Benjamin C. Adams: Education

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Benjamin C.

The Pennsylvania State University MAJOR: Statisti%s Minor: Se%*&it' and +isk Ana#'sis o ,PA- 3$15/4$00

319 West Ave Jenkintown, PA 19046 USA 2152792071 / benada s3!" ai#$%o

Unive&sit' Pa&k, PA (ntended %#ass o) 2015

Course Wor : .#e enta&' Statisti%s, P&obabi#it' /0eo&', Ana#'sis o) 1a&ian%e, A22#ied +e"&ession Ana#'sis, S*&ve' Sa 2#in" !"#erien$e Usin%: 3initab, SAS

3e be& o) P0i 4a22a Psi 5&ate&nit' 20116P&esent o 7))i%e& and ,&ievan%e %o ittee 89i"0 #eade&s0i2 2osition: o +e%&*it ent ;0ai&- in%&eased e be&s0i2 b' 30< and 0and#ed a =5,000 b*d"et o ;ate&e&- stabi#i>ed new ea# 2#an )o& 50? b&ot0e&s: o @ew 3e be& .d*%ato& o /97@ %ont&ib*to& @ationa# 9ono&s So%iet' P&esident 2010611 o 9e#2ed o&"ani>e, wo&k, and b*d"et s%0oo# b#ood d&ive, +e#a' )o& Ai)e, Wo&#d ;a)B Aive C ot0e& %o *nit' se&vi%e events ;o issione& o) Ao%a# /6ba## #ea"*e 2010 o +e"iste&ed 2a&ti%i2ants, ;&eated tea s, P*t t0e 2&a%ti%e and "a e s%0ed*#e to"et0e&, Attended and ove&saw bi6week#' "a es, +e#a'ed in)o& ation to %oa%0es, 3aintained t0e 2#a'in" )ie#d

Jen into&n 'outh A$tivities( Abin"ton, PA So$$er Cam# Counselor /a*"0t so%%e& ski##s to %0i#d&en a"es D E 11 b' %o in" *2 wit0 a22&o2&iate d&i##s and "a es Advan$ed )i$in% Te$hnolo%ies( 9o&s0a , PA Shi##in% and Re$eivin% Assistant Was in %0a&"e o) in%o in" and o*t"oin" 2a%ka"es o) s2a&e 2a&ts P*t s2a&e 2a&ts into sto%k and took t0e o*t o) sto%k as needed .nte&ed ne%essa&' in)o& ation into a new#' #ea&ned %o 2*te& 2&o"&a The Corner Room( State ;o##e"e, PA Cashier( host and *usser 2006 6 2010


20126 P&esent

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