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Raj manohar Sharma.

Area sales officer 9959090337

To lead, challenge and be challenged in a mar e!ing s!ra!eg" or business#mar e! de$elo%men! %osi!ion. Anal"&e and im%ro$e mar e!ing, sales and o%era!ional %erformance. 'e$elo% %roduc!s, mar e!s and rela!ionshi%s.

Master of Business Ad inistration (ollege ) Teegala Krishna Redd" *ngineering (ollege +ni$ersi!" ) ,-T+, ."derabad, Andhra /radesh. Ba!"e#or of S!ien!e Subjec!s +ni$ersi!" ) 0a!hs, /h"sics, (om%u!er science ) 1smania +ni$ersi!", ."derabad.

Inter ediate from 2ha$an3s jr college SSC from S! ,ohn3s grammar high school.

4or ed as a Area Sales manager in KA56.6505T*' 785'*1(1- 9R1+/: from jul" ;0<< = !ill da!e $JOB &ROFILE .andling en!ire Adilabad and 0eda Terri!or". .andling !o!al direc! dealers a! m" !erri!or" le$el. (onduc!ing %romo!ional ac!i$i!ies regularl" !o increase !he $olumes. Sales forecas!ing for m" !erri!or".

5m%lemen!a!ion of Sales > /romo!ional %lan for m" !erri!or". 0o!i$a!ing !he sales !eam for e?cellen! e?ecu!ion a! mar e! %lace.

/rojec! Ti!le' Mar(et s"are ana#)sis 5ndus!r") 0odern foods *+industan Uni#e,er-

*R/ 1%era!ing S"s!em /ac ages ) SA& CRM .$/*Mar(etin01 Sa#es) 0icro Sof! 4indo@s 95#9A#;000# B/#7 ) 0S 1ffice ;007, 03

Student !"ief or0ani2er for e$en! Chalf mara!hon 345/6, a s!a!e le$el a!hle!ic mee! Student !"ief or0ani2er for college annua# da)*t")o"ar73(5/Student !"ief or0ani2er for college annua# da)*s"i2ne)73(8Or0ani2er for ste9s to su!!ess7one da" !raining %rogram: conduc!ed b" Dr$ B$V 9atta:"ira an Or0ani2er for one da) trainin0 9ro0ra conduc!ed b" Dr$)enda uri ,irendranat"

Student Se!retar) for ;<AVES6 702A S!uden!s Associa!ion:.

0" 'a!e of 2ir!h Da!her 0o!her 6anguages Kno@n S!reng!hs ) ) ) ) ) 5!h of Deb, <9AA. K.Ram mur!h" Sharma 79o$!.*m%lo"ee: K. 8asan!ha la shmi 7.ome 0a er: Telugu, .indi, and *nglish Abili!" !o do hard and smar! @or Abili!" !o recogni&e bu"ing > closing signals. 2;2 sales e?%osure

*?%erience of @or ing !o !arge!s.

'a!e ) /lace ) ."derabad *Ra= ano"ar s"ar a-

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