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Assessment Checklist: Understanding Place Value Skill

Assigns groups of ten beans to tens place and loose beans to ones place (on Bean Counters chart) Yes Articulates the connection between the written numeral and the amount of tens and ones in the number - Theres a 7 here [tens] and a 1 here [ones] and its 71, because 7 + 1 = 71 in weirdo world. What does that mean? Its really weird and you dont understand anything.


Groups beans into tens and ones (cups and loose beans) - During first attempt (as a group), put more than 10 in a cup. We recounted together and she kept counting past 10, so I helped her.

Determines total number of beans - Counted cups by tens (10, 20, 30) up to 80, then added 1 single bean.

Records amount of tens and ones in appropriate spots (on group chart) Yes

Other observations Cookies: - First hint was more ones than ten; she guessed 31. When asked to explain, she realized 3 tens is more than 1 one. - Disagreed with Malins guess of 83: It adds up to 8, but theres already an 8 in it. And 8 + 3 actually equals 11. Cookies: - How many ones in 10? Its a 0, so theres no ones. - Demonstrated understanding throughout, and was the one to get the final number both times. Took into account all the hints and explained well.




- During group counting, knew that 8 cups of 10 and 7 loose beans totaled 87. - Found her own total. - Revised her prediction when she saw that she had a few more beans that would not make another cup of ten.


- During group counting, before we even did the activity, I asked how we could figure out from the chart how many beans we had. Lillian said, 87, because 8 + 7 = 87. I asked her to clarify and she said, Well no, Im putting them

together. Because if theres 8 of these [cups] and theyre all tens, that equals 80, because were counting by tens. And theres 7 here. And 80 + 7 = 87. Understood the correlation fairly well. - Justifying her own counted beans: Because if theres 9 tens it equals 90, and 90 + 4 = 94.


Yes - During group activity: We could put them in groups of ten and then the one that has 8. - Agreed that counting by ten was more efficient, but said we could also count by twos. - Counted out cups of ten by twos (as she suggested earlier).

Yes - Explained to the group how the chart works.

- Counted out 10 cups of ten and 5 loose beans. Recorded both, then tried to interpret what she saw in each column: Used the 5 in the ones column to guess that her total was in the fifties. Counted by tens and then added 5 to get 105, which surprised her.


- Before our final discussion, said she wasnt sure she could trust Lillians count of 94 (9 tens and 4 ones) because she was doing it by herself. - For her own number: So close! I didnt realize this when I was counting the cups, but I know that theres 10 cups, and 10 plus 10 is 20, but if youre counting by tens, 10 tens is 100. And then 100 + 5 is 105.

Cookies: - When I gave my first hint, more ones than tens, asked, What do you mean by that? - Could point out tens place in 10. - I think its 33 because you said the digits add up to 6, and 3 + 3 = 6. I never said digits, so Im glad she got that connection! She took the latest clue into account, but ignored the first (more ones than tens). - Second round, first hint: more tens

than ones. Guessed 10 and defended it well. - Second round, third hint: 3 ones. Guessed 83. Got 3 ones and more tens than ones, but doesnt add up to 8. Yes - Suggested that the group count by tens. Yes - When we counted out the first set of beans as a group, he knew how many there were by counting by tens on his own. - Counted the cups by tens (10, 20, 30) up to 70, then added 1. Despite knowing the total, could not tell me how many cups he had; had to count. Yes - Explaining the chart: Theres 7 tens and 1 single bean. 7 tens, thats 70, and then I add 70 + 1, thats 71. - Looking for patterns in the chart: Pointed out the 10 under Cups of 10, 5 under Single Beans, and 105 (which is like 10 and 5) under Total. When asked if there were any other numbers that fit this pattern, he said no. Cookies: - First round, second hint: tens and ones add up to 6. He guessed 10. Did not make the connection. - Second round, second hint: digits add up to 8. Guessed 44, because 4 + 4 = 8. Understood the clue, but forgot more tens than ones.


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