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HRM and Recruitment

Human resources management is a series of integrated decisions that from the employment relationship; their quality contributes to the ability of the organizations and the employees to achieve their objectives. --George T. Milkovich and John W. Boudreau

Objectives of HRM
To act as a liaison between the top management and the employees To arrange and maintain adequate manpower To offer training as a way of developing skills To take care of employee motivation and morale To ensure and enhance quality of life To keep up ethical values in the organization Green HRM

Scope of HRM
(i) Personnel or labor aspects (ii) Welfare aspect (iii) Industrial aspect

Functions of HRM

Managerial Functions Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Controlling

Operation Functions Procurement Development Compensation Maintenance and Motivation Integration Industrial relations

Operative Functions of HRM

Job analysis and design HRP Recruitment Selection Placement Orientation socialization

Career planning and development Workers training Executive development Organizational development

Compensation Job evaluation Performance evaluation Wages administration Incentives and benefits

Operative Functions of HRM

Maintenance and Motivation Employee well being Social security Workers participation Motivation Job rotation HR records, research and audit HR information system

Integration Industrial relations Discipline Grievance redressal Dispute settlement Collective bargaining

Line Versus Staff Authority of HRM

General Manager

Production Manager

Staff Advisor

HR Manager

Staff Advisor

Sales Manager





Factors Governing Recruitment

Fig: Factors Influencing recruitment

External Factors
Supply and demand of labor Unemployment rate Labor market Political- legal environment Sons of soil image


Internal Factors Recruitment policy HRP Size of the firm Cost Growth and expansion

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