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We shall destroy our enemies.


Post: Our ruler as a!solutely ama"in# in his $er%orman&e! Map of Me: Its all about Me: 'What am I
(no n %or)* Startin# many ars ith di%%erent

Information Relationship tatus: !e are united "ith oursel#es and no one else$ !hos m% dadd%& Henr% I'

(otta )heck *ut+Must ee: 'ersailles Friends )omment: ,-ou are a saintl% nation./

Enemies )omment: ,-ou t%rannical state. Ho" do %ou function&/

)omment: ,!e like %ou occasionall%0 oka%&/

)omment: ,!e shall crush %ou./

)omment: ,!e tolerate %ou$ P 1not reall% oka%2/

3E- E4RL- M*5ER6 PERI*5 )*6)EP7


)oerci#e Labor %stem: Forced on the lo"er class$ It "as used to help build monuments like the Palace *f 'ersailles$

Mercantilism: 7rade "as boosted through policies from Louis 8I'$

4bsolutism: France is an absolute monarch% ruled onl% b% Louis 8I'

Impact of )olumbian Exchange: 6ot #er% in#ol#ed seeing that the% "ere at "ar most of the time$

Role in 7rade 6et"ork: Expanded trade in northern France$

)lass tructure: Pioneered the Middle )lass 1bourgeoisie20 also contained lo"er and upper classes$

Polic% on Religious 9niformit%+Pluralism: Most Frenchmen are catholic and follo" the pope$

Militar% trength: 'er% po"erful militar% that is used to fight man% battles "ith outl%ing nations$

Economic trength+!eakness: Economic strength "ould be their trade in northern France: economic "eakness "ould be the amount of conflict France is in#ol#ed in$

Ethnic 5emograph%: France is mostl% full of )aucasian "ith a fe" 4frican sla#es$

;Louis 8I' of France$; Louis XIV of France$ 6$p$0 n$d$ !eb$ <= 5ec$ ><?@$ Ahttp:++#alk%rian$tripod$com+essa%s+gmt?<b$htmlB$ ;I'$>$@$ Louis ?C$; IV.2.3. Louis 14$ 6$p$0 n$d$ !eb$ <= 5ec$ ><?@$ Ahttp:++courses$"ashington$edu+hsteu@<>+i#$>$@ louis ?C$htmB$ ;Earl% Modern France$; Wikipedia$ !ikimedia Foundation0 ?> Dan$ ><?@$ !eb$ <= 5ec$ ><?@$ Ahttp:++en$"ikipedia$org+"iki+Earl%EmodernEFranceB$

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