The Exodus

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Written in Genesis in Hebrew Bible

Jacobs descendants grew in size

Pharaoh was afraid of the size Pharaoh enslaves Israel people (Israelites)
God tells Moses to tell Pharaoh stop it Moses told Pharaoh not to do that

Pharaoh doesnt listen

God punished Egyptians with sickness & insects Finally, kills every first son in Egypt
Ones who were Israelites were saved from it
Told they were Israelites by blood

Pharaoh release Israelites

Israelites Mt. Sinai Happened 1200s B.C. Before entering promised land, 40 yrs in deserts as preparation
Learned worship god, religious things, etc.

Some wondered god and Moses

Moses got Ten Commandments

How to do things to god Essential to Jews still

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I the LORD am our God. Have no other gods besides Me, and do not make idols and worship them. Do not swear falsely by the name the LORD your God. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Honor your father and your mother

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Do not commit murder Do not commit adultery. Do not steal Do not bear false witness against your neighbor Do not covet your neighbors house, wife, or belongings

To Jews, Exodus told them obey god, god will reward Ten Commandments made very close relation with god and Jews

Moses died before reaching the Promised Land His son Joshua continued
Enters Canaan Conquers Jericho as beginning Descendants of Joshua made tribes

Canaanites had many gods

Jews remained one god

From Jewish, Christian came out. One god belief Christianity & Muslim

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