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Student Name: Tiffany Couch ID #:208277

Essential Skills Evidence Form StandardUse technology to learn, live and work Skills Use creativity and innovation to generate ideas !roducts or !rocesses using current techno"ogy# Use techno"ogy to !artici!ate in a $roader community through net%or&ing co""a$oration and "earning# 'ecogni(e and !ractice "ega" and res!onsi$"e $ehavior in the use and access of information and techno"ogy# Use techno"ogy as a too" to access research manage integrate and communicate ideas and information# Description of Activity/Task/Experience that demonstrates I am at or a$ove standard in the s!ecific s&i""s for the standard mentioned a$ove: In my freshman year of high schoo" I too& Intro to )ngineering and used an engineering system to create a *+D mode" train that moved around on a *+D trac&# ,ur teacher o%ned an edition of the !rogram so %e %ere a$"e to use in "ega""y at schoo" and in our homes# -fter %e had finished our trains %e had to !resent them to the teacher and to the c"ass to sho% that they %ere functioning correct"y# It %as a difficu"t !ro.ect so %e %ere a""o%ed to he"! out other mem$ers of the c"ass if there %as one !art that %e didn/t understand# The trains had s!ecific dimensions that %e had to use $ut %e got to decide ho% to design our trac& %hich turned out to $e one of the most difficu"t !arts $ecause if it %as the %rong dimensions then the train %ou"dn/t move correct"y#

Explanation/Reflection of ho% the activity0tas&0e1!erience descri$ed a$ove meets or e1ceeds the s!ecific s&i""s of the standard mentioned a$ove: I s!ent a "ot of time on this !ro.ect may$e more than the average student in c"ass $ecause engineering %as difficu"t for me# 2o%ever I %as a$"e to ma&e the trac& and train effective"y and got an - on the !ro.ect# It %as a com!"ete"y ne% system that most of us had never used $efore 3and most students %i"" never use4 $ut I %as a$"e to gain a functiona" understanding of it# -"" !arts of the system I used %ere com!"ete"y "ega" and it !resented %e""#

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