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Issue Includes:

Holiday Celebrations Sport Events Green Messages Professional Development Assemblies M.U.N And more

Greetings from Canadian International School With Winter Break fast approaching, it is that time again when the Maple Leaf makes its way out to our parent community. In this first edition of 2013 2014, I would like to take a few minutes to reflect on some of the positives over Term One. CIS just completed the 2nd Annual Terry Fox Run on the CIS campus and it was a rousing success by all accounts. The CAS students who led the organization did a bang-up job and the school raised a tremendous amount of money for charity. We look forward to taking the Run to even higher heights next year! Golfshire hosted the 1st Golf Tournament this November. It was another terrific event with student athletes taking part from Bangalore and around Southern India. Other major events this Fall at CIS the STaC Sports Tournament for HS, Diwali celebrations, Halloween, two Assemblies, a MS Soccer tournament, Joy of Giving Week, the Christmas Drive, a Middle School and a High School Dance, Term One Awards Assembly, performed two Winter Concerts complete with SCA Winter Bazaar and Charity Gala and fundraised for a myriad of worthy charitable causes. That would seem a years worth of activities, but it was merely some of the highlights of just the past 8 weeks! Somehow in the middle of all of this, MAP Testing, MS/HS Exams, Extended Essay submissions, Report Cards, and Student-led Conferences, to name just a few, took place. A calendar this packed can only be maintained with the dedication of students and teachers and with the support of our parent community. I thank you, the parents, for supporting our school this year so far and look forward to partnering with you again in the New Year. Take some time and look back at the Term through the pages of this first edition of the Maple Leaf. There was a lot to celebrate! Have a terrific Winter Break, be safe, and we will see you in January.

Shane Kells

Exciting Elementary Events

Greetings from CIS Elementary and a very Happy Holiday to you all!! It has been a very busy term and really wonderful things have happened in the elementary both inside and outside of the classrooms. One of the earliest changes adopted by the elementary was to elect an Elementary Student Council. The campaigning was done under the direction of Ms. Beena Menon, Ms. Zamora Anthony, and Ms. Ginger Harper. Our Tech Integrationist, Mr. Shwa, designed an electronic ballot using the iPad and every student was entitled to one secret ballot. The Tech made the counting of the votes happen in real time and in the end we elected our student council, consisting of President Anika Gowda 5A, Vice President Noga Ben Yishay 4B, Secretary Alexandra Guevara 5A, and Treasurer Naylin Gulhati 4A. After electing the Executive Board, each grade level elected a class representative and the Student Council began. Since their election the Elementary Student Council has been involved in activities like Spirit Week, Terry Fox Run, and Dress-up/ Dress-down for a 30 rupees donation with all proceeds going to the Sri Lankan Orphanage. Needless to say we are all very proud of this group as they influence the overall feel of CIS Elementary. Reading and Reading Comprehension has been identified as an area CIS Elementary would like to build on and this year we have classrooms using Bug Club as a supplement to our reading program. One Wednesday each month our classes Buddy Up for a 45minute period of time where older children read to younger children and vice versa. The week of November 25th was National Library Week and our Librarians, Ms. Mary and Ms. Swathi, put together some amazing theme packed days. To culminate this wonderful week of Reading we had a book vendor on campus with loads of good books to look through. There was so much more with Science/Plant exhibitions in the fifth grade, and Diwali celebrations throughout the entire elementary with dance to drama. Students at CIS are learning but more important they are sharing what they have learned with each other and by doing so we create active participants in the learning process who can transfer their ideas and creativity everywhere they go. We had all this and there are two more terms to go. You know what? I cant wait

Allan Villiers, Elementary Principal

A Green Message to All of Us

We produce an excerpt of the memorable speech made by Mr. Rob King, at the inauguration of the 3rd CIS Annual Green Conference, October 25, 2013
To me the key to conservation is in education.not just in schools.but educating everyone in the impact that we have on the world in which we live. We live at a time where we can prove the damage we are doing and where we now have choices and to me conservation is all about making choices. We can no longer say I didn't know. We are aware of the impact our existence has on the planet. But what can we do? The problem with conservation is there are no clear answers; we know that our existence on this planet is damaging it, but to what extent? - Global warming is much is it damaging us is still unclear. - How many species of animal can we lose before it starts harming us? - How many forests can we chop down before we learn it is too many? And how will we know? - How long can we over fish our oceans and seas before it starts affecting our lives? - How far are we prepared to push the limits of what the planet can sustain? Conservation of natural resources will help us push these boundaries further? Will it help us to conserve the planet? I do not think the purpose of todays event is to find answers to all of these questions but to raise awareness of what is happening so that hopefully the mistakes of previous generations are not made and that you as the next generation will be more aware of the damages that out lifestyles can have on the planet on which we live. How much conservation is part of that is yet to be seen. What problems will there be in 20 or 30 years time that we do not yet know about? The fact that all of us are here today show that we care, and show that we want a better future. .The thing about living in todays day and age is that things change so fast. As a human race we are doing things on such a vast scale that any little change can have a dramatic impact on the environment in which we live. We have to be adaptable to change, imaginative in finding solutions and resourceful in tackling these problems. For those of you sat here today, please don't underestimate the difference you can make and do not turn a blind eye to the impact that you have on the environment around you. Play your part in making a better tomorrow for everyone. Robert King, Secondary Principal

Greetings from our Vice-Principal

Hello CIS, It is my first year in the capacity of K-12 Vice-Principal and I am enjoying it. For so long I have been isolated from the elementary happenings and now I am happy to be in the midst of it, again. The sheer enthusiasm that oozes out of the classrooms is rejuvenating, as is the laughter around the playground at lunch time. I miss the days when I was teaching SK French while singing songs and enacting small plays with the students or even better, playing with puppets! Right now and since the start of the year, I have been giving more high fives than in the past 5 years! Elementary is buzzing these days! Between the bake sales, open houses, the Halloween costume parade, the Diwali performances, assemblies, science exhibitions, book fairs etc. It has been a very enriching experience, trust me! I particularly enjoyed the Ganesha Pooja celebration in the elementary atrium, and the storytelling featuring Ms. Rachel at her performing best! Now, Christmas is around the corner and I cannot wait for Santa to come and light up the excitement in the eyes of our students! It is my favorite part of the year and one that promises to bring cheer aplenty in the elementary! Merry Christmas , Happy Winter Break and Wonderful new year is what I wish all the students and parents of CIS! Regis Caudrillier, Vice-Principal

Sports Tournaments
Term 1 started with school wide soccer tournaments. CIS participated in the SIS tournament for U7,U9 and U11 boys and girls. We then participated in two soccer tournaments, one at Mallya Aditi and the other at Trio World School. Our students displayed excellent coordination and sportsmanship. Apart from winning all the matches, Luna of grade 7 received the best player award at the Mallya Aditi soccer tournament and Eischez was awarded the top scorer at the Trio World School tournament. Stonehill International School soccer tournament for grade 1-6 boys and girls. Under 7 Boys - CIS A, Winners Under 9 Boys - Winners Under 9 Girls - Winners Under 11 Boys - Winners Under 11 Girls - Winners Mallya Aditi International School soccer tournament for grade 6-9. Soccer Girls and Boys - lost in the semi final. Trio World School soccer tournament for grade 12 and below Girls soccer - Winner Boys soccer - Winner Eischez of grade 12 was the highest scorer of the tournament with 5 goals. Mallya Aditi International School soccer tournament for grade 12 and below. Soccer girls - Runners up Luna of grade 7 was awarded the Best Player of the tournament. CIS Grade 6-9 soccer Grade 9 and below Girls - Winners Grade 8 & 9 Boys - Winners. Grade 6 & 7 Boys - CIS A team - Runners up Bipin K.K, Sports Coordinator

My name is Sareena and I have been in the M. A. D group for 4 years. This group is basically about making a difference and helping others. Our goal is to help other students in whatever way we can. If there are new kids joining school who find it difficult to fit in the group, our goal is to make them feel a part of a group and cheerful. If there are kids being bullied or hurt, we try to make them feel better by taking them to the nurse or helping them by reporting to an adult. The group meets once a month in the school-counselors office to talk on what more could be done to Make a Difference. I am really proud of the group and what we do. Sareena, 8B

Elementary Assemblies
This year our elementary assemblies have a different format. They are more fun, motivational and student oriented. Each assembly is tied with a specific IB learning profile trait. Every month a different class performs a short presentation based on the learning profile attribute of the month or their class learning activities. Our first assembly in August was hosted by teachers who showcased their dramatic reading skills through the reader theatre: The true story of The Three Little Pigs. Our September assembly was hosted by Grade 2A and we had the opportunity to watch the Maori Hakka dance. What a treat! In October Grade 5B talked about caring and how we can bring a change to this world. Our fifth graders have shown an excellent insight of this learning profile trait. And lets not forget the Moose points given out each assembly by Mr. Villiers to students who have exhibited exceptional behavior as well as IB learning profile apples given to 2 students from each class for demonstrating excellent understanding of the IB learner profile trait of the month. Petra and Marc

Model United Nations (MUN)

The Chennai Model United Nations was organized by the American International School, Chennai from 8-10th November 2013. 300 delegates from 41 schools across the country and overseas participated in the MUN. 12 delegates from CIS participated representing Poland, Iran and World Bank in different committees including HRC, (Human Resources Commission) General Assembly, ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) DISEC (Disarmament and International Security Committee) Krishna Basani Reddy won the Best delegate award in HRC. He was noted for his oratorical and debating skills. Delegates discussed various issues like LGBT ,brain drain in LEDCs, eradication of malaria and dengue fever in tropical nations, promoting multilateralism and nuclear nonproliferation, gender equality, environmental challenges , combating the threat of Cyber warfare and promoting international relief systems. They came together and brought resolutions which were debated and voted upon in the various committees. Everybody was a winner as each one spoke and discussed about a global issue confronting the world by representing their allocated countries. Jayan Phillip, Tara Srinidhi, Asha Samuel

Elementary EPPs
Grade 5 EPP - Fabric Painting Here are some reasons for Grade 5s enjoying fabric painting . I liked doing it because it was interesting to learn how to paint on fabric. -Arthur I loved learning how to paint on the white cloth with bright colors. -Tasnuva I enjoyed painting the picture of a tiger, it was fun! -Jaime During the EPP periods in term 1 I painted a scene from the Diwali play. I also liked it because we could relax with the music which was played! -Surabhi Fabric painting was a good experience and my mum said she had done it when she was younger, so I was pretty excited when I heard we were doing it! -Nidhi I painted Under the sea because I had seen beautiful pictures of the sea in a comic book. -Sairin I painted a picture for my family during the EPP periods. -Yearin I liked fabric painting because I have never done something like that before it. -Matheus Elizabeth James An EPP Garden This term the Year 2 classes made a Christmas gift for their mum. They learned how to thread a needle and do running stitch. See what a beautiful job they did! Laurelie Ruth Briggs

Swimming Gala
Inter school events at CIS started with Swim Gala for Elementary and Secondary school. After a long period of time, the competition was modified so that more students could take part to get exposed to swimming. Introduction of kick board relay for grade 2 was the best event Students were given the option of choosing individual events. Individuals and the best of each grade/ stroke took part in relays. After the students assembled according to their houses, Mr. Allan and Mr. Rob welcomed the gathering with their motivational talks. The cheering started off very loud with each house pushing and encouraging their teammates in the freestyle, breast stroke, back stroke and butterfly heats. It was great to see so many good swimmers, all trying their best. House spirit was evident among students and the teachers. Over all cheering cup went to Red house. In the end, Blue house won for the Elementary and Secondary school. As of now after the first inter school event blue house is in the lead.many more house activities to come!! Go Red, Green and Yellow! Bipin K.K, Sports Coordinator

Elementary Soccer
Three schools participated in a soccer tournament : Trio, Stonehill and CIS. CIS entered for the Boys and Girls categories under the ages of 11, 9, and 7. CIS won in 5 categories. The categories were, Under 11 boys and girls, Under 9 boys and girls, and Under 7 boys. Anijamol Rajesh

Ganesha Pooja

Kindergarten celebrated Ganeshas birthday with a Ganesha Pooja on Friday, September 6th, 2013 at 9:00am at the Kindergarten Snack area. Mr. Harish and his team of maintenance staff decorated the pooja area with flowers, leaves and Ganeshas favorite things. Ganesha had many interesting adventures. Kindergarteners listened to the story of how Ganesha got an elephant head. We watched how Ganesha pooja is done. We tasted laddoos, one of Ganeshas favorite sweets. After Snack we had activity centers. Kindergarteners made Ganesha puppets, cards for their families, learned a traditional maharashtrian dance called Jimjim, and made laddoos. We concluded in time for lunch. Rachel George

Diwali, "the Festival of Lights" is one of the most important and colourful festivals celebrated with much fanfare, traditional good will and rituals across the country. As part of the Diwali celebration CIS initiated a multi - faceted schoolwide program: Diwali Deep Mala 2013. Students from various nationalities across the globe celebrated the festival of Diwali in all its traditional fervor with jubilation and enthusiasm at the school campus. The event kicked off by lighting of the lamp by head of School Shane Kells followed by various colourful programmes including plays, dance performances and a fashion walk! There were also Diwali stalls, the proceeds of which went to charity. This Year Diwali Deep Mala -13 dazzled the crowd with a colourful and energetic cultural program and other lively performances, said Vishwas Kulkarni, Diwali Committee leader. Aishwarya, Hriman, Sakina, Kunal, Akshata, Sharad and Umika (IB students) said that Diwali is an "enlightening experience for the multicultural society of CIS. We hope this festival of lights brightens each & every students life and they shine bright wherever they go, said Ms Shweta Sastri, Executive Director, Canadian International School. IB Hindi Students and Vishwas Kulkarni

Joy of Giving

Joy of giving is an annual event that has been celebrated for the past three years at CIS. The Grade 11 and 12 students organize this as part of their Community service requirement for the IB Diploma Programme. The IB students had scheduled a collection drive from the 3rd - 7th, October 2013. All donations such as rice, wheat flour, daal ,Bathing soaps, washing soaps and mosquito coils was donated to the Indira Gandhi International Academy for Sri Lankan refugee children which houses 120 refugee children who are either orphaned or have been sent to Bangalore to be kept safe from the civil war in Sri Lanka and to Mother Teresa's home for the aged .Money Contributions was donated to the autistic centre BELAKKU- School for Children with Special Needs to buy adaptive equipment. Cookies and toiletries was donated to the Chaitanya Public School. A bake sale was also organised by the Grade 11 girls who baked cookies and cup cakes to raise money towards this event. The School community association had arranged for Biryani to be delivered on Oct 8th to the Indira Gandhi International Academy" for Sri Lankan refugee children. Every year it is great to see the enthusiasm of the students in organizing this event. Promoting 'giving' as a culture to someone less privileged has been encouraged by all of us at CIS. Priya Anand, CAS Coordinator

Golf Tournament
On Friday, November 29th, Canadian School held the 1st Annual CIS Interschool Golf Tournament at Prestige Golfshire, north of Bangalore. Student athletes from near and far teed up for the event and represented their schools in this first-of-akind to Bangalore event. Sponsored by Sterling Developers, HSBC and CIS, the event was a rousing success. The course was in fine condition and the field of 24 set out at 10:00 a.m., followed by the adult group. Conditions were fine and that was evident by the scores. The winning score was 73. That is one over par! And, it was by an Akshay Academy student, who had never played course before. Truly remarkable. The success of the event ensures that the 2nd Annual CIS Tournament is a go for next year. Congratulations to all students who took part and all adults who came out for a bit of fun, and a little time away from their usual Friday chores! Shane Kells, Head of School

Story-telling Workshop
The storytelling workshop with Mr. Rector, was a part of the Contextual Learning program and helped the MS classes learn a new skill. Coming up with a story is a skill most students learn during English lessons. However, speaking in front of an audience confidently is a much harder skill. During the workshop, the students were told to come up with a fictional story about how or why an animal is the way it is today. This was then to be presented to the rest of the grade, in their next meeting. This workshop taught students not only how to come up with interesting stories, but also gave them a chance to try speaking to a large audience. Cathy Nocquet held a creative writing workshop on the 25th and the 28th of October. This was to tie in with Contextual Learning. She talked about how writing is open and it doesnt actually need to have a main character, or a dialogue. It can be anything you want. She gave the classes different topics from the schools copy of Write outside the lines over the two days she was teaching us. Some examples are: a person who cant or wont speak, separation, a room where your character feels anxiety, a plate, etc. It was a great learning experience for everyone. Spenser Kells and Vaishant Kameshwaram

Professional Development
In this academic year (including summer), we have or will have had 54 CIS teachers participate in off campus professional development growth opportunities. 9 teachers left India to attend workshops. 7 teachers completed online workshops.17 teachers completed Bangalore based workshops.21 teachers completed Face to Face Workshops in other Indian Cities. Teachers have travelled to England, Singapore, Thailand, United Arab of Emirates, and Hong Kong to attend Coordinator and IB workshops. 21 Teachers attended The iPad Summit in Delhi or The Google Summit in Mumbai in November. All learned more about how to successful integrate our iPads into our classrooms. Other professional growth topics have included: physical education, early childhood, storytelling, primary teaching, and counseling.CIS teachers return to school and lead sessions during our 4 school-wide professional development days. This helps us share the knowledge and have each workshop attended affect a wider breadth of CIS teachers. Melanie Kells, Dean of Studies

Ipad Summit
From the 15th to the 17th of November, 17 members of staff at CISB travelled to Delhi to attend the iPad summit at the American Embassy school of Delhi. The teachers attended the conference to gain but also share knowledge on the use of iPads within the classroom and in a management setting. Many of the elementary teachers went to learn about useful apps and ideas on how to use iPads with younger children. While Middle and High school teachers were aiming to learn more methods and techniques on iPad usage. Nobody was disappointed by the experience as we all came away with heads full of great ideas to share with others and to implement in our own classrooms. We all thoroughly enjoyed the experience and are already using many of the apps we were introduced to. Tracy King

Contextual Learning
At the start of the year every MS student received a journal to gather all of their contextual learning work. Since then they have been gathering work on our three themes: How I relate to myself, How I relate to others & How I relate to the world. How I Relate to Myself is a chance for students to look at where they came from, what they believe, what they enjoy and what they would like to become. Experiences included decorating journal covers, writing Who am I? poems and completing evaluations about their strengths, preferences and aptitudes. How I Relate to Others is a chance for students to step beyond the theoretical and become involved in a community outside their own. Here students are working in partnership with 40K foundation, which provides after-school education for village children located in and around Bangalore. Experiences included a visit to a PlusPod (after-school program), workshops about social entrepreneurship and fundraising. How I Relate to the World began with a visit to Annadana Farms. Here students saw and discussed a working seed-bank, organic farming methods and organic compost. They mixed soil and planted seedlings, learning skills to prepare them for planting their own CIS organic garden. Speaking of which, some of our first CIS beans are almost ready for harvesting! Nannette Bertschy

College Guidance
Induction into the University Application process began at the IB 1 excursion trip where the students were given their first glimpse of how they need to go about getting into the university of their choice. Stress was placed on the importance of academic achievement, not just at the end of the IB program but right through the course itself. Students were also advised to engage in extracurricular activities in which they were sincerely interested and demonstrate their commitment and passion. This was followed by an enthusiastic question and answer session. As the term rolled by, a number of top universities from all over the world visited our campus and our high school students had the opportunity to be present at these presentations and participate in discussions. This gave them information about all the options that are available out there, so that when the time comes, they would be able to make informed choices. Getting into university is not just about getting into an elite institution but more about going to study in a place where the student feels happy, motivated and fulfilled. It is after all the first phase of their adult life! Ms. Geetha Swamy, Guidance Counsellor

What Weve been Up to... Secondary Student Council

Every year, the student council at CIS is constantly coming up with entertaining ways to bring the school community closer and closer together. I have been able to see the metamorphosis of the environment at this school from what it was six years ago, to what it is today: warm and supportive. Our most recent event was a Mad Ads assembly held during advisory for all of secondary school. It combined the insanity of an improvisation competition with the sporty rush of a competition for house points. Students laughed and cheered not only for their classmates and friends, but also their housemates. Safe to say, the assembly was a rousing success. Student council also organized a high school Freshers Dance, a middle school Halloween Dance, a paid dress up/dress down to benefit 40K, and even managed to initiate repairs on the secondary school bathrooms! As co-president, I am incredibly proud of everything we have been able to achieve in such a short span of time. And as a student, I can feel the community growing larger but closer together, and I firmly believe that this growth will only continue as the year progresses. Mallika Makkar, IB2

Terry Fox Run 2013

The Terry Fox Run is an annual non-competitive charity event held in numerous regions around the world in commemoration of Canadian cancer activist Terry Fox, and his Marathon of Hope, and to raise money for cancer research. This year CIS had the chance to host the run for the second time, 33rd year of the Terry Fox Run. The senior students of CIS had the privilege of hosting this fastidious event. It was a great pleasure for me to be a part of this. The event took place in a beautiful sunny Saturday morning. The weather was very comforting for the event to take place. The day which all of us were enthusiastically waiting for, had finally arrived. We started our volunteering work at about 8am right after our delicious breakfast. During the event, the CAS students of CIS were delegated with various tasks and jobs. Providentially, all of us did a stellar job as most of the school we invited attended the run. The run was 3 km long. The event started at 9am and smoothly ended at 10:30am. This did not mark the end of the event as the students of CIS had well in advance organized entertaining shows. Many people contributed their money to help increase the growth of cancer research. The money that we collected would go to the Terry Fox Foundation, which would fund for cancer research. Overall, it was indeed a splendid morning filled with joy and energy. I would like to thank Mrs. Priya Anand for giving us the opportunity to take part in such a great event. Not to forget, I would also like to thank the school management and event sponsors without which this event would not have been a successful one. Mahesh Nandwani & Sharad Kiswani

Green Idea
The Green Idea is a club which was introduced by two students of CIS two years ago. It comprises of students from the Secondary School who have a vision to make our planet greener and are motivated to carry out green initiatives within CIS. Some of the initiatives that have been carried out by our club include things like tetra pack collection and recycling paper. At CIS, we collect tetra packs and send them for recycling. Later on, they are made into tetra pack bags and we organise at least two tetra pack bag sales each year in association with the ANU business unit, which is an entrepreneurial venture run by marginalized women from Kamanahalli. We organise a flea market sale on Multicultural day in February with reusable items. All of these proceeds go towards the CIS Green Fund. We have also created a rose garden with 37 roses in order to symbolize the 37 nationalities that represent CIS. Future plans include the creation of an organic vegetable garden, as well as setting up of a solar powered street lamp. Green initiatives don't only come from the Green Idea. This year, I even initiated a Leo Club, which is a subsidiary of the Lions Club international. Our Club, though recently inaugurated, is already working towards sustaining the environment along with other initiatives as well. Gauri Prasad, IB2

Christmas Concert
There is music in the air! The Elementary and Secondary students have been working hard on their Christmas selections all the way back to Diwali time! Now is the time to showcase these many talented students of CIS in the various winter performances. Wednesday 11th December features the Secondary students enrolled in the music classes offered by Mr. Zeuch, and Mr. Boniface. Under the direction of Mr. Zeuch is the 6th Grade Beginning Band, the MS/HS Concert Band, the Club Symphonic Band, and the Club Percussion Ensemble. The bands played numbers known by all, from Deck the Halls, for a Merry Christmas, all the way to Auld Lang Syne for a Happy New Year! Under the direction of Mr. Boniface, the Music Spectrum classes perform popular hits with the help of the class moms! Thursday features the talents of the adorable Elementary students, and their teachers. Finally, the week closes with a Secondary Christmas Talent Show and then on to the Winter Break! Happy Holidays to All! Music Department

A big THANK YOU to all who have helped in compiling the 15th edition of Maple Leaf!!

Editor :

Teacher Contributors:
Mr. Allan Villiers Ms. Anijamol Rajesh Ms. Asha Samuel Mr. Bipin K. K Ms. Elizabeth James Mr. Jayan Phillip Ms. Laurelie Ruth Briggs Mr. Marc Bieri Ms. Melanie Kells Ms. Nannette Bertschy Ms. Petra Vejvodova Ms. Praneeta Varad Ms. Priya Anand Ms. Rachel George Mr. Regis Caudrillier Mr. Robert King Mr. Scott Zeuch Mr Shane Kells Ms Tara Srinidhi Ms. Tracy King Mr. Vishwas Kulkarni

Pradeen Pradhan, 10A

Student Writers : Gauri Prasad, IB2 Mahesh Nandwani, IB2 Mallika Makkar, IB2 Sareena Sheth, 8B Sharad Kiswani, IB1 Spenser Kells, 8B Vaishant Kameshwaran, 7B IB2 Hindi Students

Photographers :
Ms. Ramya Alberts Mr. Paul Raj George

Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms.

Supervisors :

Elizabeth James Praneeta Varad Veena Kumar Tara Srinidhi

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