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LINUX 1 To check for free space on your partitions: [root@mainserver /]# df h Shutdown h now (shutdown) Power off (shutdown but manual power off) Delete (rm rf) Commands (help |more) Login Activetity (/var/log/secure) Squid Cashe Directory Create (squid z) Service Squid Status strip: The whitespace characters are stripped out of the URL. This is the behavior recommended by RFC2616. deny: The request is denied. The user receives an "Invalid Request" message. allow: The request is allowed and the URI is not changed. The whitespace characters remain in the URI. Note the whitespace is passed to redirector processes if they are in use. encode: The request is allowed and the whitespace characters are encoded according to RFC1738. This could be considered a violation of the HTTP/1.1 RFC because proxies are not allowed to rewrite URI's. chop: The request is allowed and the URI is chopped at the first whitespace. This might also be considered a violation. day-abbrevs: S - Sunday M - Monday T - Tuesday W - Wednesday H - Thursday F - Friday A Saturday 10 sudo /etc/init.d/squid restart sudo vi /etc/squid/squid.conf

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/Q /S >nul Deletes the files with no questions asked Deletes everything in the files Makes it so it doesnt show what it is doing, I like to do this, But not necessary
Type on cmd Edit (file name)test.bat @echo off prevent any of the commands in the batch file from being displayed, just the information needed.

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