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Eng. Lino G.

Warkuk Chol
Date/Place of Birth: 01/01/1979 Upper Nile-Renk Gender: Male Current Address:
! Juba, CES Phone: +211955295820 ! E-Mail:, Skype: linometry, LinkedIn:

To contribute to tasks that will be assigned to me professionally, and ethically.

Project Coordinator 2011-2012 Yirol Oil Mill Project-MCII Is an innovative agribusiness project that will create employment through agricultural productive activities that will emerge as cluster around the Cooking Oil Mill In Yirol West County. Project officer 2009-2011 FICSS Project-MCII Fostering Innovation and Competitiveness Strategy, is a donor funded project and administered by World Bank 2007-2011, with aim of developing agricultural cluster that will drive the agro-industries in South Sudan. Inspector for Industrial Development Department of Industrial Development-MCII Part-time Consultant & co-founder Insights Consulting Group Ltd 2006-2008 2011-Date

Academics & Professional Training

Sudan University of Science, and Technology 2004 BSc in Textile Engineering: the major concerns in Textile Engineering are; development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, knowledge, equipment, energy, material and process. Textile engineering draws upon the principles and methods of engineering analysis and synthesis. AL-Bayan College of Science, and Technology-SudanCertificate of Engineering Projects Planning & Management: Central Institute for Tool Design-India-Hyderabad Certificate of PLC for Advance Automation in industries Certificate of Computer Aided Three integrated Applications (CATIA) East, and South African Management Institute-ESAMI-Kenya Certificate of Participatory approach in Project Planning & Management Ministry of Agriculture of Peoples Republic of China Certificate of Biotech in Agri-business Skills . Managerial skills 2007


2010 2011

Communication skills: Computers applications: (programming languages C++, and other important softwares e.g. MS Project, primavera, and MS office. English, and Arabic: written, and spoken

Reference: 1) Eng.Saber Ojak Chol/ 2) Ken Hyenes OTF Group inc. /Boston-USA/

Note: The Copies of Degrees, Certificates, and Awards are attached

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