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ALOK Contact No.: (Mobile) : +91- !9991"1#1 (Re$i%ence) : +91-9 &1&"'1(# E-)ail I*: alo++,)a-.ol/01)

Ca-ee- Ob8ecti9e:
To obtain challenges and responsible position in an organization where I can effectively contribute in the growth of organization using my abilities and skills and further improving my personal and professional skills.

:ob 2-o;ile :
Mailin1 A%%-e$$:
S/O Mr. Ram Bhadur Yadav Vill- Bhavani Garh Post- Kahala, R/S- Gaura Distt- Pratap Garh. ( .P.! Pin - "#$#$% Pr(s(ntl2 3or4in/ in <a-i)a Ma-+etin1 In%ia 29t. Lt%. a55iliat(d to Utter Pradesh Government Employee elfare !orporation" #ucknow. *e$i1nation $ %dministration %ssistant. & 'or4(d in Vi+-ant C4e)co In%,$t-ie$= Kan.,- (Do6tor Brand ph(no2al ! *e$i1nation $ #abour elfare &fficer I worked in 'ultipro Polymers Industries" (anpur *e$i1nation $ )actory 'anager

2e-$onal *ata:
3at4eMot4e: Shri R. B. Yadav : Smt. &shra'ati D(vi *.O.5. 6e7 Nationalit/ : # )(* %+,: Mal( . &ndian

E%,cation >,ali;ication$ :
2-o;e$$ional >,ali;ication:
MB7, in Ma-+etin1 ?@.R 5rom Na-aina Colle1e o;

En1inee-in1 ? Tec4nolo1/= Kan.,- a55iliat(d to Utta- 2-a%e$4 Tec4nical Uni9e-$it/ (U2TU= L,c+noA) o*tainin/ a//r(/at( -8.9, :.

2o$t <-a%,ation :
)rom C.6.:.M. Uni9e-$it/ Kan.,- in "$%$, 'ith 0n/lish

Ma-ital 6tat,$ . Sin/l(


. 0n/lish, 1indi

<-a%,ation :
)rom Alla4aba% Uni9e-$it/= Alla4aba% in "$$9,

)rom <o)ti Inte- Colle1e= 24,l.,- Alla4aba% in "$$#, a55iliat(d to .P. Board 7llaha*ad,

; 1ard 3or4in/. ; R(ad2 to a66(pt r(sponsi*iliti(s. ; <a4(s /ood d(6ision. ; D(di6ation ( 1i/h 6ommitm(nt l(v(l! ; Sin6(r( = 1on(st. ; Positiv( attitud(. ; 0nthusiasti6 >(arn(r. ; Good l(ad(rship ?ualit2.

@i14 6c4ool:
)rom <o9e-n)ent Inte- Colle1e= 64ea+4,.,-= 2-ata.1a-4 in "$$$, a55iliat(d to .P. Board 7llaha*ad.

Co).,te- 2-o;icienc/:
7.D.A.7.M.( 7dvan6( Diploma in Aomput(r 7ppli6ation = mana/(m(nt! )rom S.A.&. Phulpur 7llaha*ad. <2pin/.- 0n/lish #8 3.P.M = 1indi #$ 3.P.M

T-ainin1$= 6e)ina-$ an% 2-o8ect$:

7tt(nd(d a s(minar in BK.M.A. Kan.,-C

BTata Ai1 Li;e In$,-ance Co).an/C. BC4an1in1 T-en% in 3MC< 6ecto-C.


>ist(nin/ musi6 R(adin/ Boo4s @(t Sur5in/

Vocational T-ainin1$:
<'o Months trainin/ 5rom Tata AI< Li;e In$,-ance Co).an/= Kan.,-. <'o '((4 r(s(ar6h in Ahan/in/ <r(nd in )MAG S(6tor .

E7t-a C,--ic,la- Acti9itie$:

76tiv( m(m*(r o5 Aoll(/( Aultural Aommunit2 6a-an1. s( to ta4( part in 6ocial Acti9itie$. <'o 2(ar a6tiviti(s in N.6.6. )rom 7llaha*ad 7llaha*ad. niv(rsit2,

A-ea o; Inte-e$t:
Mana/(m(nt Ban4in/ Mar4(tin/

& h(r(*2 d(6lar( that th( a*ov( m(ntion(d 5a6ts ar( tru( to th( *(st o5 m2 4no'l(d/(.

*ate: 2lace: +%*%-)

(U*%+ P,%T%P

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