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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding is executed on 15th february 2013 between Pragyan 2013 (The Annual Techno-Management

Festival of National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli - 620015) and Mr Prasanna Venkatesan- The Free Style Footballer . It is hereby agreed by and between the parties as under: Performance date : March 3rd ,2013. Place : National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Mr. Prasanna Venkatesan agrees to:

Perform in Pragyans Got Talent13 with a free style football show on March 3rd, 2013.

The Pragyan 2013 Infotainment Team agrees:

To make travel reimbursement and accommodation arrangements for Mr. Prasanna Venkatesan during the Pragyan trip. Travel reimbursement will be as follows: The reimbursement will be made only for one performer for two way travel for SL Train tickets only. .The amount will be transferred to the specified bank account via wired transfer after completion of the show.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this memorandum of understanding on the day, month and year mentioned above. For Mr. Prasanna Venkatesan

For Pragyan

Saqib Mohammed Head,Infotainment Pragyan13.

R. Hari Prasath Head, Highlights&Workshops Pragyan13.

Dr. P.J.A. Alphonse Associate Dean NIT-Trichy.

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