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Visual Basic Naming Conventions Naming conventions for constants and variables.

The identifiers of constants and variables should be descriptive and in mixed case, using capital letters for the beginning of each word, with no spaces between the words. Identifiers should have an all-lowercase prefix that indicates the t pe of data stored.

T pe
Boolean Currenc "ouble Integer #ong $ingle $tring %ser-defined

bin cur dbl int lng sng str udt

Naming Conventions for ob&ects

The name propert for an ob&ect should be descriptive and in mixed case, using capital letters for the beginning of each word, with no spaces between words. 'b&ect names should have an all-lowercase prefix that indicates the ob&ect t pe. ()*+!#(, a button used to exit a program could be named cmdExit .

chec- box combo box command button common dialogue data ob&ect director list drive list file list frame form image label line list box multimedia '#( option button picture box shape text box timer

chk cbo cmd cdl dat dir drv fil fra frm img lbl lin lst mmc ole opt pic shp txt tmr

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