13-12-14 Occupy Tel-Aviv: Law Enforcement Implants // מושתלי כוחות הביטחון במאהל המחאה החברתית,ת"א

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Human Rights Alert, NGO

Joseph Zernik, PhD


6133301 ",33407 "

13-12-14 Occupy Tel-Aviv: Law enforcement implants //

Serious violation of Human Rights

Attorney Gabby Lasky

Council Member, Tel Aviv Municipality
Gabby Shalom,
This morning, the question of law enforcement implants in the Occupy TelAviv camp came up again.
Yesterday, by hearsay, one of the camp dwellers called the Israel Police, after
a person, who does not reside in the camp threatened him with an ax. The
threat was by the twin brother of a person named Uriel, who lived in the camp
in the past. By hearsay, both are former Israel Police people. By hearsay,
Uriel is also a former convicted felon, and apparently works with police to this
In a presviou conversation I had with Tel Aviv Municipality senior official, Mr
Yaacov Drachman, it turned out that they work closely in cooperation with the
Tel-Aviv municipality as well.
Uriel was also involved in violence in the camp in the past. By hearsay, a
restraining order was issued against him, but was not enforced. Uriel keeps a
place here, which apparently serves him as a storage house. He engages in
collection and/or stealing of metals, and on a regular basis burns here plastic
materials (whose smoke is considered a dangerous canrcinogen) in order to
remove insulating materials from copper in electric cables.


Others, who based on the evidence work with law enforcement and the
Municipality are "Ronna", "Eli" and Mr Danny Falkevich. "Eli" is also
apparently a former policeman and a convicted felon, and threatened me with
violence in the past, with no apparent reason. "Ronna", "Eli", and Danny
claimed in the past on a regular basis that they were designated in charge of
the entire Occupy Tel-Aviv camp by the Tel Aviv municipality, apparently part
of fraud in collusion with the Municipality itself.
A person named "Avi", who does not reside in the camp, but hangs here on a
regular basis (and also in the Kaplan camp, after the July protest this year),.
apparently also belongs to the same category. "Avi" was involved about a
year ago in serious violence against me with no apparent reason.
There are several others in the camp, who apparently belong to the same
Such conditions, where law enforcement affiliates were implanted in the
protest movement from its inception, particularly violent persons with criminal
background, and failure to enforce the law on them, should be deemed
serious violation of the right to protest, the right for political organization, and
various other Human Rights.
I would be happy to discuss this matter further with you.
Social Protest activists
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
Occupy Tel Aviv
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of
the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report
regarding Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the
courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of
the United Nations was incorporated into the 2013 Periodic Review Report
regarding Human Rights in Israel, with the note: "lack of integrity of the
electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees
courts in Israel."
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: JZ
Date: 2013/12/14
To: Laskylaw


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