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Online Mock CAT 6 - Unproctored Answers and Explanations

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 4 5 5 4 1 4 3 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 1 4 2 4 2 3 5 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 1 2 1 3 4 5 4 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 3 2 3 3 1 3 4 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 3 1 3 4 3 3 3 6 16 26 36 46 56 3 1 4 4 5 4 7 17 27 37 47 57 5 3 2 1 1 2 8 18 28 38 48 58 2 4 1 3 5 2 9 19 29 39 49 59 2 1 5 3 3 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 1 5 4 3 2 1


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Online Mock CAT 6 - Unproctored

1. 4

Panegyrize means a eulogising or praising remark. It is not representative of the extreme behaviour exhibited by Reagans father. Hence option (4) is out of place. The other statements are acceptable. (2) cannot be directly inferred. (2) can be a reason for his taking up politics but not really becoming president. Coming to (3) Reagan was definitely a crusader against communism but the second part is exaggerated. Again (4) is incorrect. The act of taking up politics was not a conscious one as given in (4) but happened as a defensive reaction. (5) is vague and there is no such indication in the passage.. (1) can be inferred as Reagans fears were imaginary. Hence his real enemy was his own fears and phobias. All of (1), (2) and (3) can be inferred from the passage. Refer to the first 3 paras. (3) cannot be concluded because the passage ends before the Economic Recession happened. The rest of the options can be inferred. Refer to the last 3 paras. The passage clearly says that America and Americans were in depression when they perceived peace outside. Refer to the start of the last para which expresses this situation. Options (1), (2) and (5) are part of the same situation. Option (4) can be inferred from the end of the fourth paragraph. Option (1) is incorrect as there was no exalted feeling. Option (2) is incorrect as there was no prevailing warlike situation. Option (4) is incorrect as there was no escalation of conflict. Option (5) is also incorrect as the passage does not talk of depression in parts of the world. Option (3) represents the correct summing up of the implication generated by the last para of the passage. Augur means to bode well auger is a tool. Oral is something verbal, aural means sound, bail here stands for a person who provides a sum of money in exchange for the release of an arrested person as a guarantee of that persons appearance for trial. Bale means a stack of cotton. Cede means to give in and seed is something that you sow. The article a is used here to generalize, the is used for specifics. To sell means to make a sale, cell is a small room. Grates is correct because it means something that irritates, greats means something great. Gneiss means a kind of stone nice is something good. Horses neigh, the sound produced by them is a neigh. Nay means no. The subject here is patterns it uses a plural with it. Pare means to cut, pear is a fruit, groan is a sound and grown means grown up, pause means break and paws are the foot of any animal. Aircraft is always used in the same form and does not take an s. A hangar is a parking space for aircraft; hanger means something for hanging clothes. The correct sequence is option 2 (ABABB). In the first sentence, palette is a container used to mix paint while palate is the roof of the mouth. In the second sentence indict means to bring a formal accusation while indite means to set down in writing and hence is the right option. In the third sentence one meaning of presumption is impertinent boldness and therefore it is the right word to use in the present context. In the fourth sentence buy-in means commitment to achieving a shared goal while buyout means buying all or a controlling percentage of shares in a company. Hence buy-in is correct here. In the last sentence, principal is the correct word to use.

10. 1

The correct option is (1) because A and B dont have any error. In C it should be over not above. D is incorrect because it should be seemed not were seeming. In E the correct preposition should be along not alongside. The correct option is (5) because A, C and E have no errors. In B the correct word (adverb) is overpoweringly and not overpowering. In D it should be would look, since the sentence is in the past tense. The correct option is (4). A, C and E dont have any grammatical error. In D it should be people look like.. not ..alike, because alike is incorrect contextually. In B it should be caricatures and not caricature. The correct option is (2). There are no errors in B, C and D. A is incorrect because it should be sightings not sighting since it is referring to more than one situation, that is dawn and dusk animal . E is incorrect because both should precede physically and mentally, since both is modifying physically and mentally. The author mentions this in the second paragraph Bioaccumulation of most major toxins insures that those of us on the top of the food chain will absorb the full brunt of an overdeveloped industrial ethos, making choice (2) correct. The other options do not talk about this point. Options (1) and (5) do not answer why humans should be worried. Option (3) does not give the accurate reason as option (2) does. Option (4) is not specific. The author mentions in the fourth paragraph .that we in the developed North have lost nearly all conception of our daily bread as the staff of life, making choice (1) correct. The author uses this example in the last paragraph, while he talks about how strict adherence to orthodox commitments to a particular diet might go against responsible ecological food choices. The purpose of the author is to show the irony of the situation rather than just mock at the situation. This makes choice (1) correct. The author mentions this in the second last paragraph, and begins the last paragraph praising the anarchists for the way they treat food and says anarchists just love to eat. This makes Choice (3) correct. The author makes this comment at the end of the passage Moral orthodoxy, whether in religious or dietary conviction, shuts down more studied and complex understandings of the world around us, which is closest to choice (4) from the available options. Statement A ends with the idea of no special creation. According to the options, sentence C, D or E follows. Sentence D adds another dimension to the given information by stating that it also denied the existence of a Creator. This point has not been elaborated anywhere so it cannot follow any other statement. Sentence E mentions preconceptions whereas only one idea has been mentioned so far. Sentence C elaborates the information given in A. The results of chance in C can be associated with the result of purposeless coincidences in B. So, CB is a mandatory pair given in (1). The plural preconceptions mentioned in E forms a link here and the paragraph ends with sentence D that provides an additional idea of non-existence of a creator. Hence, (1) becomes the correct answer choice.

2. 1

11. 5

12. 4

3. 1

13. 2

4. 3

14. 2

5. 3

15. 1

6. 3

16. 1

17. 3 7. 5

18. 4

8. 2

19. 1

9. 2


MBA Test Prep

Online Mock CAT 6 - Unproctored

20. 5

According to the given options, sentence B, D or E follows. The given sentence A mentions extensive plastic surgery; sentence B refers to messing up ones child, this idea does not follow; sentence D might seem like a good choice but a careful reading reveals that AE is a mandatory pair. In E, reconstructive surgery, you might call it; the it refers to the plastic surgery mentioned in A. The first person used in the last part of E is continued in B. DC forms a mandatory pair, the but used in C hints that it should follow D. Hence, option (5). The given sentence A mentions buds and E refers to these buds and their present state. According to the given options, sentence E follows A. So, only options (3) and (5) can be considered. Sentence E also mentions beech trees that is referred to sentence C. The moment mentioned in C clearly relates to E. So, EC is a mandatory pair. The colours mentioned in C directly connect with D. B follows D because it is a conclusive statement that reveals how the writer is submerged in this scene and how he craves for more. So, option (5) is the best option. Sentence A mentions qualities that both male and female relate to. This has been elaborated in D - female and male teachers identify the same qualities as desirable in a principal regardless of the principals gender. Sentence E presents another view point regarding womens ability of getting things done. E ends by adding another barrier of networking. The past reference or historical perspective is presented in C. B explains how men and women chose careers in the past. This sentence is last in the order because it provides the reason because of which all these outcomes could be justified to some extent. Hence, (2) becomes the correct answer choice. Refer to the line in the first paragraph Adelson adamantly advocates for understanding Turkish and German less as historically loaded labels and more as the names of two living cultures that exist essentially inside one another which leads to option (1). Option (2) is indicated in Para 3 end and cannot be validly negated. Options 3 and 4 can be inferred from Para 2. Option 5 can be inferred from Para 3 where the frustration with current German studies is being talked about. Option (3) is the correct representation of the primary purpose as Adelson wants to show that the cultures touch. Refer to line 6 of Para 4 where the primary purpose is clearly delineated.(1) is too narrow. (2) confines itself to literature. (4) is correct but it is not the primary purpose. Instead it is a reason leading to the primary purpose. (5) is correct but part of the whole. It is part of option (3). Novum refers to the game of dice - so Game is closest. Trope is a figure of speech. Hence option (3). Refer to the lines in para 5 Focusing on this key issue, Adelson emphasizes the common ground that Germans and Turks share. In contexts like these, according to Adelson, Germans and Turks produce touching tales, and thereby reveal their overwhelming similarities, which reveal that both carry similar painful impressions about the past. Options 1 and 2 refer only to the Turks. Option 3 refers to only what the Germans are doing. Option 5 is unsubstantiated by the passage. 2 is the correct option as it goes on to the next step after the sentence has ended with the single most important thing. 3 elaborates 2. 4 is one step further whereas 5 is a general statement. 1 is a general statement about children which does not fit in immediately after the last sentence. It could have come earlier.

28. 1

1 is the correct option as it continues with the problem left off in the last line of the paragraph. Health conscious population in option 1 connects to salad vegetables...... in the last line. The paragraph is talking of a future hypothetical situation whereas options 2, 3 and 4 reflect on the current changed scenario. They suddenly make the paragraph move from general to specific. Option 5 is relevant. But option 1 is better than option 5 when it comes to idea continuation. 5 is the correct option since it gives the additional relevant details regarding the directive. 1 is ruled out because it is not clear as to what it is contrary to. It is highly unlikely that 2 will complete the paragraph as it takes a abrupt negative tone. 3 is incorrect since it contradicts the last statement which refers to call for the promotion of only sustainable biofuels, whereas 3 talks about wind energy. 4 digresses from the theme of the paragraph. 4 is the correct option since it is obviously a question from the same set of sentiments, which deal with the dilemma that America faces. It deals with foreign policy. 1, 3 and 5 are conveying different types of dilemma but away from foreign policy. 2 does not immediately continue the idea left off in the paragraph.
ab+ ba + a b = 145 10a + b + 10b + a + ab = 145

29. 5 21. 5

30. 4

22. 2

31. 4



145 11b 11 + b

The possible values of b and a that satisfies the above equation are 3 and 8 or 8 and 3 respectively. Sum of the digits of A = 11. 32. 4 Let the cost of 1 desk, 1 chair and 1 table be D, C and T. 6D = 6C + T ...(i) 12C = 6D + 3T ...(ii) Solving equation (i) and (ii) we get that T = T=
3 (C) C : T : D = 4 : 6 : 5 2 6 (D) 5

23. 1

24. 3

Let, the value of C, T and D be 4x, 6x and 5x respectively. All the options except option (4) are correct. Hence, option (4) is the correct choice. 33. 4 Let the price at which the shopkeeper bought each note book be equal to c.
14 c 300 25c c 100 = p and 25c 100 = q

25. 3

26. 4

As per the information given in the question

c = 10 The shopkeeper will make a profit of
130 100 100 100 = 30% in his transaction with Vijay Hence, option (4) is the correct choice.

14 c p = =2 12 c q

27. 2


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Online Mock CAT 6 - Unproctored

34. 3

Initial data leads to the following arrangement


Using statement II:

b + c a +b + c = 2 3
2a = b + c

Also, b < c a must lie between b and c.


Hence, the order is b < a < c. But we have no clue about the number of runs scored by Dinesh. Combining both the statements together: We know that a < c from the second statement. Hence, using statement I, d must lie between a and c. Hence the over all order is b < a < d < c and therefore rank of Brijesh is 1. 37. 1 Using the statement given in A, we can draw the quadrilateral ABCD, as below.
D 30 M2 A M1 q B C

Using statement I:

Therefore, there are two people(H and F) sitting to the left of A and to the right of G. Hence statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question. Using statement II:
1 F 2 G 3 A 6 D 4 E

8 B 7 H

As measurement of AB, BD, CD and M1M2 are known and . BDC = 30 is known, ABD = can be determined, uniquely. Hence, AD and BC can also be measured, Hence, the area of quadrilateral ABCD can be determined, using statement A alone. Using statement I: The figure can be drawn as below.
D N2 A 45 M1 B C

5 C

We clearly can conclude that A and G sit beside each other. Therefore, there are six people sitting to the left of A and to the right of G. So, statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question. Hence, option (3) is the correct choice. 35. 4 Using statement I: We know that there must be an odd number of siblings but we are not sure how many siblings are there. Using statement II: We conclude that the oldest sibling is 26 years old and the remaining siblings could be of 23, 20, 17 and so on......years old. But we do not know who is the youngest of them. By combining both the statements: We conclude that the age of the oldest sibling is 26 years and the sibling who has as many siblings elder to him/her as the number of siblings younger to him/her is 17 years old. The difference is 9 which means that there are 2 more siblings between Sunita and the eldest sibling. Therefore N = 2 3 + 1 = 7. Hence option (4) is the correct choice.

As cannot be determined uniquely, we cannot determine BC, uniquely. Hence, we cannot determine the area of quadrilateral ABCD. The information M N = 5 cm, is redundant the area of 1 2 quadrilateral cannot be determined, using statement B alone.

38. 3

G 2q

F H B E 30 C

36. 4

Let the number of runs scored by Aman, Brijesh, Candy and Dinesh be denoted by a, b, c and d respectively. Using statement I:
a+c a+c+d = a + c = 2d. 2 3 From this statement we have no clue about the number of runs scored by Brijesh.

Clearly AEFD is a cyclic quadrilateral. Also, AF has to be the diameter (since ADF = 9 0 ) and it passes through O (which is the center of the circle circumscribing AEFD). Hence, DOF = 2 DAF Taking AB = CD = 3x,BC = AD = 2x In ABE : BE = AB tan 30 = x EC = x


MBA Test Prep

Online Mock CAT 6 - Unproctored

In ECF : FC = ECtan30 =
tan = DF AD = 1 3

x 3

DF =

2x 3

AG AB 4 = = GD CD 3

= 30 Hence, DOF = 60

Alternative method: As OC:OA = 3:4 and AGB~ DGC and OCD~ OAB
AG:GD = OA:OC = 4:3.

39. 3

The number of factors = 36 i.e. 3 3 2 2. So both the numbers are in the form a 2 b2 c d or a 2 b2 c 3 , where a,b,c,d are prime numbers. HCF = 36 = 22 32. For the minimum possible LCM of the two numbers, the numbers should be minimum. So the numbers will be 23 32 52 and 22 33 72 and their LCM will be 23 33 52 72.

42. 2 43. 4

Required ratio is 4:3. From point G, drop a perpendicular GK, on OA. Now, as KG is parallel to OD, therefore AKG AOD

For question 40 and 41:

100 Train X traveling at 120 km/hr = m/sec 3 100 400 Length of train X = 4= m 3 3 Since, train Y and train X take 36 sec and 31 sec to completely cross the line PQ. 100 3100 So, total distance traveled by train X = m 31 = 3 3 Therefore, length of the line PQ 3100 400 = = 900 m = 0.9 km 3 3 5 275 Train Y traveling at 110 km/hr =110 = m/sec 18 9 275 Now, total distance treveled by train Y = 36 = 1100 m 9

12 AG 4 3 KG = OD= 7 4 4 = 7 units AD


1 1 12 6 AC KG = 1 = squareunits 2 2 7 7

44. 1

The HCF of the two given numbers is 1011. Hence, all the factors of 1011 would be common to both the numbers 3011 and 2013. 11 1 0 = 211 511 Total number of common factors = Number of factors of 211 511 = (11 + 1)(11 + 1) = 12 12 = 144

So the length of train Y = 1100 900 = 200 m

40. 3 41. 1

For questions 45 and 46: f(1) = 1; f(2) = 4(f(1) + 6 = 10 f(3) = f(1 + 2) = f(1) + 12(1) + 12 = 25 f(5) = f(3 + 2) = f(3) + 12(3) + 12 = 73 f(10) = 4f(5) + 6 f(20) = 42f(5) + 24 + 6 = 1198 f(22) = 1198 + 12 20 + 12 = 1450 Note: Could you notice that f(x) = 3x 2 2? How? 45. 3 f(20) = 1198 f(22) f(5) = 1450 73 = 1377 x 2 y 2 = 14 (x y) (x + y) = 14 Let us consider (x y)(x + y) = 2 7 x y = 2 either both of the x and y are even numbers or both of them are odd. ....(i) & x + y = 7 one of x and y is odd and the other must be even ....(ii) Statements (i) and (ii) contradict each other; Similarly (x y)(x + y) = 1 14 is also not possible Hence number of integral solutions for (x, y) is zero.

For questions 42 and 43: 46. 5


47. 1


As CD is parallel to AB, therefore AGB DGC

AB = OA 2 + OB2 = 4 2units,CD = OC 2 + OD 2 = 3 2units


MBA Test Prep

Online Mock CAT 6 - Unproctored

48. 5

S = 871 873 875 878 881 883 When the number S is divided by 1000, the remainder will be the last 3 digits of the product.
S 871 873 875 878 881 883 = 1000 1000 S 871 873 125 7 2 439 881 883 = 1000 1000 S 871 873 7 439 881 883 = 1000 4

53. 5

(217 4 + 3) (218 4 + 1) (109 4 + 3) S (4 + 3) (220 4 + 1) (220 4 + 3) = 1000 4

The number of people who belong to the state Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana, New York, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana and New Jersey are 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 1, 2, 5, 1 and 1 respectively. The two people who belong to the state Tennessee belong to different parties. Out of the five people who belong to the state New York, the number of people who belong to the Republic and the Democrat party are 2 and 2 respectively. The two people who belong to the state Illinois belong to the same party. All the five people from the state Ohio belong to the Republic party. Therefore, maximum possible number of people in the group is (2 + 2) (New York) + 2(Illinois) + 5(Ohio) = 11

49. 3

S 4k + 1 is of the form . 1000 4 So S is of the form 250 (4k + 1). The remainder when S is divided by 1000 is 250. Required sum = 2 + 5 + 0 = 7 Here, we will go through all the 4! combinations of the words starting with the alphabet C and all the 4! combinations of the words starting with the alphabet I. That makes it 24 + 24 = 48 till now. Hence, the first alphabet of the 60th word is O. Likewise, for the remaining four alphabets CIWT, we will go through all the combinations starting with C and then I. That should give 3! + 3! = 6 + 6 = 12 more words. Consequently the 60th word will be the last combination starting with the alphabet I, that is IWTC. So, the 60th word written is OIWTC.

For questions 54 to 58: E has got maximum number of flats and number of flats with A is equal to sum of number of flats with B and C. As there are 9 flats, so possible solutions are when E, A, B, C and D have 3, 2, 1, 1 and 2 or 4, 2, 1, 1 and 1 flats respectively. Case I: B and D have one flat and two flats respectively. Let the value of a flat be Rs. x. So, amount of cash with B = x. So total assets of B = 2x
x + 2x. 2 As D has got assets worth 20 lakhs more than that of B, x so + 2x 2x = 20, or x = 40. 2 Case II: B and D have one flat each. Let value of a flat be Rs. x. So, amount of cash with B = x. Total assets of B = 2x

Total assets of D =

50. 2

As a, b, c are positive we can apply AM GM Lets consider

a a b b b , , , , a n d c as 6 variables. 2 2 3 3 3

1 a a b b b + + + + + c 2 3 6 a b c 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 33 6

x +x 2 As D has got assets worth 20 lakhs more than B

Total assets of D =

Putting the value of a2 b3 c in the above inequality

a+ b +c 2 6 3

x + x 2x = 20 2 Here the value of x is coming as negative. So this case is not possible. We can collate the final distribution of assets in the following table:

a+b+c4 Hence minimum value of (a + b + c) = 4.

Number of Flats A B C D E 2 1 1 2 3

Cash (in Rs. Lakhs) 10 or 20 or 30 40 10 or 20 or 30 20 10 or 20 or 30

Total assets (in Rs. Lakhs) 90 or 100 or 110 80 50 or 60 or 70 100 130 or 140 or 150

51. 4

Out of the mentioned people, the only person who was the president of the United States of America for more than eight years is Ulysses S. Grant. The people belonging to the Republic party were the presidents of the United States of America for not less than 2 years and not more than 5 years are Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Rutherford B. Hayes, Chester A. Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley and William Howard Taft. Therefore, there are seven such people.

52. 3

54. 3 55. 3

Value of 1 flat is Rs 40 lakhs. Maximum possible assets of A is 110 lakhs (2 flats + 30 lakhs) Maximum possible assets of E = 150 lakhs Minimum possible assets of C = 50 lakhs Ratio = 3 : 1 Maximum possible value of assets of all the brothers taken together = 110 + 80 + 70 + 100 + 150 = 510 lakhs.

56. 4

57. 2


MBA Test Prep

Online Mock CAT 6 - Unproctored

58. 2

Only for B and D, it is possible to find the exact value of their total assets.

61. 3

For questions 59 to 63: F r o m Dream Team 7: P2 and P9 belong to LA Lakers. So P12 cannot be from LA Lakers. P12 is not from Utah Jazz. So P12 must be from Chicago Bulls. From Dream Team 6: P7 and P12 belong to Chicago Bulls. Now in dream team 7, P15 cannot belong Chicago Bulls, because then in dream team 6, there would be three players who belong to Chicago Bulls, which is not possible. So, P15 belongs to Utah Jazz (from dream team 7) and P14 belongs to Chicago Bulls. Now P6 and P3 belong to LA Lakers because in dream team 6, P7 and P12 belong to Chicago Bulls and P15 belongs to Utah Jazz. From dream team 1: P1 belongs to Utah Jazz because P3 and P9 belong to LA Lakers and P7 and P12 belong to Chicago Bulls. From dream team 4: P10 belongs to Chicago Bulls because P2 and P6 belong to LA Lakers and P7 and P1 belong to Chicago Bulls and Utah Jazz respectively. From dream team 2: P13 belongs to Chicago Bulls and P11 belongs to Utah Jazz, or vice-versa. Assume that P11 is from Utah Jazz. But then in dream team 5 we have two players, P1 and P11 belonging to Utah Jazz, which is not possible; because in every dream team there is only one player from Utah Jazz. Therefore P11 belongs to Chicago Bulls and P13 belongs to Utah Jazz. From dream team 3: P5 belongs to Utah Jazz. From dream team 8: P4 and P8 belong to LA Lakers as P10 and P11 belong to Chicago Bulls and P13 belong to Utah Jazz. From dream team 5: P16 belongs to LA Lakers because P10 and P11 belong to Chicago Bulls and P1 belongs to Utah Jazz. Now, the following conclusion can be drawn Chicago Bulls (5 players): P7, P10, P11, P12 and P14. LA Lakers (7 players): P2, P3, P4, P6, P8, P9 and P16. Utah Jazz (4 players): P1, P5, P13 and P15 59. 2 60. 1 Four players namely P1, P5, P13 and P15 belong to Utah Jazz. Seven players namely P2, P3, P4, P6, P8, P9 and P16 belong to LA Lakers.

P4, P8, P16, P13 and P15 are the players in the team formed by Mr. XYZ. In this team P4, P8 and P16 are from LA Lakers and P13 and P15 are from Utah Jazz. Total match fee = 775 3 + 725 2 = $ 3775. The team that had P13, P16, P14, P11 and P4 has two players each from LA Lakers (P16 and P4) and Chicago Bulls (P14 and P11) and P13 (from Utah Jazz). This team earns the maximum aggregate match fee for each game played by them. In the team, P13, P4, P11, P14, P16 there are two players each from Chicago Bulls and LA Lakers and one player from Utah Jazz and hence is not a possible team that had at least two players from Utah Jazz and one player each from Chicago Bulls and LA Lakers.

62. 5

63. 4

For questions 64 and 65: B, C and D got the money in the ratio they already had it. Thus, the ratio = 3:4:5 Total money = Rs. 180. If the money initially with A = 12x, money initially with B = 45 3x money initially with C = 60 4x money initially with D = 75 5x Working with options, In option (1), money with (A,B,C,D) = (36,36,48,60). Ratio of money with A, C and D = 3:4:5 So money with B i.e. Rs.36 is of type (3 + 4 + 5)k or 12k A similar case is true for D has ratio of money which A, B and C = 3:3:4 Money with D i.e. Rs.60 is of type 10x Thus, B and D both can split their money likewise. In option (2), money with (A,B,C,D) = (72,27,36,45). Thus, D can split its money likewise. In option (3), money with (A,B,C,D) = (108,18,24,30). In option (5), money with A cannot be Rs.73 as it is of type 12x Thus, none of B or C or D can split their money likewise. Hence, money possessed by A initially could be either Rs. 36 or Rs. 72 and the other people splitting their money likewise could be B or D. 64. 4 65. 3


MBA Test Prep

Online Mock CAT 6 - Unproctored

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