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Lisa Conway

Contact Me
Lisa Conway
75 Aries Dr. Rexburg, ID 83440 208.206.1463

Table of Contents
Brochure Imaging Montage Web Page Letterhead Business Card Logos Flier Event Ad

A two sided (duplex) folding brochure.

Date: 12/11/13 Course/Instructor:

Comm 130 Section 06 Julie Peterson

Adobe InDesign

Objectives: Process:

A two sided (duplex) folding travel brochure to fit a company advertising Hamburg, Germany as a significant tourist location. Applied Design principles and used basic tools of InDesign.

I set up by fold in Adobe InDesign and set the margins at .25 inches. I split my layout into two sections. I used cream and blue throughout my brochure to create repetition and flow. I decided to do a travel brochure on Hamburg, Germany because that is where I want to travel someday. On the front cover I made the title stand out and created contrast between Hamburg and Germany by making Hamburg a larger font and Germany stretched out and aligned with Hamburg. On my elephant image I used the quick selection tool in Photoshop to remove the background and then used the refine mask dialogue box to smooth out the edge. I then placed the image in InDesign where I used the text wrap option to wrap my text around the alpha channel of my image. I placed my logo that I had previously designed on the back and centered it with my photos.

A photograph taken by me recently that has been edited and formatted using Adobe Photoshop

Date: 10/18/13 Course/Instructor:

Comm 130 Section 06 Julie Peterson

Program(s)/Tools: Objectives: Process:

Adobe Photoshop , Canon 100 Camera

My objective was to take a recent picture and to edit it in Photoshop, applying a suitable filter and using the quick selection tool on the background.

I took my photograph using my Canon 100 camera. I went to the BYU-I gardens just before sunset to take this photo. Then I brought it into Photoshop and cropped it to be 6 by 6 square. I then selected the background using quick selection tools and applied a rough pastels filter to the background and desaturated the background as well. The flower I left alone because it already looked bright and vibrant.

Description: Date:
10/26/13 A montage of three images blurred onto a background.

Comm 130 Section 06 Julie Peterson

Adobe Photoshop

Objectives: Process:

An inspirational montage containg three images blurred into the background to go along with the them of the quote used. Applied design principles and used basic tools of Photoshop.

First I looked online for a good background picture and then I opened it on Photoshop. I then looked for three more pictures that would go well with my theme of dreaming big. Then I brought the pictures onto Photoshop one by one and u sed the blur tool to make them blend into my background picture. I kept the rule of thirds principle by making the unicorn be in the lower right corner. I made the castle picture be a bit about the ground so that it looked like it was floating a bit to go along with my theme of dreams. I also purposefully picked a picture of a girl looking down so that it looked like she was dreaming the images shown below her. Then I put in the quote and also added in my filter called sprayed strokes to just the background.

Web Page
Description: Date: 11/23/13 Course/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 06 Julie Peterson This is a web page I designed to showcase a logo that I have made this semester.

Program(s)/Tools: Objectives: Process:

TextWrangler, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop

My objectives in making this web page was to showcase a logo that I have made this semester using basic HTML and CSS skills.

I created this web page using TextWrangler. It was fun to learn how to code a web page with HTML and CSS. After I marked up all of my content and inserted my image tag, I attached the demo CSS document to my HTML document. Then I used the colors from my logo as the colors for my web page by opening Photoshop and using the eyedropper tool. I changed my fonts to Calibri bold and Calibri normal. I also included some backup fonts in case the font I used wasnt web safe. I changed my float to left to make my text wrap around my logo to the right. I made sure that my paragraphs and lists didnt have any orphans in them as well by adding a few extra words.

Description: Date: 11/09/13 Course/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 06 Julie Peterson A letterhead created using the design principles and the programs InDesign, and Illustrator.

Program(s)/Tools: Objectives: Process:

Adobe Illustrator and InDesign

My objectives in making this stationery was to create a Letterhead that could be used by a company using the basic tools in InDesign. First on Adobe Illustrator I brainstormed about which logo to use and created several different logos before I picked one that I liked. I picked the one of a camera and used the rectangle tool to make it look like a camera. In InDesign I created my letterhead stationery and made it have related elements from my business card. Next, I made sure the font and the logo were aligned and added a watermark of my wavy line design,with an opacity of 4%, on the bottom right hand corner. I also put a red line, the same color as from my line design, below the logo and contact information to make it look professional and aligned.

Business Card
Description: Date: 11/09/13 Course/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 06 Julie Peterson A business card and a letterhead created using the design principles and with the programs InDesign, and Illustrator.

Program(s)/Tools: Objectives: Process:

Adobe Illustrator and InDesign

My objectives in making this stationery was to create a Business Card that could be used by a company using the basic tools in InDesign. First on Adobe Illustrator I brainstormed about which logo to use and created several different logos before I picked one that I liked. I picked the one of a camera and used the rectangle tool to make it look like a camera. Then I created the overall design for my business card and typed my contact information in it using a contrasting font to the logo font and brought it over to InDesign to format it. I made sure that it was above the mid point line and made the front and back cards aligned.


Lisa Conway Lisa Conway 208.206.1463 208.206.1463 53 South Taurus Ave 53 South Taurus Ave Rexburg, ID 83440


Description: Date: 11/02/13 Course/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 06 Julie Peterson Three variations of a logo for the same company, Noels Fine Jewelry.

Adobe Illustrator

Objectives: Process:

My objectives in making these three logos was to appeal to the company and to give them three variations to choose from.

First that I would make up a company name and what the store would sell and then I started brainstorming what the three kinds of logos should be. My fake companys name was Noels Fine Jewelry so I thought that it would look interesting if I replaced the O in Noels with a necklace. I made sure that the text was aligned as I finished the the first logo and put a box around it. For the next logo I thought it would be cool to have the words be white within a black circle. Next I put a fancy red stroke in the middle of the words with a paintbrush tool. For the last one I decided to do a trademark and made a necklace with the shape tool and the gem with the shape and direct selection tools. And then I put in the capital N to represent the stores name. Lastly, I also spent time making sure the beads on the necklace were aligned and centered on the string.

Noels Fine Jewelry

Fine Jewelry


Fine Jewelry

Description: Date: 10/04/13 Course/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 06 Julie Peterson A black and white promotional flier to promote a graduate leadership conference.

Adobe InDesign

Objectives: Process:

My objective in creating this flier was to promote a graduate leadership conference using the basic tools of InDesign and the design principles. n

First that I would make up a company name and what the store would sell and then I started brainstorming what the three kinds of logos should be. My fake companys name was Noels Fine Jewelry so I thought that it would look interesting if I replaced the O in Noels with a necklace. I made sure that the text was aligned as I finished the the first logo and put a box around it. For the next logo I thought it would be cool to have the words be white within a black circle. Next I put a fancy red stroke in the middle of the words with a paintbrush tool. For the last one I decided to do a trademark and made a necklace with the shape tool and the gem with the shape and direct selection tools. And then I put in the capital N to represent the stores name. Lastly, I also spent time making sure the beads on the necklace were aligned and centered on the string.

Leadership Conference

Do you want to have the competitive edge in business?

Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate Leadership Conference. Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills in the workplace. During this dynamic three-day seminar, attendees will meet with top executives of Vouant Communications to discuss breakthrough leadership techniques, while cultivating attributes of leadership that will market to any employer Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited. leaders

October 21 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Lincoln Convention

Event Ad
Description: Date: 10/12/13 Course/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 06 Julie Peterson A color full bleed event ad to publicize a fundraiser using Microsoft Word and a scanner.

Program(s)/Tools: Objectives: Process:

Microsoft Word, Epson Scanner, (PDF converter)

My objective in creating this event ad was to publicize a fundraiser using only the basic Microsoft Word design tools.

First I looked through several magazines to find an interesting picture that i wanted to use for my ad, then I scanned the image, then I made a rough draft of my ad on Microsoft Word, then for my final draft I decided to crop my image so that I could put the title on the top. I made the title box green and the word Wednesdays green also for repetition to go along with the green in the image.

Obedience School For Dogs

Is your dog giving you trouble?

Then come Wednesdays for some simple lessons that will improve your relationship with y our pet. October 16-February 5 From 2 to 4 pm. Community Center 145 Smith St. All types welcome All proceeds go toward the 4 Paws adoption agency to help all dogs everywhere get a home. Sponsored by Dogs Incorporated

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