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Hiring the Right Fit Getting the right person for the job is the most difficult task

that many employers (esp. the HR professionals) face today. The secret of hiring the correct candidate is identifying the right fit between the individual job!role and the company. Here comes the role of assessments. "ssessments are crucial for right!fit hiring at every conceivable sourcing point including campus hiring consultants employee referrals job fairs etc. "ssessment is the process of documenting usually in measurable terms knowledge skills attitudes and beliefs. #t is a selection tool used both freshers and e$perienced employees. "ssessment tools are recognised universally as good hiring mechanisms since the whole process of designing and delivering them is based on the specific re%uirements of a company. How Assessments are Planned?? &irst a detailed study of the job role is carried out to map the skill sets re%uired to perform that job efficiently. Then specific tests are recommended to test the skills identified and customised to the level of competency re%uired. This helps in pinpointing the e$act candidates who would perfectly fit in a role and perform efficiently. #T and '() sectors are the major industries which employ assessment tools but other sectors like '&*# engineering &+,G healthcare retail manufacturing (ublic *ector -nits and education also use assessments. The Tools The usage of the assessment tools depends on the nature of the industry.job and the number of recruitments happening. -sually foundation level tests like communication analytical and numerical assessments are common across industries. &unctional and domain tests /nglish language tests technology tests are common in #T and '() sectors. These tests measure the job!readiness of a candidate and ensure recruits have a basic aptitude to perform in any given job or industry. "part from these tests there are many other assessment tools used to measure interests skills personality and values of individuals. "ssessment of behavioral skills competency assessment tools and psychometric tests are the most popular assessment tools used to identify the right candidate for the job re%uirement. ,andidates are generally bunched into two categories! freshers and e$perienced! while framing assessments. "t the fresher level tests on foundation skills and a basic level of technical.domain.functional skills are used while evaluation of e$perienced candidates is on the technical domain and functional levels and psychometrics and behaviorial tests as e$pertise and personality is more important at these levels.

"ssessments are evolving everyday and constant innovations are happening in the testing tools and their delivery. Today with the advent of technology many of the assessment tools have become online. ,ompanies find it more efficient to employ online tests for #0 analysis or psychometric tests thus moving out of laboursome and time consuming classroom techni%ues. "lso for assessing behavioral skills of candidates hiring managers do not travel to meet them. /ven managers from overseas are able to connect and review their potential candidates1 body language and thus make better judgment of the person through video!conferencing. ,ritical assessments like voice evaluations are now done in innovative ways like telephonic and automated evaluation modes. )n the test delivery part online testing engines provide companies with a varied choice set. "dvanced and dedicated online testing centres provide one!stop!shop for recruitments integrating online testing terminals with group discussion and interview rooms to provide a single registration to hire window. These centres include features like automated proctoring and advanced biometrics. The Benefits Today recruitments happen in large numbers across multiple cities and the task for recruitment departments in companies with their limited bandwidth is onerous. The use of assessments has resulted in increase in productivity while reducing overall human resources e$penses. "ssessments help in hiring the right set of candidates and hence reduce the cost of bad recruit2 it also optimises the interview bandwidth. 3hen an integrated assessment ! one that measures behavioral traits thinking occupational interests plus job match ! is used the right people are hired most of the time. These assessments successfully identify potentially e$cellent employees.

#t is not the e$perience that counts or the academic %ualification that matters the crucial thing is how a person fit in the job and how successfully he.she does it. 4ob match is by far the most reliable predictor of effectiveness on the job. The only reliable method for evaluating job match is with a properly designed assessment instrument capable of measuring the essential job!related characteristics particular to each specific job. According to Industry sources reasons to use pre-employment assessments:

of ! new hires will disappoint in the first year. of ! employees would rather work elsewhere. "# of $%% applicants will 5e$aggerate5 to get a job. +ost hiring decisions are made in haste ! during the first five minutes of an interview. Turno&er costs for every departing employee. '% percent of employee turnover is avoidable. 6ou want employees who are dependa(le.

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