References For scn494 Final Project

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References 13,102 Energy Teacher Resources. (n.d.). Lesson Planet Articles. Retrieved December 1 , 2013, from htt!"##$$$.%esson! 'ey$ords(Energy)media*id+,+,D(2)utm*source(adcenter)utm*medium(c!

c)utm*term(rene$ab%e +20energy +20.$or'sheets)utm*content(Energy)utm*cam!aign(/cience.0or'sheets +20(/earch))m'$id(Rrsb123u)crid(4 53222 3)m!*'$(rene$ab%e+20 This $ebsite can be used for teachers to use in the c%assroom. The $ebsite can be used to find videos, $or'sheets, artic%es, activities, and %esson !%ans on a variety of different sub6ects and grade %eve%s. -enefits of /o%ar 7ane%s for the 8ome. (n.d.). Solar Arizona. Retrieved 9ovember 13, 2013, from htt!"##$$$.so%ar:ari;!o$er:facts#so%ar:!ane%s: for:the:home# This artic%e can be sued for teachers to use in the c%assroom. The artic%e is about the benefits of having so%ar !ane%s for a home. Teachers can use the information from the artic%e to teach students $hy so%ar !ane%s benefits homes. Disadvantages of /o%ar 7o$er : 0hy /o%ar 7o$er 8as <imited 7o!u%arity. (n.d.). Disadvantages of Solar Power. Retrieved 9ovember 13, 2013, from htt!"##$$$.so%ar!o$ !o$er.shtm%=at*!co(sm%$n:1.0)at*tot(1)at*ab(!er:12)at*!os(0 This artic%e $i%% be va%uab%e for teachers to use. The artic%e is about some of the disadvantage of using so%ar energy. Teachers can use this artic%e to teach students the cons of using so%ar energy.

8., D. (2013, 1ugust 1). 1dvantages and Disadvantages of /o%ar 7ane%s. The Hope Project. Retrieved 9ovember 13, 2013, from htt!"##$$$.ho!e: !!ane%s# This artic%e can be used for teachers and e%ementary students. The artic%e is about the advantages and disadvantages of so%ar !ane%s. Teachers and e%ementary students can used this artic%e to %earn more about the !ros and cons on so%ar !ane%s. The artic%e is easy to read, so students $ou%d be ab%e to read the artic%e themse%ves. 8ab6anec, D. (n.d.). >nteresting energy facts. Solar energy facts -. Retrieved 9ovember 12, 2013, from htt!"##interestingenergyfacts.b%ogs! facts.htm% This $eb!age can be used by teachers. This $eb!age has facts about so%ar energy. This sources $i%% be great to strengthen the 'no$%edge if teachers before they teach about so%ar energy. 1%so, teachers can teach students the facts that are mentioned from the $eb!age. >ntroduction to /o%ar 7hotovo%taics. (200?, December 11). YouTu e. Retrieved 9ovember 11, 2013, from htt!"##$$$$atch&v(2m@T/A2f351 This video is for teachers and e%ementary students. The video is an introduction into %earning about so%ar !hotovo%taics. This video can used for teachers to gain 'no$%edge about so%ar !ane%s. /tudents can a%so use this video to %earn about so%ar !ane%s as $e%%. 8o$ever, > thin' it $ou%d be best if e%ementary students $ere to %earn about the conce!ts in the video, the teacher shou%d guide the students through the video.

7rob%ems 0ith /o%ar Energy : 0hy >t >s 9ot Bore 0ide%y Csed. (n.d.). Pro le!s "ith Solar #nergy. Retrieved 9ovember 11, 2013, from htt!"##$$$.so%ar!o$!rob%ems:$ith:so%ar:energy.shtm% This artic%e can be used for main%y for teachers, but the artic%e cou%d be for e%ementary students as $e%%. The artic%e is about some of the cha%%enges so%ar energy faces today, and the artic%e brief%y mentioned some !otentia% so%utions as $e%%. The artic%e $i%% benefit teachers in %earning about the cha%%enges of using so%ar energy. The artic%e $i%% benefit students as $e%%, but it $ou%d be better for students if the teacher $ent over the artic%e $ith students. Ryan, A. (n.d.). 0hat is /o%ar Energy&. "hat is Solar #nergy$. Retrieved 9ovember 11, 2013, from htt!"##$$$ This $eb!age $ou%d be used for teachers. >t is a !age that eD!%ains $hat is so%ar energy, and it has a 7DE fi%e attached to the !age. The 7DE is a !rintab%e $or'sheet that students can use to ta'e notes on the $eb!age. > choose this source because teachers can use this $eb!age to teach students $hat is so%ar energy. /E>1. (2012, Fu%y 2). S#%A. Retrieved 9ovember 11, 2013, from htt!"##$$$ This $ebsite can be used for teachers and e%ementary students. This $ebsite is the /o%ar Energy >ndustries 1ssociation, and it is a nationa% trade association that has %ots of information about so%ar energy. > have used this source because > thin' this $ou%d be a usefu% too% for anyone cou%d use to %earn more on so%ar energy. /E>1. (2012, Fu%y 2). Arizona Solar. Retrieved 9ovember 11, 2013, from

htt!"##$$$!o%icy#ari;ona This $eb!age can be used for teachers and e%ementary students. This $eb!age is on the /o%ar Energy >ndustries 1ssociation, a nationa% trade association that has %ots of information about so%ar energy. Gn this !age, it has information about 1ri;onaHs so%ar !o%icy on so%ar energy.> have used this source because > thin' this $ou%d be a great thing to sho$ students about the !rogress of so%ar energy in 1ri;ona. /o%ar. (n.d.). #%A #nergy &ids -. Retrieved 9ovember 11, 2013, from htt!"##$$$'ids#energy.cfm&!age(so%ar*home:basics:'.cfm This artic%e cou%d be used for teachers, and e%ementary students. The artic%e brea's do$n the basics about so%ar energy. The artic%e touches $hat it is, $here is can be found, so%ar !hotovo%taic, so%ar therma% !%ants, so%ar therma% co%%ections, and so%ar and the environment. The source $i%% be great for teachers to %earn from the artic%e to teach to students. >n addition, this artic%e $i%% be great for students to read as $e%%. /o%ar Energy. (n.d.). Solar Power ' (enewa le #nergy %nfor!ation. Retrieved 9ovember 11, 2013, from htt!" This $ebsite can be used for teachers and e%ementary students. /o%arEnergy is a $ebsite that has a co%%ection of artic%es on a variety of to!ics regarding so%ar energy. > choose this source because the $ebsite can be used for teachers and students to %earn more on the different to!ics $ithin so%ar energy. 1 !ossib%e activity cou%d be done $ith these artic%es as $e%%. /o%ar Energy Eacts. (n.d.). Sol )utdoor Lighting. Retrieved 9ovember 11, 2013, from

htt!"##$$$ This $eb!age can be used for teachers and e%ementary students. This $eb!age from /o%, >nc. The $eb!age has 10 basic facts about so%ar energy. > choose this source because it $ou%d be a good introduction to for students on the benefits of using the /un for energy. /o%ar 7o$er 0or's in 1ri;ona :: /o 0hy do Cti%ities 0ant to Ii%% >t&. (2013, /e!tember 13). YouTu e. Retrieved 9ovember 13, 2013, from htt!"##$$$$atch&v(0E:na;JG@31 This video can be used for teachers and e%ementary studentsK ho$ever, > can see this video being more beneficia% for students. The video is about $hy uti%ity com!anies $ant to get rid of so%ar energy. This can be used in the c%assroom to start a discussion, activity, or %esson on the cha%%enges that so%ar faces today in our society. > be%ieve the video $i%% benefit students more is because the video $i%% s!ar' interest and curiosity about the content of the video. Tessera /o%ar Energy in 1ri;ona. (2010, 1!ri% 30). YouTu e. Retrieved 9ovember 12, 2013, from htt!"##$$$$atch&v(?4?Jt;iT56J This JouTube video can be used for teachers and e%ementary students. The video is about Tessera /o%ar Energy, a so%ar energy com!any in 1ri;ona. The video ta%'s about their ty!e of so%ar therma% !%ant, and the com!anies goa% for so%ar energy. This video $i%% be great for teachers and students to $atch to %earn about some of the so%ar energy com!anies that are in 1ri;ona. 0hat are so%ar !ane%s& . (n.d.). Power Syste!. Retrieved 9ovember 11, 2013, from

htt!"##$$$.Lrg.north$!ro6ects#vss#docs+20#7o$er#1:$hat:are:so%ar: !ane%s.htm% This $ebsite can be used for teachers. The $ebsite has the basic and advanced information on so%ar !ane%s. This $ebsite $i%% be great for teachers to increase his or her 'no$%edge on the so%ar !ane%s, Teachers can a%so use the information from this $ebsite to teach students on so%ar !ane%s. 0hy /o%ar 7o$ered Energy >s -etter Than Eossi% Eue%s. (n.d.). The Solar *o!pany. Retrieved 9ovember 11, 2013, from htt!"##$$$$hy:so%ar: !o$ered:energy:is:better:than:fossi%:fue%s# The artic%e can be used on teachers and e%ementary students. The artic%e is about $hy so%ar energy is better than fossi% fue%s. The artic%e $i%% be great for teachers and students because they $i%% gain the 'no$%edge of $hy so%ar energy is better to use than fossi% fue%s. Teachers can use this artic%e to teacher students the content in the artic%e, and this artic%e is easy to read, so must student $i%% be ab%e to read the artic%e $ithout adu%t he%!.

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