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wrong. Find out the wrong number. 64.

454 327 648 524 842 713 1036 1) 327 2) 648 3) 521 4) 842 5) 713 65. 72.5 86 113 168 275 491 923 1) 86 2) 113 3) 168 4) 275 5) 491 Directions (Q.66-70): In the following questions, two equations numbere I an II4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these 72. The ratio between the three ang es of a !"adri atera is 3 # 5 # 9. The $a "e of the fo"rth ang e of the !"adri atera is 71. %hat is the differen&e between the argest and the sma est ang es of the !"adri atera ' 1) 82 2) 106 3) 102 4) 92 5) None of these 73. (f twent)fi$e *er&ent of three+se$enths of twent) si, *er&ent of a n"mber is 136.5- what is the n"mber' 1) 6300 2) 5600 3) 4800 statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Gi e answer 1) if on ) &on& "sion ( fo ows. 2) if on ) &on& "sion (( fo ows. 3) if either &on& "sion ( or &on& "sion (( fo ows 4) if neither &on& "sion ( nor &on& "sion (( fo ows 5) if both &on& "sion ( and &on& "sion (( fo ow. !"#3$% &tatements% . stars are bott es. /ome bott es are *a*ers. No *a*er is a &a ender. ". 'onclusions% (. . stars ()*+,-.& (/(*) being *a*ers is a *ossibi it). ((. No &a endar is a bott e. 2. 'onclusions% (. . &a enders being stars is a *ossibi it). ((. .t east some bott es are stars. 3. 'onclusions% (. .t east some &a endars are bott es. ((. No &a ender is a star. !4#5$% &tatements% /ome *en&i s are b an0ets. . b an0ets are erasers. 4. 'onclusions% (. .t east some *en&i s are erasers. ((. . erasers being *en&i s is a *ossibi it). 5. 'onclusions% (. No eraser is a *en&i .

((. . b an0ets being *en&i s is a *ossibi it). Directions (6-!0): *ach of the following 0uestions below consists of a 0uestion and two statements numbered , and ,, gi en below it. 1ou ha e to decide whether the data 2ro ided in the statements are sufficient to answer the 0uestion. )ead both the statements and gi e answer. "$ (f the data in statement ( a one are s"ffi&ient to answer the !"estionwhi e the data in statement (( a one are not s"ffi&ient in answer the !"estion. 2$ if the data in statement (( a one are s"ffi&ient to answer the !"estionwhi e the data in statement ( a one are not s"ffi&ient to answer the !"estion. 3$ if the data in either in statement ( a one or in statement (( a one are s"ffi&ient to answer the !"estion. 4$ (f the data in both the statements ( and (( together are not s"ffi&ient to answer the !"estion. 5$ if the data in both the statements ( and (( are together ne&essar) to answer the !"estion. 6. %ho amongst 1- 2- 3- / and T is the ta est' ,. 1 is ta er than 2. T is not the ta est. ,,. 3 is ta er than 1. / in not the ta est. 7. (n whi&h dire&tion is *oint 4- with referen&e to *oint /' ,. 1oint 5 is to the east of *oint 4. 1oint 4 is to the so"th of *oint 6. ,,. 1oint 6 is to the north+west to *oint /. 1oint 5 is to the north of *oint /. 3. (n whi&h month of the )ear did 3ah" go abroad for a $a&ation' ,. 3ah" &orre&t ) remembers that he went for a $a&ation in the first ha f of the )ear. ,,. 3ah" 7s son &orre&t ) remembers that the) went for a $a&ation after 31st 8ar&h b"t before 1st 8a). 4. 9n whi&h da) of the same wee0 is 3amesh7s e,am s&hed" ed :8onda) being the first da) of the wee0)' ,. 3amesh &orre&t ) remembers that his e,am is s&hed" ed on a da) after T"esda)- ;"t before Th"rsda) of the same wee0.

,,. 3amesh7s father &orre&t ) remembers that 3amesh7s e,am is s&hed" ed on the third da) of the wee0. "5. <ow man) mar0s has /"man s&ored in the test' :8a,im"m mar0s 20) ,. /"man s&ored two+digit mar0s. <er mar0s were not in de&ima s. ,,. /"man s&ored more than 9 mar0s in the test. Directions (Q. !!-!"): #tu $ the information gi%en below an answer the gi%en questions: (n a &ertain &ode 7fa&ing *rob ems with hea th7 is &oded as 7m * h t ngi sn077hea th *rob ems on rise7 is &oded as 7h t sa rt$ m *7- 7rise with e$er) &ha enge7 is &oded as 7sn0 rt$ lne ri)7 and 7fa&ing &ha enge ea&h da)7 is &oded as 7ngi ri) no* h"s7. "". %hat &o" d be a &ode for =lne=' 1) fa&ing 2) with 3) e$er) 4) rise 5) &ha enge "2. =ri) rt$ roi= &o" d be a &ode for whi&h of the fo owing' 1) rise abo$e &ha enge 2) rise hea th &ha enge 3) da) rise &ha enge 4) with rise &ha enge 5) &ha enge e$er) rise "3. %hi&h of the fo owing is the &ode for =fa&ing=' 1) no* 2) rt$ 3) ngi 4) sn0 5) sa "4. =ri) sn0 m *= &o" d be a &ode for whi&h of the fo owing' 1) *rob em e$er) da) 2) &ha enge with hea th 3) with hea th da) 4) e$er) &ha enge fa&ing 5) &ha enge fa&ing with "5. %hi&h of the fo owing is the &ode for 7da)7' 1) ri) 2) no* 3) ngi 4) h"s 5) Cannot be determined Directions (Q. !6-&!): &tudy the information gi en below and answer the gi en 0uestions. 4ight friends .- ;- C- 5- 4- 6- > and < are sitting in a &ir& e- b"t not ne&essari ) in the same order. 6o"r of them are fa&ing o"tside and fo"r of them are fa&ing the &entre. 4 fa&es o"tside. ;oth the immediate neighbo"rs of 4 fa&e the &entre. < sits se&ond to the right of 4. ; sits third to the eft of 4.

5 fa&es the &entre. ;oth the immediate neighbo"rs of 5 fa&e o"tside. > sits se&ond to the eft of .. ; sits third to the right of <. 6 is an immediate neighbo"r of 5. C is an immediate neighbo"r of >. 5 is not an immediate neighbo"r of ;. "6. %ho amongst the fo owing sits on the immediate right of <' 1) . 2) 5 3) C 4) > 5) None of these "7. %ho amongst the fo owing sits third to the right of .' 1) 5 2) 4 3) 6 4) . 5) None of these "3. 6o"r of the fo owing fi$e are a i0e in a &ertain wa)- based on the information gi$en abo$e and so form a gro"*. %hi&h is the one that does not be ong to that gro"*' 1) <. 2) 6< 3) >C 4) 5. 5) .4 "4. (f a the *eo* e are made to sit in an a *habeti&a order- in & o&0wise dire&tionstarting from .- the *osition of whom amongst the fo owing remains the same :e,& "ding .)' 1) 4 2) 6 3) C 4) > 5) None of these 25. <ow man) *eo* e are seated between . and C :&o"nting & o&0wise from .)' 1) Two 2) 6o"r 3) None 4) 9ne 5) Three 2". %ho amongst the fo owing sits e,a&t ) between 6 and C :and is a so their neighbo"r)' 1) 4 2) ; 3) > 4) . 5) None of these Directions (Q. &&-'0): &tudy the information gi en below and answer the gi en 0uestions. Nine *eo* e- .- ;- C- 5- 4- 6- >- < and ? sta) in a b"i ding- b"t not ne&essari ) in the same order. The b"i ding has nine f oors and on ) one *erson sta)s on one f oor. . of them own one &ar ea&h- and ea&h &ar is of a different &o o"r- ie b "e- gre)- whiteb a&0- )e ow- green- red- orange and *in0- b"t not ne&essari ) in the same order. The

>ro"nd f oor is n"mbered 1- the f oor abo$e it is n"mbered 2- and so onand the to*most f oor is n"mbered 9. < owns a b a&0+&o o"red &ar and sta)s on an e$en+n"mbered f oor. ./ta)s on an) e$en+n"mbered f oor be ow the f oor on whi&h < sta)s. The one who owns an orange &o o"red &ar sta)s on the fo"rth f oor. 4 sta)s on the se&ond f oor and owns a white&o o"red &ar. The one who owns a *in0+&o o"red &ar sta)s on the third f oor. .does not own a green+&o o"red &ar. There are two f oors between the f oors on whi&h the *eo* e owning the red and the b a&0+&o o"red &ars sta). C owns a gre)+&o o"red &ar. There are three f oors between the f oors on whi&h C and > sta). 5 sta)s on a f oor immediate ) abo$e ?7s f oor. There is one f oor between the f oors on whi&h 6 and > sta). 6 does not own the *in0+ &o o"red &ar. The one who owns the b "e &ar sta)s on the to*most f oor. 6 does not sta) on the gro"nd f oor. 22. %ho amongst the fo owing owns the green+&o o"red &ar 1) 5 2) ? 3) > 4) 6 5) None of these 23. %ho amongst the fo owing sta)s on the to*most f oor' 1) 6 2) > 3) 5 4) C 5) None of these 24. . owns a &ar of whi&h of the fo owing &o o"rs' 1) 9range 2) 1in0 3) @e ow 4) ; "e 5) None of these 25. %ho sta)s on the f oor whi&h is e,a&t ) between the f oor on whi&h < sta)s and the f oor on whi&h . sta)s' 1) ; 2) > 3) C 4) 6 5) None of these 26. <ow man) f oors are there between the f oor on whi&h ? sta)s and the f oor on whi&h C sta)s' 1) 9ne 2) Two 3) None 4) Three 5) 8ore than three 27. %hi&h of the fo owing is tr"e as *er the gi$en information' 1) ; sta)s on a f oor immediate ) be ow the f oor on whi&h < sta)s.

2) > sta)s on a f oor immediate ) abo$e the f oor on whi&h . sta)s. 3) 6 sta)s on the eighth f oor. 4) 5 owns the orange+&o o"red &ar. 5) None is tr"e 23. 9n whi&h of the fo owing f oors does > sta)s' 1) 1st 2) 6th 3) 5th 4) 7th 5) None of these 24. ; is re ated to C in the same wa) as < is re ated to 4 as *er the gi$en information. 6o owing the same *attern- 6 is re ated to whi&h of the fo owing' 1) ? 2) 5 3) . 4) > 5) None of these 35. %hat is the &o o"r of the &ar of the *erson who sta)s on the gro"nd f oor' 1) 3ed 2) >reen 3) @e ow 4) >re) 5) None of these 3". <ow man) meaningf" words &an be made with the a *habets 5- 3- < and .ea&h being "sed on ) on&e in ea&h word' 1) None 2) 9ne 3) Two 4) Three 5) 8ore than three 32. <ow man) s"&h *airs of etters are there in the word T4A41.T<@ea&h of whi&h has as man) etters between them in the word :in both forward and ba&0ward dire&tions)- as the) ha$e between them in the 4ng ish a *habeti&a series' 1) 9ne 2) Two 3) None 4) Three 5) 8ore than three Direction (Q. ''-'"): (our of the following fi%e are ali)e in a certain wa$ an so form a grou*. +hich is the one that oes not belong to that grou*, 33. 1) 3e*air 2) 8end 3) Corre&t 4) 3e&tif) 5) Tro"b e 34. 1) 4m* o)ed 2) Trained 3) <ired 4) .**ointed 5) Commissioned 35. 1) 2"i&0 2) ;ris0 3) 2"iet 4) 6ast 5) 3a*id 36. 6o"r of the fo owing fi$e are a i0e in a &ertain wa) :based on the 4ng ish a *habeti&a series) and hen&e form a gro"*. %hi&h is the one that does not be ong to that gro"* if the 4ng ish a *habeti&a series is bro0en into two e!"a ha $es- ie the first 13 a *habets are & "bbed together and the ast 13 a *habets are & "bbed

se*arate )' 1) 6< 2) /B 3) 8. 4) CC 5) A; Directions (Q. '7--0): ,n each of these 0uestions, relationshi2 between different elements is shown in the statements. 6he statements are followed by two conclusions. Gi e answer 1) if on ) &on& "sion ( is tr"e. 2) if on ) &on& "sion (( is tr"e. 3) if either &on& "sion ( or (( is tr"e. 4) if neither &on& "sion ( nor (( is tr"e. 5) if both the &on& "sions ( and (( are tr"e. !37#33$% &tatements% . D ; E CF 4 E 6F 4 5DC 37. 'onclusions% (. ;G4 ((. 6G; 33. 'onclusions% (. CG6 ((. .DC !34#45$% &tatements% ( ?F CG D8F ?ECF > <E( 34. 'onclusions% ( <G? ((. ?G> 45. 'onclusions% (. AD? ((. ?G8 Directions (Q. -!-"0): In each of the questions gi%en below which one of the fi%e answer figures on the right shoul come after the *roblem figures on the left, if the sequence were continue , (roblem Figures 4". /nswer Figures (roblem Figures 42. /nswer Figures (roblem Figures 43. /nswer Figures (roblem Figures 44. /nswer Figures (roblem Figures 45. /nswer Figures (roblem Figures 46.

/nswer Figures (roblem Figures 47. /nswer Figures (roblem Figures 43. /nswer Figures (roblem Figures 44. /nswer Figures (roblem Figures 55. /nswer Figures

6est#,,% 7uantitati e /2titude

Directions (Q. "!-""): +hat will come in *lace of question mar) (,) in the following questions, 5". :

10)2H :

2 H 5)2 E :')3 22 1)

2 2) 2 3) 16 4) 8 5) None of these 52. 55I of

2116 0.01 E ' 20 1) 126.5 2) 126.6 3) 124.6 4) 125.4 5) None of these 53.


24H193H 7 5 E :')2

1) 3

2 2) 4

2 3) 5

2 4) 18 5) 32 54.


0.64 252 E :')2 36 1) 81 2) 64 3) 8 4) 7 5) 9 55. :1.69)4 :2197 1000)3 :0.13 10)3 E :1.3)' 2 1) 6 2) 2 3) 4 4) 0 5) None of these Directions (Q. "6-60): 8hat a22ro9imate alue will come in 2lace of 0uestion mark !:$ in the following 0uestions: !1ou are not e92ected to calculate the e9act alue$. 56. 68I of 1288 H 26I of 734 +215E' 1) 620 2) 930 3) 540 4) 850 5) 710 57. :32.05)2 :18.9)2 :11.9)2 E ' 1) 670 2) 530 3) 420 4) 780 5) 960 53. 6578 67 15E' ,6 1) 200 2) 250 3) 150 4) 100 5) 300 679 23 126 54. E ' 45 2130 169 1) 540 2) 760 3) 800 4) 1260 5) 1040 65.



689 E'13 1) 840 2) 910 3) 1320 4) 1120 5) 1550 Directions (Q. 6!-6'): 8hat will come in 2lace of 0uestion mark !:$ in the following number series: 6". 987 587 331 187 123 :') 1) 104 2) 113 3) 107 4) 114 5) None of these 62. 125 171 263 401 585 :') 1) 835 2) 815 3) 792 4) 788 5) None of these 63. 121 132 167 226 309 :') 1) 424 2) 413 3) 427 4) 416 5) None of these Directions (Q. 6--6"): ,n the following number series, only one is wrong. Find out the wrong number. 64. 454 327 648 524 842 713 1036 1) 327 2) 648 3) 521 4) 842 5) 713 65. 72.5 86 113 168 275 491 923 1) 86 2) 113 3) 168 4) 275 5) 491 Directions (Q.66-70): In the following questions, two equations numbere I an II4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these 72. The ratio between the three ang es of a !"adri atera is 3 # 5 # 9. The $a "e of the fo"rth ang e of the !"adri atera is 71. %hat is the differen&e between the argest and the sma est ang es of the !"adri atera ' 1) 82 2) 106 3) 102 4) 92 5) None of these 73. (f twent)fi$e *er&ent of three+se$enths of twent) si, *er&ent of a n"mber is 136.5- what is the n"mber' 1) 6300 2) 5600 3) 4800 4) 4900 5) None of these

74. The ratio between the s*eed of a tr"&0- &ar and train is 3#8#12. The &ar mo$ed "niforma ) and &o$ered a distan&e of 1040 0m in 13 ho"rs. %hat is the a$erage s*eed of the tr"&0 and the train together' 1) 75CmJhr 2) 60CmJhr 3) 480mJhr 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these 75. The se&ond argest and the sma est ang es of a triang e are in the ratio of 6#5. The differen&e between the se&ond argest ang e and the sma est ang e of the triang e is e!"a to 9. %hat is the differen&e between the sma est and the argest ang es of the triang e' 1) 36 2) 24 3) 12 4) 18 5) None of these are gi%en. .ou ha%e to sol%e both the equations an gi%e answer 1) if , D ) 2) if , ) 3) if , G ) 4) if , ) 5) if , E ) or re ationshi* &annot be estab ished 66. ,. 4, H 3) E :1600)1J2 ,,. 6, 5) E :484)1J2 67. ,. 2,2 :4

13), H 2

13 E 0 ,,. 10)2 :18 H 5

13)) 9

13 E 0 63. ,. :6,2 H 17) :3,2 H 20) E 0 ,,. :5)2 12) :9)2 16) E 0 64. ,. :169)1J2 , H

289 E 134 ,,. :361)1J2 )2 270 E 1269 75. ,. 821,2 757,2 E 256 ,,.

196 )3 12)3 E 16 7". 3ita7s *resent age is fo"r times her da"ghter7s *resent age and two+ thirds of her mother7s *resent age. The tota of the *resent ages of a of them is 154 )ears. %hat is the differen&e between 3ita7s and her mohter7s *resent age' 1) 28 )ears 2) 34 )ears 3) 32 )ears 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these 72. The ratio between the three ang es of a !"adri atera is 3 # 5 # 9. The $a "e of the fo"rth ang e of the !"adri atera is 71. %hat is the differen&e between the argest and the sma est ang es of the !"adri atera ' 1) 82 2) 106 3) 102 4) 92 5) None of these 73. (f twent)fi$e *er&ent of three+se$enths of twent) si, *er&ent of a n"mber is 136.5- what is the n"mber' 1) 6300 2) 5600 3) 4800 4) 4900 5) None of these 74. The ratio between the s*eed of a tr"&0- &ar and train is 3#8#12. The &ar mo$ed "niforma ) and &o$ered a distan&e of 1040 0m in 13 ho"rs. %hat is the a$erage s*eed of the tr"&0 and the train together' 1) 75CmJhr 2) 60CmJhr 3) 480mJhr 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these 75. The se&ond argest and the sma est ang es of a triang e are in the ratio of 6#5. The differen&e between the se&ond argest ang e and the sma est ang e of the triang e is e!"a to 9. %hat is the differen&e between the sma est and the argest ang es of the triang e' 1) 36 2) 24 3) 12 4) 18 5) None of these 76. The &ir&"mferen&e of a &ir& e is twise the *erimeter of a re&tang e. The area of the &ir& e is 5544 /!&m. %hat is the area of the re&tang e if the ength of the re&tang e is 40&m'

1) 1120 /! &m 2) 1020 /! &m 3) 1140 /! &m 4) 1040 /! &m 5) None of these 77. . 476+metre+ ong mo$ing train &rosses a *o e in 14 se&onds. The ength of a * atform is e!"a to the distan&e &o$ered b) the train in 20 /e&onds. . man &rosses the same * atform in 7 min"tes and 5 se&onds. %hat is the s*eed of the man in metreJ se&ond' 1) 1.8 mJs 2) 1.4 mJs 3) 1.6 Bni$ersit) 4 and Bni$ersit) 6 together is e,a&t ) e!"a to the n"mber of tea&hers of whi&h Bni$ersit)' 1) Bni$ersit) . 2) Bni$ersit) ; 3) Bni$ersit) C 4) Bni$ersit) 5 5) Bni$ersit) 6 34. (f one+thirt)si,th of the tea&hers from Bni$ersit) 6 are 1rofessors and the sa ar) of ea&h *rofessor is 3s.96000- %hat wi be the tota sa ar) of a the *rofessors together from Bni$ersit) 6' 1)3s.307.2 Aa0h 2)3s 32.64 a0h 3)3s 3.072 Aa0h 4)3s3.264 a0h 5) None of these 35. %hat is the a$erage n"mber of tea&hers in Bni$ersit) .- Bni$ersit) C- Bni$ersit) 5 and Bni$ersit) 6 together' 1) 854 2) 3546 3) 3456 4) 874 5) None of these Directions: (Q. /6-00): &tudy the table carefully to answer the 0uestions that follow ;umber of cars !in thousand$ of two models !<asic and (remium$ 2roduced mJs 4) 2 mJs 5) 1.2 mJs 73. Two+Thirds of 3anKit7s month ) sa ar) is e!"a to 3aman7s month ) /a ar). 3aman7s 8onth ) sa ar) is thirt) *er&ent more than 1awan7s month ) sa ar). 1awan7s 8onth ) sa ar) is `32000. %hat is 3anKit7s month ) sa ar)' 1) `64200 2) `62500 3) `64500 4) `62400 5) None of these 74. The sim* e interest a&&r"ed on a s"m of a &ertain 1rin&i*a is `35-6727 in se$en )ears at the rate of 8 *&*a. %hat wo" d be the &om*o"nd interest a&&r"ed on that *rin&i*a at the rate of 2 *&*a in 2 )ears'

1) `2573.48 2) `2564.86 3) `2753.86 4) `2654.48 5) None of these 35. (n a & ass there are 60 st"dents- o"t of whom 15 *er&ent are gir s. 4a&h gir 7s month ) fee is 250 and ea&h bo)7s month ) fee is 34 *er&ent more than a gir . %hat is the tota month ) fees of gir s and bo)s together' 1) `19335 2) `18435 3) `19345 4) `19435 5) None of these Directions (Q. /!-/"): &tudy the following 2ie#chart and answer the following 0uestions. (ercentagewise distribution of teachers in si9 different uni ersities. 6otal number of teachers = 6455 (ercentage of 6eachers 3". The n"mber of tea&hers in Bni$ersit) ; is a**ro,imate ) what *er&ent of the tota n"mber of tea&hers in Bni$ersit) 5 and Bni$ersit) 4 together' 1) 55 2) 59 3) 49 4) 45 5) 65 32. (f twent) fi$e *er&ent of the tea&hers in Bni$ersit) C are fema es%hat is the n"mber of ma e tea&her in Bni$ersit) C' 1) 922 2) 911 3) 924 4) 912 5) None of these
6 18I 4 29I . 11I ; 17I C 19I 5 6I

33. The differen&e between the tota n"mber of tea&hers in Bni$ersit) .Bni$ersit) ; and Bni$ersit) C together and the tota n"mber of tea&hers in Bni$ersit) 5Bni$ersit) 4 and Bni$ersit) 6 together is e,a&t ) e!"a to the n"mber of tea&hers of whi&h Bni$ersit)' 1) Bni$ersit) . 2) Bni$ersit) ; 3) Bni$ersit) C 4) Bni$ersit) 5 5) Bni$ersit) 6 34. (f one+thirt)si,th of the tea&hers from Bni$ersit) 6 are 1rofessors and the sa ar) of ea&h *rofessor is 3s.96000- %hat wi be the tota sa ar) of a the *rofessors together from Bni$ersit) 6'

1)3s.307.2 Aa0h 2)3s 32.64 a0h 3)3s 3.072 Aa0h 4)3s3.264 a0h 5) None of these 35. %hat is the a$erage n"mber of tea&hers in Bni$ersit) .- Bni$ersit) C- Bni$ersit) 5 and Bni$ersit) 6 together' 1) 854 2) 3546 3) 3456 4) 874 5) None of these Directions: (Q. /6-00): &tudy the table carefully to answer the 0uestions that follow ;umber of cars !in thousand$ of two models !<asic and (remium$ 2roduced by fi e different com2anies in fi e different years 36. The n"mber of &ars of *remi"m mode *rod"&ed b) &om*an) 5 in the )ear 2009 was a**ro,imate ) what *er&ent of the tota n"mber of &ars :both mode s) *rod"&ed b) Com*an) C in the )ear 2007' 1) 70 2) 51 3) 56 )ear 2007 and ?)oti7s month ) in&ome in the )ear 2005' 1) 6#3#5 2) 6#4#5 3) 5#6#4 4) 5#4#7 5) None of these 43. (n %hi&h )ear was th the differen&e between the tota n"mber of te e$isions and mobi e *hones together and the n"mber of &a &" ators *rod"&ed' 1) 534 2) 524 3) 511 4) 523 5) None of these " Con$ersion of assets into &ash+ 2) Con$ersion of i ega ) obtained mone) into a&&o"ntab e mone) 3) Con$ersion of &ash into go d 4) Con$ersion of go d into &ash 5) None of These "54. >o den re$o "tion refers to the de$eo o*ment of whi&h of the fo owing agri&" t"ra *rod"&ts' e differen&e between ?)oti7s and .r"n7s mont ) in&ome the se&ond highest' <asic (remium <asic (remium <asic (remium 2006 4.4 2.5 5.6 2.4 5.4 6.1 7.6 7.5 2.7 5.1 2007 4.9 7.2 9.4 7.2 7.5 8.3 8.4 4.9 4.2 5.5 2008 13.6 15.5 14.8 9.5 12.8 9.9 9.2 8.2 7.7 11.5 2009 6.6 13.9 11.8 11.4 16.6 18.2 10.6 10.4 7.2 12.8 2010 5.8 14.9 12.2 7.2 19.9 22.3 14.6 12.2 13.2 12.2 37. %hat was the a**ro,imate *er&entage de&rease in the n"mber of &ars of basi& mode *rod"&ed b) Com*an) ; in the )ear 2009 as &om*ared to the 1re$io"s

)ear' 1) 15 2) 20 3) 10 4) 80 5) 85 33. %hat was the a$erage n"mber of &ars of *remi"m mode *rod"&ed b) Com*an) . o$er a the )ears together' 1) 9000 2) 8000 3) 6000 4) 48000 5) None of these 34. (n whi&h )ear was the differen&e between the basi& mode and *remi"m mode of &ars *rod"&ed b) Com*an) 4 the se&ond highest' 1) 2010 2) 2006 3) 2007 4) 2008 5) 2009 45. (n whi&h Com*an) did the *rod"&tion of &ars of *remi"m mode &onsistent ) in&rease from the )ear 2006 to the )ear 2010 ' 1) ;oth C and 4 2) ;oth C and 5 3) C on ) 4) 5 on ) 5) 4 on ) Directions (Q. 0!-0") : #tu $ the following gra*h carefull$ to answer the questions that follow: >onthly income !` in thousands$ of three different 2ersons in si9 diffrent years 4". %hat was the differen&e between the tota month ) sa ar) of .r"n in a the )ears together and /"man7s month ) in&ome in the )ear 2007' 1)3s 1.24 a0h 2)3s 1.14 a0h 3)3s 11.4 a0h 4)3s 12.4 a0h 5) None of these 42. %hat is the ratio of .r"n7s month ) in&ome in the )ear 2006- /"man7s month ) in&ome in the )ear 2007 and ?)oti7s month ) in&ome in the )ear 2005' 1) 6#3#5 2) 6#4#5 3) 5#6#4 4) 5#4#7 5) None of these 43. (n %hi&h )ear was th the differen&e between the tota n"mber of te e$isions and mobi e *hones together and the n"mber of &a &" ators *rod"&ed' 1) 534 2) 524 3) 511 4) 523 5) None of these " Con$ersion of assets into &ash+ 2) Con$ersion of i ega ) obtained mone) into a&&o"ntab e mone) 3) Con$ersion of &ash into go d 4) Con$ersion of go d into &ash 5) None of These

"54. >o den re$o "tion refers to the de$eo o*ment of whi&h of the fo owing agri&" t"ra *rod"&ts' e differen&e between ?)oti7s and .r"n7s mont ) in&ome the se&ond highest' 1) 2005 2) 2006 3) 2007 4) 2009 5) 2010 44. The month ) in&ome of /"man in the )ear 2009 was a**ro,imate ) what *er&entage of the month ) in&ome of ?)oti in the )ear 2010' 1) 72 2) 89 3) 83 4) 67 5) 95 45. %hat was the *er&entage in&rease in the month ) in&ome of ?)oti in the )ear 2008 as &om*ared to the *re$io"s )ear' 1) 50 2) 150 3) 160 4) 60 5) None of these Directions (Q. 06-!00): &tudy the information carefully to answer the 0uestions that follow. . Com*an) *rod"&ed fi$e different *rod"&ts- LiM mobi e *hone- *en dri$e- &a &" atorte e$ision and washing ma&hine. The tota n"mber of a the fi$e *rod"&ts is 1650. 24I of the tota n"mber of *rod"&ts is mobi e *hones. 9ne+si,th of the tota n"mber of *rod"&ts is *en dri$es. 14I of the tota n"mber of *rod"&ts is &a &" ators. 3emaining *rod"&ts are either te e$ision or washing ma&hine. The n"mber of washing ma&hines is 50 more than the n"mber of te e$isions *rod"&ed. 46. %hat is the ratio of the n"mber of washing ma&hines to the n"mber of &a &" ators *rod"&ed b) the &om*an)' 1) 17#11 2) 19#11 3) 11#17 4) 19#13 5) None of these 47. (f 24 *er&ent of the *en dri$es are defe&ti$e- %hat is the n"mber of *en dri$es whi&h are not defe&ti$e' 1) 209 2) 215 3) 219 4) 225 5) None of these 43. The n"mber of te e$isions *rod"&ed is a**ro,imate ) what *er&ent of the tota

n"mber of &a &" ators and washing ma&hines *rod"&ed together' 1) 63 2) 55 3) 59 4) 51 5) 67 44. %hat is the differen&e between the tota n"mber of te e$isions and mobi e *hones together and the n"mber of &a &" ators *rod"&ed' 1) 534 2) 524 3) 511 4) 523 5) None of these " Con$ersion of assets into &ash+ 2) Con$ersion of i ega ) obtained mone) into a&&o"ntab e mone) 3) Con$ersion of &ash into go d 4) Con$ersion of go d into &ash 5) None of These "54. >o den re$o "tion refers to the de$eo o*ment of whi&h of the fo owing agri&" t"ra *rod"&ts' 1) 9i seeds 2) 1" ses 3) <orti&" t"ra *rod"&ts 4) Cerea s 5) 6odder ""5. %hi&h *rogramme was a"n&hed b) >o$ernment of (ndia to im*ro$e irrigation fa&i ities in r"ra (ndia' 1) .nna*"rna /&heme 2) Nationa /o&ia .ssistan&e 1rogramme 3) (ntegrated 3"ra 5e$e o*ment 1rogramme 4) /am*oorna >rameen 3oMgar @oKana 5) Nationa %atershed 5e$e o*ment 1rogramme """. 8onte0 /ingh .h "wa ia is ho ding whi&h of the fo owing *ositions at *resent' 1) Chairman of 1 anning Commission 2) >o$ernor of 3;( 3) /e&retar) of BN9 4) 4&onomi& .d$isor to 1rime 8inister 5) 5) Chairman of 1 anning Commission ""2. ;ird f " is a disease whi&h affe&ts and s*reads thro"gh' 1) Catt e 2) /hee* 3) 1rawn 4) /i 0worm 5) 1o" tr) ""3. %hi&h &o"ntr) won the 5a$is C"* tennis to"rnament 2011 he d in 5e&ember 55. %hat is the tota n"mber of *en dri$es- &a &" ators and washing ma&hines *rod"&ed b) the &om*an)' 1) 907 2) 917 3) 925 4) 905 5) None of these

6est#,,, General /wareness

"5". 8aKor *rod"&er of m" berr) si 0 in (ndia is 1) ?amm" and Cashmir 2) ?har0hand 3) Carnata0a 4) .ssam 5) <ima&ha 1radesh "52. %e &ome a&ross the term 71117 in finan&ia news nowada)s. %hat does 71117 re*resent' 1) 1ersona 1er&a*ita 1ower 2) 1ri$ate 1"b i& 1artnershi* 3) 1er &a*ita 1otentia for 1"r&hases 4) 1resent 1"r&hasing 1ower 5) 1"re 1"r&hase 1arit) "53. 8an) times we read the term 74C;7 in news*a*ers. %hat is the f" form7 of 74C;7' 1) 4ssentia Commer&ia ;an0ing 2) 4"ro*ean Credit ;orrowing 3) 4,terna Credit for ;"siness 4) 4,terna Commer&ia ;orrowing 5) None of These "54. %hat is meant b) finan&ia in& "sion' 1) 8a0ing a$ai ab e ban0ing ser$i&es at an affordab e &ost 2) 9*ening sa$ings a&&o"nts in r"ra areas witho"t an) de*osit 3) 9*ening an) t)*e of a&&o"nt witho"t introd"&tion 4) 5istrib"ting mone) thro"gh r"ra bran&hes 5) 5istrib"ting wages thro"gh ban0 a&&o"nts "55. %hi&h of these &o"ntris is the argest *rod"&er of mi 0 and mi 0 *rod"&ts in the wor d' 1) B/. 2) China 3) (ndia 4) New Nea and 5) None of These "56. %hi&h of the fo owing is the most im*ortant rabi &ro* of (ndia' 1) 3i&e 2) 8i et 3) /"gar&ane 4) >ro"ndn"t 5) 8"stard "57. %ho is the reg" ator) a"thorit) for ins"ran&e b"siness in (ndia' 1) 3;( 2) (351 3) /4;( 4) N.;.35 5) (35. "53. %hat is mone) a"ndering' 1) Con$ersion of assets into &ash+ 2) Con$ersion of i ega ) obtained mone) into a&&o"ntab e mone) 3) Con$ersion of &ash into go d 4) Con$ersion of go d into &ash 5) None of These "54. >o den re$o "tion refers to the de$eo o*ment of whi&h of the fo owing agri&" t"ra *rod"&ts' 1) 9i seeds 2) 1" ses 3) <orti&" t"ra *rod"&ts 4) Cerea s 5) 6odder ""5. %hi&h *rogramme was a"n&hed b) >o$ernment of (ndia to im*ro$e irrigation

fa&i ities in r"ra (ndia' 1) .nna*"rna /&heme 2) Nationa /o&ia .ssistan&e 1rogramme 3) (ntegrated 3"ra 5e$e o*ment 1rogramme 4) /am*oorna >rameen 3oMgar @oKana 5) Nationa %atershed 5e$e o*ment 1rogramme """. 8onte0 /ingh .h "wa ia is ho ding whi&h of the fo owing *ositions at *resent' 1) Chairman of 1 anning Commission 2) >o$ernor of 3;( 3) /e&retar) of BN9 4) 4&onomi& .d$isor to 1rime 8inister 5) 5) Chairman of 1 anning Commission ""2. ;ird f " is a disease whi&h affe&ts and s*reads thro"gh' 1) Catt e 2) /hee* 3) 1rawn 4) /i 0worm 5) 1o" tr) ""3. %hi&h &o"ntr) won the 5a$is C"* tennis to"rnament 2011 he d in 5e&ember 2011' 1) .rgentina 2) B/. 3) ."stra ia 4) ?a*an 5) /*ain ""4. %ho among the fo owing &ri&0eters re&ent ) be&ame the 10th batsman to s&ore 10000 r"ns in Test Cri&0et' 1) 8ahe a ?a)awardene 2) LiKa) No 3) @"$araK /ingh 4) @o"nis Chan 5) Bmar .0ma ""5. The Co e&ti$e /e&"rit) Treat) 9rganisation :C/T9) /"mmit too0 * a&e in 5e&ember 2011 in' 1) To0)o 2) 8os&ow 3) New 5e hi 4) 1aris 5) 1erth ""6. %ho re*resented (ndia in 12th Conse&"ti$e .nn"a (ndia+3"ssia /"mmit he d in 5e&ember 2011' 1) /mt. 1ratibha 1ati 2) 5r 8anmohan /ingh 3) /onia >andhi 4) / 8 Crishna 5) None of These ""7. %hi&h of the fo owing &"rren&ies is "sed in ;ritain' 1) 1o"nd 2) 5o ar 3) 4"ro 4) 6ran&e 5) 1esso ""3. %hi&h of the fo owing &"*sJ t"25. %hat is the f" form of the term ./;.' 1) . otment /"**orted b) ; o&0ed .mo"nt 2) .** i&ation /"**orted b) ;an0 .mo"nt 3) . otment /"**orted b) ;an0 .&&o"nt

4) .** i&ation /"**orted b) ; o&0ed .mo"nt 5) . otment and /o&ia ;an0ing .mo"nt "26. 5i*i0a 1a i0a - who won an internationa to"rnament re&ent ) in <ong Cong is a 1) >o f 1 a)er 2) ;adminton 1 a)er 3) /!"ash 1 a)er 4) /wimmer 5) Tab e Tennis 1 a)er "27. The term =5efi&it 6inan&ing= means the >o$ernment borrows mone) from the 1) (86 2) Ao&a bodies 3) 3;( 4) Aarge &or*orates 5) 1"b i& at arge "23. 3egiona 3"ra ;an0s 1) <a$e imited area of o*eration and a&&ess to refinan&e from N.;.35. 2) are re!"ired to end on ) to wea0er se&tions. 3) are mandated to %hi&h of the fo owing is N9T a ;an0ing or 6inan&e Com*an)' 1) ;ar& a) 2) A"fthansa 3) ;N1 1aribas 4) .meri&an 4,*ress 5) </;C "33. (ndia and 3"ssia were ha$ing some differen&es o$er whi&h of the fo owing n"& ear *ower * ants' 1) Caiga 2) C"dan0" am 3) 3awatbhata 4) Narora 5) None of these "34. 4,&ise d"t) is a ta, e$ied on whi&h o ro*hies is asso&iated with the game of 6ootba ' 1) >rand 1ri, 2) 3angaswami C"* 3) %imb edon Tro*h) 4) 6ifa C"* 5) 3anKi Tro*h) ""4. The head offi&e of the ;an0 of 8aharashtra is o&ated in whi&h of the fo owing &ities' 1) Co 0ata 2) New 5e hi 3) 1"ne 4) .hmedabad 5) 8"mbai "25. %hi&h &o"ntr) hosted the s"mmit of /..3C nations in the )ear 2011' 1) (ndia 2) ;ang adesh 3) Ne*a 4) 8a di$es 5) 1a0istan "2". %hi&h of the fo owing terms is not "sed in the fie d of 4&onomi&s' 1) ;a an&e of Trade 2) ;rea0 4$en 1oint 3) 1 asma 4) 6is&a 5efi&it 5) Ca*ita .&&o"nt Con$ertibi it) "22. =Carbon &redit= is &on&erned with whi&h one of these internationa ) sensiti$e iss"es'

1) 5eforestation 2) Contra&t farming 3) 3"ra infrastr"&t"re 4) 5iamond trading 5) 1rote&tion of en$ironment "23. %hi&h of the fo owing terms is "sed in the game of Cri&0et' 1) <a f Ne son 2) Ao$e 3) ;a&0 <and 5ri$e 4) 1ena t) /tro0e 5) C ean ;ow ed "24. (ndia re&ent ) signed a C"rren&) /wa* .greement with whi&h of the fo owing &o"ntries' 1) B/. 2) 1a0istan 3) ?a*an 4) >erman) 5) ."stra ia "25. %hat is the f" form of the term ./;.' 1) . otment /"**orted b) ; o&0ed .mo"nt 2) .** i&ation /"**orted b) ;an0 .mo"nt 3) . otment /"**orted b) ;an0 .&&o"nt 4) .** i&ation /"**orted b) ; o&0ed .mo"nt 5) . otment and /o&ia ;an0ing .mo"nt "26. 5i*i0a 1a i0a - who won an internationa to"rnament re&ent ) in <ong Cong is a 1) >o f 1 a)er 2) ;adminton 1 a)er 3) /!"ash 1 a)er 4) /wimmer 5) Tab e Tennis 1 a)er "27. The term =5efi&it 6inan&ing= means the >o$ernment borrows mone) from the 1) (86 2) Ao&a bodies 3) 3;( 4) Aarge &or*orates 5) 1"b i& at arge "23. 3egiona 3"ra ;an0s 1) <a$e imited area of o*eration and a&&ess to refinan&e from N.;.35. 2) are re!"ired to end on ) to wea0er se&tions. 3) are mandated to %hi&h of the fo owing is N9T a ;an0ing or 6inan&e Com*an)' 1) ;ar& a) 2) A"fthansa 3) ;N1 1aribas 4) .meri&an 4,*ress 5) </;C "33. (ndia and 3"ssia were ha$ing some differen&es o$er whi&h of the fo owing n"& ear *ower * ants' 1) Caiga 2) C"dan0" am 3) 3awatbhata 4) Narora 5) None of these "34. 4,&ise d"t) is a ta, e$ied on whi&h of the fo owing' 1) 1rod"&tion of goods 2) 1"r&hase of goods 3) 4,*ort of goods 4) /a e of goods 5) 8o$ement of goods be)ond m"ni&i*a imits "45. =(ndia and 1a0istan started fresh ta 0s on &on$entiona C;8= was the news in a

maKor news*a*ers. %hat does the etter 787 denote in the term 7C;87 as "sed abo$e' 1) 8one) 2) 8e&hanism 3) 8oda ities 4) 8eas"res 5) 8emoria "4". %hi&h of the fo owing is the "nit of e e&tri&a &"rrent' 1) ;ar 2) Ca orie 3) .m*ere 4) 5e&ibe 5) .ngstrom "42. > oba 8eet on 4merging 4&onomies was organised in 5e&ember 2011 in 1) New 5e hi 2) 5ha0a 3) (s amabad 4) Cathmand" 5) Ca*etown do on ) narrow ban0ing. 4) &an on ) e,tend agri&" t"ra oans. 5) ha$e "nrestri&ted area of o*eration. "24. 8s Christine Aagarde is ho ding whi&h of the fo owing *ositions at *resent' 1) Chief of .sian 5e$e o*ment ;an0 2) Chief of (nternationa 8onetar) 6"nd 3) Chan&e or of >erman) 4) Chief of 8organ /tan e) 5) Chief of %or d ;an0 "35. %hat is the *resent re$erse 3419 rate' 1) 7.5I 2) 8.5I 3) 8I 4) 6.5I 5) None of these "3". >enera .ssemb ) e e&tions were he d in whi&h of the fo owing North 4ast states in ?an"ar) 2012' 1) .ssam 2) 8egha a)a 3) .r"na&ha 1radesh 4) 8ani*"r 5) Tri*"ra "32. %hat is the f" form of the term 65(' 1) 6oreign 5ire&t (n$estment 2) 6oreign 5i$erse (n$estment 3) 6i,ed 5e*osit (n$estment 4) 6 oating 5e*osit (n$estment 5) 6inan&ia 5eri$ati$es in (ndia "33. The erstwhi e BT( ;an0 is *resent ) 0nown as 1) (N> L)s)a ;an0 2) @es ;an0 3) (nd"sind ;an0 4) .,is ;an0 5) (5;( ;an0 "34. %hi&h of the fo owing te e&om giants re&ent ) won its &ase against the (n&ome Ta, 5e*artment' 1) ;harti .irte 2) Lodafone 3) (dea Ce " ar

4) 3e ian&e Comm"ni&ations 5) Tata Te e&om "35. %hi&h of the fo owing &o"ntries re&ent ) attained the stat"s of wor d7s si,th argest e&onom)' 1) 3"ssia 2) ?a*an 3) China 4) (ndia 5) ;raMi "36. %hi&h of the fo owing &o"ntries de&ided to withdraw from C)oto 1roto&o ' 1) Canada 2) 3"ssia 3) (ndia 4) B/. 5) China "37. %hi&h of the fo owing is N9T a ;an0ing or 6inan&e Com*an)' 1) ;ar& a) 2) A"fthansa 3) ;N1 1aribas 4) .meri&an 4,*ress 5) </;C "33. (ndia and 3"ssia were ha$ing some differen&es o$er whi&h of the fo owing n"& ear *ower * ants' 1) Caiga 2) C"dan0" am 3) 3awatbhata 4) Narora 5) None of these "34. 4,&ise d"t) is a ta, e$ied on whi&h of the fo owing' 1) 1rod"&tion of goods 2) 1"r&hase of goods 3) 4,*ort of goods 4) /a e of goods 5) 8o$ement of goods be)ond m"ni&i*a imits "45. =(ndia and 1a0istan started fresh ta 0s on &on$entiona C;8= was the news in a maKor news*a*ers. %hat does the etter 787 denote in the term 7C;87 as "sed abo$e' 1) 8one) 2) 8e&hanism 3) 8oda ities 4) 8eas"res 5) 8emoria "4". %hi&h of the fo owing is the "nit of e e&tri&a &"rrent' 1) ;ar 2) Ca orie 3) .m*ere 4) 5e&ibe 5) .ngstrom "42. > oba 8eet on 4merging 4&onomies was organised in 5e&ember 2011 in 1) New 5e hi 2) 5ha0a 3) (s amabad 4) Cathmand" 5) Ca*etown "43. %hi&h of the fo owing awards is gi$en to the &oa&hes of s*ort *ersons' 1) Ca idas /amman 2) 5rona&har)a .ward 3) .rK"na .ward 4) 5ada /aheb 1ha 0e .ward 5) /araswati /amman "44. %hi&h of the fo owing &o"ntries re&ent ) agreed to se Brani"m to (ndia' 1) ."stra ia 2) B/. 3) (ran 4) >erman) 5) ;ang adesh

"45. %hi&h of the fo owing s&hemes a"n&hed b) the >o$ernment of (ndia is aimed demand- :153) b) a n"mber of !"a&0s who *ra&tise medi&ine in r"ra areas. The !"a it) of infrastr"&t"re is "s"a ) *oor and *eo* e :154) "* ha$ing to go to nearb) arge &ities if the) need high+!"a it) &are. 3"ra (ndia deser$es better- sin&e the abi it) to *a) has gone "* o$er the ast few )ears- dri$en b) growth in in&ome and *enetration of go$ernment hea th&are *rogrammes. (n&reasing demand- :155) with the fai "re of e,isting infrastr"&t"re to s&a ehas res" ted in r"ra hea th&are :156) a arge "nder+ser$ed mar0et. .bsen&e of a $iab e b"siness mode :157) &on$ersion of the h"ge r"ra e,*endit"re on hea th into an e&onomi& a&ti$it) that generates in&omes and :158) the *oor. (t is this :159) that entre*rene"rs at de$e o*ing r"ra (nfrastr"&t"re' 1) 8N34>. 2) ./<. 3) ;harat Nirman 4) 9*eration 6 ood 5) 9*eration ; a&0 board "46. %ho among the fo owing is a famo"s /*orts *erson' 1) 5han"sh 2) /aina Nehwa 3) Char es Correa 3) .Kit /ingh 5) Cim ?ong+Bn "47. /*eed of a shi* is e,*ressed in 1) Ci ometre 2) <orse*ower 3) 9hm 4) Cnot 5) Co" omb "43. B/.and some other 4"ro*ean &o"ntries re&ent ) im*osed fresh san&tions on whi&h of the fo owing &o"ntries as the) are not in fa$o"r of its n"& ear ad$an&ement' 1) (ra! 2) 1a0istan 3) (ndia 4) (ran 5) C"wait "44. %ho among the fo owing has written the boo0 5r Nhi$ago' 1) 1ear / ;"&0 2) <> %e s 3) /a" ;e ow 4) 4mi e No a 5) ;oris 1asterna0 "55. @oshihi0o Noda was on a $isit to (ndia re&ent ). <e is the *resent 1rime 8inister of 1) 8)anmar 2) /o"th Corea 3) North Corea 4) ?a*an 5) None of these

6est#,+% *nglish ?anguage

Directions (Q. !"!-!60): (n the fo owing *assage there are b an0s- ea&h of whi&h has been n"mbered. These n"mbers are *rinted be ow the *assage and against ea&h- fi$e wordsJ*hrases are s"ggested- one of whi&h fits the b an0 a**ro*riate ). 6ind o"t the a**ro*riate wordJ*hrase in ea&h &ase. 3"ra hea th&are in (ndia is :151) b) a h"ge ga* between s"** ) and demand. C"rrent )- r"ra hea th&are needs are :152) either b) imited go$ernment fa&i ities and *ri$ate n"rsing homes- whi&h ha$e not bean ab e to 0ee* *a&e with in&reasing demand- :153) b) a n"mber of !"a&0s who *ra&tise medi&ine in r"ra areas. The !"a it) of infrastr"&t"re is "s"a ) *oor and *eo* e :154) "* ha$ing to go to nearb) arge &ities if the) need high+!"a it) &are. 3"ra (ndia deser$es better- sin&e the abi it) to *a) has gone "* o$er the ast few )ears- dri$en b) growth in in&ome and *enetration of go$ernment hea th&are *rogrammes. (n&reasing demand- :155) with the fai "re of e,isting infrastr"&t"re to s&a ehas res" ted in r"ra hea th&are :156) a arge "nder+ser$ed mar0et. .bsen&e of a $iab e b"siness mode :157) &on$ersion of the h"ge r"ra e,*endit"re on hea th into an e&onomi& a&ti$it) that generates in&omes and :158) the *oor. (t is this :159) that entre*rene"rs are oo0ing to :160). "5". 1) 1erformed strike as a mar0 of *rotest' 1) for a one da) stri0e 2) for a stri0e 3) on a da)7s ong stri0e 4) on a da)+ ong stri0ing 5) No &orre&tion re!"ired Directions (Q. !66-!70): )earrange the following fi e sentences !/$, !<$, !'$, !@$ and !*$ in the 2ro2er se0uence to form a meaningful 2aragra2hA then answer the 0uestions gi en below them.

:.) The *o i&) ma0ers in most of the de$e o*ing e&onomies re&ognise this im*ortan&e and ha$e been im* ementing a host of *rogrammes and meas"res to a&hie$e r"ra de$e o*ments obKe&ti$es2) dis* a)ed 3) f"rthered 4) &hara&terised 5) made "52. 1) sto**ed 2) met 3) e e$ated 4) dis&"ssed 5) set "53. 1) a so 2) nor 3) b"t 4) or 5) and "54. 1) end 2) gi$e 3) fed 4) start 5) set "55. 1) &o"* e 2) &ombined 3) mentioning 4) engaged 5) res" ting "56. 1) be&ome 2) ha**ening 3) being 4) e,ists 5) is "57. 1) to 2) ma0es 3) so 4) &easing 5) *re$ents "53. 1) generates 2) s"** ies 3) ists 4) t"rns 5) ser$es "54. 1) ga* 2) tr"th 3) *rogress 4) &atastro*hes 5) di$ides "65. 1) fi s 2) a&&ess 3) * "g 4) form 5) distan&e Directions (Q. !6!-!6"): 8hich of the 2hrases !"$, !2$, !3$ and !4$ gi en below each sentence should re2lace the wordB2hrase 2rinted in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct: ,f the sentence is correct as it is gi en and C;o correction is re0uiredC, mark !5$ as the answer. "6". . freeMing morning a&&om*anied b) a dense &o$er of fog set the toning for the &oming wee0end. 1) 0ee*ing tone 2) started the toning 3) 0e*t the tone 4) set the tone 5) No &orre&tion re!"ired "62. The Kai is in the news again with the finding of a *isto and some b" ets' 1) to finding 2) with find 3) finding 4) on fo"nd 5) No &orre&tion re!"ired "63. The s*a&e+&r"n&hed &it) throws "* se$era stories of str"gg e that s&hoo s ha e had 2utu2 with to win * a)gro"nds for their st"dents'

1) ha$e had to *"t "* to 2) had *"t "* on 3) ha$e had to *"t "* with 4) had to *"t "* to 5) No &orre&tion re!"ired "64. *motions rang high as both fami ies were ta0en to the *o i&e station ast night' 1) 4motions went higher 2) 4motion be&ame high 3) 4motiona ) high 4) 4motions ran high 5) No Corre&tion re!"ired "65. %or0 at a the &o"rt &om* e,es was *ara )sed as aw)ers went on a day#long strike as a mar0 of *rotest' 1) for a one da) stri0e 2) for a stri0e 3) on a da)7s ong stri0e 4) on a da)+ ong stri0ing 5) No &orre&tion re!"ired Directions (Q. !66-!70): )earrange the following fi e sentences !/$, !<$, !'$, !@$ and !*$ in the 2ro2er se0uence to form a meaningful 2aragra2hA then answer the 0uestions gi en below them. :.) The *o i&) ma0ers in most of the de$e o*ing e&onomies re&ognise this im*ortan&e and ha$e been im* ementing a host of *rogrammes and meas"res to a&hie$e r"ra de$e o*ments obKe&ti$es. :;) %hi e some of these &o"ntries ha$e a&hie$ed im*ressi$e res" ts from those *rogrammes and meas"res- others ha$e fai ed to ma0e a signifi&ant dent in the *rob em of *ersistent r"ra "nderde$e o*ment. :C) The so&io+e&onomi& dis*arties between r"ra and "rban areas are windening. 6orest de*artment offi&ia s said that when the e e*hants were made to +++ from their tr"&0s- the) went straight to the s*ot where the) had been +++ d"ring the &am*. 1) K"m*- 0i ed 2) a ight- tied 3) enter- h"rt 4) ste*- * a)ed 5) e,it- enKo)ed "72. 4,&ise offi&ia s seiMed *o"&hes of whis0) +++ a b"s tra$e ing +++ 8aharashtra. 1) from- to 2) in- for 3) for- towards 4) inside- on 5)thro"gh- ti "73. 9rganisations ++++ for the $i&tims +++ the inh"man and "nK"st attit"de of the go$ernment.

1) fighting- a** a"ded 2) obb)ing- s"**orted 3) wor0ing- &ondemned 4) stand- o**osed 5) tr)ing- s*o0e "74. . &o ision between two b"ses +++ si, *eo* e dead- +++ the dri$er of one of the b"ses. 1) made- a so 2) eft- in& "ding 3) &a"sed- &ombined 4) res" ted- e,&e*t 5) got- s"r*assing and &reating tremendo"s *resss"re on the so&ia and e&onomi& fabri& of man) s"&h de$e o*ing e&onomi&s :5) These fa&tors- among man) others- tend to high ight the im*ortan&e of r"ra de$e o*ment. :4) . tho"gh mi ions of r"ra *eo* e ha$e es&a*ed *o$ert) as a res" t of r"ra de$e o*ment in man) .sian Co"ntries- a arge maKorit) of r"ra *eo* e &ontin"e to s"ffer from *ersistent *o$ert). "66. %hi&h of the fo owing sho" d be the T<(35 senten&e after rearrangement' 1) . 2) ; 3) C 4) 5 5) 4 "67. %hi&h of the fo owing sho" d be the A./T :6(6T<) senten&e after rearrangement' 1) . 2) ; 3) C 4) 5 5) 4 "63. %hi&h of the fo owing sho" d be the 69B3T< senten&e after rearrangement' 1) C 2) ; 3) . 4) 5 5) 4 "64. %hi&h of the fo owing sho" d be the 6(3/T senten&e after rearrangement' 1) . 2) ; 3) C 4) 5 5) 4 "75. %hi&h of the fo owing sho" d /4C9N5 senten&e after rearrangement' 1) 5 2) 4 3) C 4) ; 5) . Directions (Q. !7!-!7"): *ach 0uestion below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. 'hoose the set of words for each blank which best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

"7". 6orest de*artment offi&ia s said that when the e e*hants were made to +++ from their tr"&0s- the) went straight to the s*ot where the) had been +++ d"ring the &am*. 1) K"m*- 0i ed 2) a ight- tied 3) enter- h"rt 4) ste*- * a)ed 5) e,it- enKo)ed "72. 4,&ise offi&ia s seiMed *o"&hes of whis0) +++ a b"s tra$e ing +++ 8aharashtra. 1) from- to 2) in- for 3) for- towards 4) inside- on 5)thro"gh- ti "73. 9rganisations ++++ for the $i&tims +++ the inh"man and "nK"st attit"de of the go$ernment. 1) fighting- a** a"ded 2) obb)ing- s"**orted 3) wor0ing- &ondemned 4) stand- o**osed 5) tr)ing- s*o0e "74. . &o ision between two b"ses +++ si, *eo* e dead- +++ the dri$er of one of the b"ses. 1) made- a so 2) eft- in& "ding 3) &a"sed- &ombined 4) res" ted- e,&e*t 5) got- s"r*assing "75. The &o"rt +++ re$en"e a"thorities and 1C; offi&ia s to +++ teams and $isit *harma "nits 1) dire&ted- form 2) anno"n&ed- arrange 3) &ommanded- dis* a) 4) r" ed- ma0e 5) to d- &ar$e Directions (Q.!76-!00): )ead each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. 6he error, if any, will be in one 2art of the sentence. 6he number of that 2art is the answer. ,f there is C;o errorC, the answer is 5. !,gnore errors of 2unctuation, if any$ "76. 1) The transit s)stem7s "ndergro"ndJ 2) t"nne s and stations wi J 3) be &onstr"&tedJ 4) ne,t heritage str"&t"res.J 5) No error "77. 1) 3esidents ha$e bto gi$e oans to farmers for boosting *rod"&tion in one wa) or the other. /o far ban0s had been concentrated in the bigger &ities and (ndian $i agers had no faith in them. The new ban0s a so intend to re+&hanne ban0 &redit+ from the big ind"stries to the sma .nother diff"&" t) for the r"ra ban0s is that oans &annot be *ro&essed so easi ).

1ro&essing oans a so entails hea$) e,*endit"re. This was a so going to affe&t their finan&ia *osition. /ti the estab ishment of the r"ra ban0s was de&ided be&a"se the so&ia ad$antages were more im*ortant than the &ommer&ia &onsideration. 3"ra ban0s definite ) en&o"rage sa$ings. No do"bt the $i agers do not ha$e to *a) in&ome ta, and the) get man) other &on&essions- )et their sa$ings is not significant. 5es*ite a the h"rd es- the r"ra ban0ing s)stemeen * antingJ 2) the ornamenta trees o"tsideJ 3) their homes and in awns toJ 4) add bea"t) and gi$e their * a&e a grand oo0.J 5) No error "73. 1) . diamond Kewe er7s *eonJ 2) ti**ed off a gangJ 3) abo"t the go d 4) in his em* o)er7s $a" t.J 5) No error "74. 1) <e said that the *erforman&e of the (ndian teamJ 2) was satisfa&tor) at the internationa meetJ 3) and that the) earnt a ot fromJ 4) wat&hing to* seeded * a)ers thro"gh a&tion at the grand s amJ 5)No error "35. 1) %at&hing the 4,*onentia J2) ta ent of wor d tennisJ 3) %as the best thingsJ 4) to ha**en to him.J 5) No error "3". 1) The meeting too0 * a&e a da) afterJ 2) the agen&) he d a meeting with *roKe&t &ontra&torsJ 3) to e$a "ate ste*s that being ta0en toJ4) ens"re that the b"id ings were not affe&ted.J5) No error "32. 1) The dire&tor e,* ainedJ 2) the theme andJ3) the &on&e*t ofJ4) the internationa fo 0 festi$a .J5) No error "33. 1) The fight amongJ2) ri$a &andidates between the medi"mJ 3) of &at&h) s ogansJ 4) has started. 5J) No error "34. 1) .&ting on a ti*+offJ2) the anti+robber) s!"ad edJ 3) b) ins*e&tors aidJ4) a tra* for the robbersJ 5) No error "35. 1) The *ro&ess ofJ2) re$ising fig"res of damageJ 3) to get additiona &om*ensationJ 4) has began.J5) No error

"36. 1) 6armers who grow the &ro*J 2) are the worse hit- as the in$estmentJ 3) the) ma0e on a &ro* isJ 4)h"ge as &om*ared to the *rofit.J5) No error "37. 1) The go$enrment is made itJ2) mandator) for *harma&ies to sendJ 3) &o*ies of medi&a bi s a ong withJ 4) *res&ri*tions of dr"gs and detai s of *atients.J 5) No error. "33. 1) %hi e these s&hoo s ha$eJ 2) a strong traditona ho d- the reason forJ 3) forming a &onsorti"m in (ndia is to en&o"rage J4) &" t"ra di$ersit) for their instit"tes.J 5) No error. "34. 1) The >o$ernment soon wi ma0eJ 2) it mandator) for a *ri$ate hos*ita sJ 3) to notif) infe&tio"s &asesJ 4) as soon as the) are dete&ted.J5) No error. "45. 1) /&hoo &hi dren- who so farJ 2) ha$e had rationed a&&ess toJ 3) the few * a)gro"nds on the &it) m"st beJ 4) ha**) b) the re&ent mo$e.J 5)No error. Directions (Q. !0!-&00): )ead the following 2assage carefully and answer the 0uestions gi en below it. 'ertain wordsB 2hrases ha e been 2rinted in bold to hel2 you locate them while answering some of the 0uestions. . arge n"mber of bran&hes7 of ban0s ha$e been set "* in the $i age. The main *"r*ose of setting "* these ban0s is to de$e o* the habit of sa$ing among the $i agers and a so to gi$e oans to farmers for boosting *rod"&tion in one wa) or the other. /o far ban0s had been concentrated in the bigger &ities and (ndian $i agers had no faith in them. The new ban0s a so intend to re+&hanne ban0 &redit+ from the big ind"stries to the sma .nother diff"&" t) for the r"ra ban0s is that oans &annot be *ro&essed so easi ). 1ro&essing oans a so entails hea$) e,*endit"re. This was a so going to affe&t their finan&ia *osition. /ti the estab ishment of the r"ra ban0s was de&ided be&a"se the so&ia ad$antages were more im*ortant than the &ommer&ia &onsideration.

3"ra ban0s definite ) en&o"rage sa$ings. No do"bt the $i agers do not ha$e to *a) in&ome ta, and the) get man) other &on&essions- )et their sa$ings is not significant. 5es*ite a the h"rd es- the r"ra ban0ing s)stem- wi boost "* the e&onom) of $i ages- and thereb) the e&onom) of the &o"ntr). "4". %hi&h of the fo owing isJare the *"r*oseJs of setting "* ban0s in r"ra areas' :.) 3e* a&ing other &redit+gi$ing bodies :;) >i$ing oans to farmers :C) (n&reasing the se&tors. %ith the intention of *romoting r"ra ban0ing- regiona r"ra ban0s were estab ished. These a igned the o&a fie d with the r"ra *rob ems. These ban0s are not to re* a&e the other &redit+gi$ing bodies b"t to s"** ement them. The /teering Committee of the 3egiona 3"ra ;an0s &onsidered some str"&t"ra &hanges. 6irst of a the) ga$e tho"ght to the staffing s*e&tr"m- then to effe&ti$e &oordination among ban0s+ r"ra &oo*erati$es and &ommer&ia - and the *ossibi it) of bringing &redit within the access of wea0er se&tions. The) wanted to re&r"it staff for the r"ra ban0s at ower sa aries. ;"t this t)*e of dis&rimination wo" d ha$e been "nfr"itf" . /o it was gi$en "*. . *rob em with regard to the r"ra ban0s is the &reditworthiness of the *oor. The (ndian farmers are so *oor that the) &annot *a) ba&0 their oans. The r"ra (ndian s"r$e)s ma0e it !"ite & ear that *ra&ti&a ) r"ra farmers ha$e no &reditworthiness. Their so&io+e&onomi& mobi it) is a most Mero. That is wh) ban0s fear that their &redit wi ne$er be *aid ba&0. .nother diff"&" t) for the r"ra ban0s is that oans &annot be *ro&essed so easi ). 1ro&essing oans a so entails hea$) e,*endit"re. This was a so going to affe&t their finan&ia *osition. /ti the estab ishment of the r"ra ban0s was de&ided be&a"se the

so&ia ad$antages were more im*ortant than the &ommer&ia &onsideration. 3"ra ban0s definite ) en&o"rage sa$ings. No do"bt the $i agers do not ha$e to *a) in&ome ta, and the) get man) other &on&essions- )et their sa$ings is not significant. 5es*ite a the h"rd es- the r"ra ban0ing s)stem- wi boost "* the e&onom) of $i ages- and thereb) the e&onom) of the &o"ntr). "4". %hi&h of the fo owing isJare the *"r*oseJs of setting "* ban0s in r"ra areas' :.) 3e* a&ing other &redit+gi$ing bodies :;) >i$ing oans to farmers :C) (n&reasing the amo"nt of sa$ings of $i agers. 1) 9n ) :;) 2) 9n ) :.) and :;) 3) 9n ) :;) and :&) 4) 9n ) :.) 5) . :.)- :;) and :C) "42. The str"&t"ra &hanges made b) the /teering Committee were in res*e&t of 1) staffing- &o+ordinating and *ro$iding a&&ess to wea0er se&tions. 2) b"i ding sma er b"i dings to ho"se the ban0s 3) in$esting $er) itt e in terms of infrastr"&t"re re!"ired to start a ban0 4) dis&riminating between "rban ban0 staff and r"ra ban0 staff 5) None of these "43. %hi&h of the fo owing is *ossib ) the most a**ro*riate tit e for the *assage' 1) 3egiona 3"ra ;an0s 2) The 3"ra Cons"mer 3) 8i&rofinan&e (n 3"ra (ndia 4) Chara&teristi&s 9f (ndian Li ages 5) ;an0ing Con&e*ts (n (ndia "44. %hi&h of the fo owing is N9T T3B4 a&&ording to the *assage' 1) 1ro&essing of oans b) r"ra ban0s is diffi&" t 2) /taff of the r"ra ban0s is *aid a ower sa ar) as &om*ared to "rban ban0s. 3) 3"ra ban0s ma) not ma0e as m"&h *rofit as their "rban &o"nter*arts 4) 1ro&essing of oans b) ban0s is not &hea* 5) 3"ra farmers are- man) a time- "nab e to *a) ba&0 the oans the) a$ai . "45. %hi&h of the fo owing is one of the benefits of i$ing in the Li ageas mentioned in the *assage' 1) 1eo* e i$ing in the $i ages enKo) a higher in&ome than their "rban &o"nter*arts

2) 1eo* e i$ing in $i ages do not ha$e to *a) in&ome ta, and the) a so get other &onsessions 3) 1eo* e i$ing in $i ages ha$e a better !"a it) of ife 4) Li ages are se f+s"ffi&ientF hen&e the) do not need o"tside he * for an) a&ti$it). 5) 1eo* e i$ing in $i ages are rare ) in need of a oan. Directions (Q.!06-!0/): 'hoose the wordBgrou2 of words which is most similar in meaning to the wordBgrou2 of words 2rinted in bold as used in the 2assage. "46. '-;'*;6)/6*@ 1) & "stered 2) rigoro"s 3) attenti$e 4) di "ted 5) intense "47. /''*&& 1) admittan&e 2) rea&h 3) admission 4) entr) 5) *ermission "43. *;6/,?& 1) re&ommends 2) asts 3) ists 4) in$o $es 5) fi ters Directions (Q.!00-&00): 'hoose the wordBgrou2 of words which is most o22osite in meaning to the wordBgrou2 of words 2rinted in bold as used in the 2assage. "44. <--&6,;G 1) red"&ing 2) managing 3) o$erwhe ming 4) smoothening 5) heightening 255. &,G;,F,'/;6 1) forgettab e 2) "ntr"stworth) 3) re iab e 4) irreg" ar 5) itt e

1O1F 2+5F 3+4F 4+5F 5+2F 6+5F 7+5F 8+2F 9+3F 10+4F 11+3F 12O1F 13O3F 14+2F 15+5F 16+4F 17O3F 18+3F 19+2F 20+1F 21+2F 22+4F 23+5F 24O3F 25+4F 26+1F 27+4F 28O3F 29+1F 30O4F 31+2F 32O2F 33+5F 34+2F 35O3F 36+2F 37+1F 38+5F 39O4F 40+1F 41+4F 42+1F 43+2F 44+1F 45+5F 46O2F 47+1F 48+3F 49+1F 50+4F 51+5F 52+1F 53+1F 54+4F 55O3F 56+4F 57+2F 58O2F 59+5F 60O3F 61+3F 62+2F 63+4F 64+5F 65+3F 66+1F 67+2F 68+5F 69O2F 70+4F 71+1F 72O3F

73O4F 74+2F 75+1F 76O4F 77O3F 78O4F 79+1F 80+1F 81+3F 82O4F 83O4F 84+5F 85+5F 86+5F 87+2F 88+5F 89+5F 90+3F 91+2F 92+5F 93+2F 94+3F 95+1F 96+2F 97+1F 98+2F 99+ 5F 100O4F 101+3F 102+2F 103+4F 104+1F 105+3F 106+5F 107+5F 108+2F 109+3F 110+5F 111+5F 112+5F 113+5F 114+1F 115+2F 116+2F 117+1F 118+4F 119O3F 120+4F 121+3F 122+5F 123+5F 124O3F 125+4F 126+3F 127+3F 128+1F 129O2F 130+5F 131+4F 132+1F 133+4F 134O2F 135+5F 136+ 1F 137O2F 138+2F 139O1F 140+4F 141O3F 142+1F 143O2F 144O1F 145O3F 146O2F 147+4F 148+4F 149+5F 150+4F 151+4F 152+2F 153O4F 154O1F 155+2F 156+3F 157+5F 158+5F 159O1F 160+3F 161+4F 162O5F 163O4F 164O4F 165O5F 166O4F 167O2F 168O3F 169O 5F 170O3F 171O2F 172O1F 173O3F 174O2F 175O1F 176O4F 177O2F 178O5F 179O4F 180O 3F 181O3F 182O5F 183O2F 184O5F 185O4F 186O2F 187O1F 188O4F 189O1F 190O3F 191O 3F 192O1F 193O1F 194O2F 195O2F 196O1F 197O2F 198O4F 199O1F 200O5.

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