting of the land, equipment, or other things such as maintenance/construction. A URL or a hard-copy of where you will be pretending to take out the loan MUST be turned in with the project files to Laulima. Note: You may take out more than one loan. Please make sure that you read the instructions about what type of loan you are able to take out from a bank. (10%) The following MUST be approved in class by the instructor: Starting balance: ________ Loan amount: ___________

Note: If it is not approved prior to November 1, 2013, points will be deducted. Part 1: Microsoft Word Design a flyer advertising that your business will be opening soon and is need of employees. (1 pt) The assignment is 1 page in length. (1 pt) The document contains a minimum of two font faces (1 pt) The document contains a minimum of two font colors (1 pt) The document contains a minimum of two font sizes (2 pts) Contains at least two linked textboxes (1 pt) Contains a minimum of two clip-art or pictures (1 pt) Each image that was added has a different text wrapping style (1 pt) Each image that was added has a border created in Microsoft Word (2 pts) A minimum of one active hyperlink to an online Web site was added to the document (1 pt) Reverse masthead applied in document (2 pts) A table was created. (6pts) The table was formatted with at least two different cell background colors, two different text colors and two different cell alignments.

Final Project Checklist (225 pts)

(10 pts) The following information MUST be included in the flyer: (minimum) - Brief description about business - Positions that you are hiring - Contact information (phone, email, address, etc.) - Duration of hiring period or when the hiring period will begin - Approximate date of when your business will be opening Assignment is saved as TeamName_Word.doc(x) (Word Document) Assignment is submitted to Laulima via the assignment dropbox by ________________. Part 2: Microsoft Excel Construct an Excel Workbook that keeps track of your business expenses and other data. (1 pt) The assignment uses a minimum of three worksheets. (20%) ALL worksheets are formatted to look professional and presentable. (ex. Number, Alignment, Font, Border, Background, etc.) (10 pts) An Amortization table is created that uses the following functions: Pmt, PV, PPMT, IPMT (4 pts) At least two IF-functions is created. Documentation (List the worksheet and cell range it is located): (2 pts) At least one embedded function is created. Documentation (List the worksheet and cell range it is located): (1 pt) Name each worksheet (ex. Must not be named Sheet 1) (1 pt) A different tab color for each worksheet (2 pts) Name at least 5 cells or cell ranges in your workbook Documentation (List the 5 cells or cell ranges in your workbook): (2 pts) In your workbook, use each of the following functions: SUM, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE, COUNT/COUNTA Documentation (List the location of your 5 functions): (4 pts) Apply Conditional Formatting at least once in your workbook. A minimum of 2 conditions is applied to the workbook. Documentation (List the location of the conditional formatting): (2 pts) Use AutoFilter at least once in your workbook. Must be applied to the whole table and not to one column of information. Documentation (Where is the AutoFilter used and why is it used there): (2 pts) Link at least two worksheets together by using a formula or function Documentation (List the location of the formula or function that links 2 worksheets):

Final Project Checklist (225 pts)

(2 pts) Apply Data Validation at least once in your workbook Documentation (List the location of the data validation): (5 pts) Use either the VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP function at least once in your workbook Documentation (List the location of the VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP): (2 pts) Remove the gridlines from at least one of your worksheets Documentation (List the worksheet(s) that does not have gridlines): (10 pts) The following information MUST be included in the workbook: (minimum) - Prospective employees from the interview - Actual list of employees - Pay (to include, hours, bonus, overtime, etc) - Loan(s) - Contractors with cost - Maintenance costs - Inventory - Budget balancing - List of finances (Where is the money coming from? Financial backers, loans, etc.) Assignment is saved as TeamName_Excel.xls(x) (Excel Document) Assignment is submitted to Laulima via the assignment dropbox by ________________. Part 3: Microsoft PowerPoint Construct a presentation that discusses your business from the ground up. (20%) The presentation is professional (i.e. sophisticated, creative, innovative, rehearsed, no spelling or grammatical errors. This includes the appropriate use of checklist items.) (2 pts) Contains a minimum of 10 slides (2 pts) At least four images used (4 pts) All images have borders created in PowerPoint (10 pts) A company logo was created by grouping at least 3 AutoShapes together OR by editing a clipart. If a clipart was edited, list the PPT version used and the search word used to find the clipart: (5 pts) Slide transitions AND/OR custom animations applied consistently throughout presentation. If only one is used, circle the item used. (8 pts) Presentation is between 8-10 minutes in length (5 pts) Each of the team members have been formally introduced (5 pts) The audience have been informed of the purpose of the presentation (5 pts) There is a strong beginning that gains the audiences attention (5 pts) The presentation is creative and interesting (15 pts) All presenters presented for an equal amount of time (5 pts) Eye contact is made with all audience members (5 pts) The presenters do NOT sound nervous

Final Project Checklist (225 pts)

(5 pts) Presentation is made WITHOUT notes (10 pts) The presenters are dressed professionally (10 pts) The following information MUST be included in the presentation: (minimum) - Hiring Process o How many people showed up o How many people you hired o Why you hired those people o What were the criteria(s) for each position - The land/space you choose to buy/rent and why - Reasoning behind the business you chose o How it began o Why it began - Construction of your business o Money involved o Labor involved o Etc. - Description of job(s)/position(s) for each member of the group Assignment is saved as TeamName_Presentation.ppt(x) (PowerPoint Document) Assignment is submitted to Laulima via the assignment dropbox by ________________. Part 4: Commercial Construct a commercial about your business. You are free to choose the type of commercial to create (ex. Video, PowerPoint, flash, etc.) (10 pts) The commercial is professional (i.e. sophisticated, creative, innovative, rehearsed, no spelling or grammatical errors. This includes the appropriate use of checklist items.) (5 pts) Commercial is 30 seconds in length (3 pts) Company logo appears in commercial (5 pts) Commercial has a theme (2 pts) The following information MUST be included in the commercial: (minimum) - Company name - Contact information o Phone, email, address, etc. Assignment is saved as TeamName_Commercial (ONLY a PC compatible file is accepted) Assignment is submitted to Laulima via the assignment dropbox by ________________. Peer Evaluation: Worth 30% of an Individuals Final Team Project grade. Remember to complete a Final Team Project Peer Evaluation. The Peer Evaluation will be released after the Final Team Projects are submitted. Note: Only the TEAM LEADER submits the project files BEFORE the DUE DATE and TIME. Late work will NOT be accepted. Checklist: Only ONE checklist must be submitted PRIOR to presenting.

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