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University of Bahrain

College of Information Technology Department of Computer Science

ITCS332: Organization of Programming Languages

Names, Bindings, Type checking, Scopes, Data Types

Assignment #5: Chapter 5 Due Date: ONE week ***************************************************************************

Solve the problems: 11 and 14 in chapter 5 (edition 8: pages 243-244)


Solve Programming Exercise 6 in chapter 5 (edition 8: page 246). For this problem you have to submit: Soft and hard copies of your code and your output. Your explanation of the produced results.

Submit your work in Blackboard and to my email:

Submit your job (The two parts) in one file attached to the email. At the beginning of your submitted file, include the following:
id: XXXXXXXX sect #: X serial#:X Date: XXXXXX

Student Name: XXXXXXXXX

ITCS 333: Organization of Programming languages

Assignment #5

In the subject field of the email include: ITCS332 Name: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

id: XXXXXXXX ass#:5 sect#: X

ITCS 332 1st semester DEC 2013

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