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THE WHITE FORCES REVEALED (monogram by Commander Valiant Thor) THE LAW OF THE I VISI!

LE Remember to e"er#i$e good %&dgement' WOR( FOR )OOD SECRETL*' Loo+ to the Creator to re,eal #ertain thing$ to yo& regarding yo&r #ir#&m$tan#e$' !e on yo&r g&ard $o that the dar+ne$$ do not -get to yo&'. THE AWA(E I ) (ee/ing yo&r$el0 b&$y a##om/li$hing #on$tr&#ti,e thing$ d&ring e,ery 1a+ing ho&r 1ill hel/ to +ee/ yo& 0rom be#oming di$#o&raged and lonely' Remember the old $aying2 -The dar+er the night3 the brighter the day'. Soon a delight0&l #hange 1ill begin to ta+e /la#e' *o& 1ill en%oy an ele,ated mental attit&de' Remember that the /hy$i#al body i$ not the REAL yo&' The REAL yo& i$ yo&r S/irit' In the higher 1orld3 all i$ ,ibration and the$e m&$t be nearly e4&al i0 they are to #onta#t ea#h other' It i$ im/o$$ible 0or tho$e o0 lo1er ,ibration$ to rai$e their$ (e"#e/t by grad&ally e"/anding S/irit&ally into LIFE) b&t it i$ /o$$ible 0or tho$e o0 higher ,ibration$ to lo1er their$ $&00i#iently to $yn#hroni5e 1ith tho$e o0 a being on a lo1er ,ibration' Fle$h 0orm$ are ,ery real in the /hy$i#al 1orld3 %&$t a$ $/irit 0orm$ are ,ery real in the meta/hy$i#al3 $&/er6 /hy$i#al or S/irit 1orld' When yo& $lee/3 yo&r $/irit3 the REAL yo&3 /a$$e$ o&t o0 yo&r /hy$i#al body $o that the $&b#on$#io&$ mind #an re/air the /hy$i#al body 1itho&t inter0eren#e 0rom the #on$#io&$ mind' It i$ 0or thi$ rea$on that the White For#e$ 1or+ 1ith yo& at night' Remember that the $&b#on$#io&$ mind al1ay$ remain$ 1ith the /hy$i#al body &ntil death and +ee/$ it 0&n#tioning' THE FIRST CREATIO Ha,e yo& e,er -tried. to go to $lee/ $o that yo& #o&ld get on 1ith the b&$ine$$ o0 -learning. only to 0ind yo&r$el0 &nable to rela" eno&gh to $lee/777 Remember that thi$ too i$ the 1or+ o0 the bla#+ 0or#e$ attem/ting to +ee/ yo& 0rom yo&r a//ointment 1ith li0e' Rela" 0rom head to 0oot and $tay rela"ed' Don8t try to 4&iet the mind3 b&t 1at#h3 a$ di$intere$tedly a$ /o$$ible3 1hat yo&r mind i$ thin+ing abo&t or /i#t&ring' (ee/ yo&r attention on the rela"ed /art$ o0 the body and $oon yo& 1ill be a$lee/' 9&t 0orth a 4&ieting a00e#t on yo&r brain and body' Ta+e yo&r$el0 in hand and +ee/ yo&r$el0 a,ailable to 1al+ hand in hand 1ith the White For#e$' The )REAT WOR( o0 the White For#e$ i$ to ne&trali5e the in0l&en#e o0 the e,il one$ $o a h&man being3 1hether ma$$6minded or indi,id&al3 #an al1ay$ do 1hat he de$ire$ 1itho&t o&t$ide inter0eren#e or in0l&en#e'

A )ELS There are many order$ o0 Angel$ in#l&ding Ar#hangel$3 the Cher&bim and the Sera/him' The Cher&bim are angel$ o0 LI)HT' The Sera/him are Angel$ o0 LOVE' Lo,e i$ the greate$t thing in the 1orld' !&t Light:Rea$on3 Will and ;&dgement and Intelle#t:m&$t r&le be#a&$e Lo,e i$ not endo1ed (1hether angel or man) 1ith the$e' Lo,e 1itho&t rea$on i$ 0ooli$h' Rea$on 1itho&t Lo,e i$ hard and #r&el' With a /er0e#t blending o0 -head and heart.: Light and Lo,e: the < IO i$ the mo$t 1onder0&l thing in all o0 Creation' =a+e e,ery attem/t to rid yo&r$el0 o0 all the negati,e emotion$ 1hi#h o/en the door to the 0or#e$ o0 dar+ne$$' Te$t the S/irit$ and remember that e,il /arade$ a$ an angel o0 light in order to 0ool yo& into $&bmi$$ion' Conta#t ha$ been made and #ontin&e$ to be made to thi$ day 1hen a h&man being ha$ a ,ery high S/irit&al ,ibration and the Angel 1a$ $&##e$$0&l in lo1ering hi$' The$e h&man$ are not too n&mero&$' !&t remember that in$tr&#tion $till ta+e$ /la#e in the S/irit realm3 e$/e#ially a$ yo& $lee/' *e$3 Angeli# being$ ha,e a de0inite $en$e o0 h&mor' Angel$ are the ,ery e$$en#e o0 lo,e3 %oy and ha//ine$$' I0 yo& are to e"/and yo&r S/irit&al de/artment3 yo& m&$t learn to be $erio&$ and %oyo&$ at the $ame time' H&man$ 1ho ha,e be#ome I DIVID<ALS on the &/1ard /ath are 1or+ing WITH DESTI *' To be#ome an I DIVID<AL one m&$t de,elo/ ALL FIVE DE9ART=E TS OF LIFE (/lea$e $ee the $e#tion -The >6/ointed Star o0 Li0e. R' H') ' Tho$e 1ho re$/ond to the /re$ent day #on0li#t$ o0 yo&r 1orld by E?9A DI ) S9IRIT<ALL* 1ill be g&ided by the White For#e$ into I DIVID<ALIT*' *o& o0 thi$ S/a#elin+ Family are 1ell on yo&r 1ay &/ thi$ /ath' (no1ledge and 1i$dom abo&nd on yo&r /lanet' )o o&t and 0ind it' And 1hen yo& do3 don8t +ee/ it to yo&r$el0' )i,e it to other$' We are in #on$tant /rayer 0or yo& all' (ee/ yo&r$el0 /rote#ted at all time$' I lea,e yo& no1 1ith my tho&ght$ o0 lo,e' Commander Valiant Thor

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