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Marketing Activity: Marketing Gala 2013 Date: Tuesday, 3rd December 2013. Venue: Tennis !

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The students are going to organize an activity and apply the concepts practically that they have learned in the course. Students of two sections have formed 12 teams, and planned to come up with a product or service. They will design their own products/services, set up stalls and sell them out. Prior to it, they will brand and promote their products. This will be an !periential "earning #pportunity for the students as they will practically implement what they studied. very group is supposed to perform the following functions$ %enerate &ew Product 'deas and screen them. (onduct )ar*eting +esearch to find out consumers, need and feasibility of the product concept they planned. (onduct a S-#T .nalysis for their business/. /evelop )ar*eting Strategy 0'dentify target mar*ets, define value preposition, pro1ect e!pected sales/Profits, design product and its mar*et campaign2. 'nteract with organizations, mar*et their institute and bring sponsorship for their product, if re3uired. /esign effective communication strategy )onitor their sales and adopt on4the4spot competitive strategies.



%roups will be evaluated on the following$ a. 5ni3ueness of their 'dea. b. /esigning 6rand lements 0e.g. name, logo, slogan etc 2and conducting 6rand 6uilding .ctivities 0Such as penafle!es, flyers, pamphlets, 6rochures etc used for creating awareness2. c. Promotional .ctivities for attracting customers at the stalls 0 Such as deals, pac*ages, giveaways etc2

d. Summary of their Profit 7 "oss Statement. 0 !penses made, sales, and profits2 e. .mbiance at stalls and placement of their products. f. Presentation and +eport that they will submit after seminar. Such activities ma*e the students prepared for ta*ing corporate assignments. 't builds confidence and creates a sense of competition among the students, hence preparing them as future mar*et leaders.

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