Friends of Huntly Cricket - Minutes - 26.08.09

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Friends of Huntly Cricket - Minutes - 26.08.


Friend of Huntly Cricket

26 Aug 2009

Present: Martin Rough, Jack Mitchell, Calum Howard, Donald Morrison,

Matthew Heyman, Fiona Forbes, Tracy Buckley, Lynne Driver, Wendy
Dingwall. Theresa Paterson, Charlotte Duffus, Sue Squire, Diane Stokes,
Albert Allan, Shaun Squire, Kevin Rough, Neil Nicol, Adam Sutcliffe

Castle Park, Huntly

Meeting Start: 19.40

Aims of Committee

The aims of this fundraising committee were discussed and it was decided
that the main priority would be the maintenance of the castle Park Facility
This is currently under control of HCC.
Previously a plan was implemented to improve ground but money now
lacking. Approx £2500 pa required.
Square needs leveling.
Square mower needs renewing (around £1000 for ex demo). Also need to
reimburse N Nicol for purchase of scarifier.
Programme needs to start within next few weeks.
Safety assessments for fences, staircases, score box

It was decided to use money from sixes finals to help buy fertiliser. A Sutcliffe
to draft letter secretaries of HCC and HHCC informing them of this proposal.

It was decided that in the future HCC and HHCC would make request to
FOHC for funds.

Future Fundraising Events

19th Sept last match of season Afternoon pancake Tea at Castle Park (Tea at
The Park!!!) FOHC propose to take over tea rota for day providing teas for
players as well. It is hoped there would also be some music on the evening to
keep people at the club.

HHCC Presentation Evening at Stewartʼs Hall, dependent on availability,

possibly Friday. 9th October. No decisions on format were made.

30th October family bingo night ex servicemanʼs club.

Friends of Huntly Cricket - Minutes - 26.08.09

Bat and Balls Calendar. James Davidson has accepted to take photos for a
calendar to feature the men of Huntly Cricket. This will be done in time for

Other Fundraising ideas.

Ceilidh night

Kids disco

Duck race

Treasure hunt

Cricket related sponsored activity

Auction of promises

Trophy comp

Fashion show

Cow pat lottery

Other Business

D Morrison and N Nicol to investigate banking options for the group.

Need contact list for those members without email, and emails for HCC.

Next Meeting

Tues 8th Sept 7.30

Meeting terminated at 21.15

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