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Term Paper: Part 1 My topic is inequality in the workplace when it comes to women.

I will analyze every aspect of this inequality, including salary and gender stereotypes. The workplace has always been considered an unequal environment, especially when it has to do with gender. Women have to face gender bias when applying for a job, get paid a smaller salary than a man with the same position, and deal with harassment. Although inequality is gradually shrinking as years go by, it has not yet completely disappeared. It goes on in our area of Santa Clarita and is widespread throughout the United States. I. Intro a. Gender inequality has been observed in the workplace since women started working outside of the home. i. Unequal pay ii. Gender stereotyping iii. Harassment iv. Expectations to work/also working at home b. Thesis: There is a noticeable amount of gender inequality still existing even today. Body a. In our society, some types of jobs are considered only for women. i. Nurses ii. Primary school teachers iii. Librarians b. Difficult for a women to get a job considered for men i. CEO ii. Police force iii. College professor iv. Doctor Body a. Salary i. Textbook says even today women are getting paid 77 cents to a mans dollar for the same position ii. Equal pay act 1963 being overridden in private businesses, not federal 1. Restaurants, retail, etc, women are paid less 2. Many more private jobs than government jobs Body






a. Harassment i. Harassment is form of discrimination 1. Verbal abuse 2. Physical conduct ii. Supposedly gender neutral, but majority of reports are by women Body a. Expectations i. Women are expected now to work outside of the home but then come back home for housework ii. Essentially two jobs Conclusion a. Gender inequality is visible today in our area, and in the majority of the country.

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