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Habitat Dioramas What is a habitat?

We have been exploring this question in class and have discovered that a habitat is a place that has living and nonliving things that make up a certain kind of environment. The living things that are in a habitat have everything they need. Now it is your job to create one of the habitats that we have talked about in class. On the first day of the habitat unit, you will be assigned a habitat. The four habitats that we will be learning about are: Oceans Deserts Forests Wetlands Once you know which habitat you are making, begin to look up important information about it. Then, using a shoebox, you will create a diorama that depicts all the important parts of your habitat. Use any materials that you would like to create a realistic looking habitat in your shoebox. Important things to think about: Plants Animals Weather Nonliving parts On the back of your shoebox, include an index card with your name and one or two sentences with something special about your habitat. Completed dioramas are due on Thursday, December 5, 2013.


Index Card


4 The diorama depicts important, accurate information about the plants, animals, and nonliving aspects for the specific habitat. All the items included in the diorama are relevant to that habitat. The index card contains at least one or two wellwritten sentences that give important facts about the habitat. All the sentences use correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. Handwriting is neat. The diorama is very neat and organized. All objects are visible and secure in the diorama. It is clear the student put a lot of thought into creating the project.

3 The diorama depicts accurate information about some of the plants, animals, and nonliving aspects for the specific habitat. Most of the items included in the diorama are relevant to that habitat. The index card contains one or two sentences that give facts about the habitat. Sentences mostly use correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. Handwriting is neat. The diorama is neat and organized. Most objects are visible and secure in the diorama. The student put some thought into creating the project.

2 The diorama depicts some of the plants, animals, and nonliving aspects for the specific habitat. Some of the items included in the diorama are relevant to that habitat.

1 The diorama does not depict some of the plants, animals, and nonliving aspects for the specific habitat. Most of the items included in the diorama are not relevant to that habitat.

The index card contains one sentence that gives very little information about the habitat. Sentences contain many errors in capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. Handwriting is hard to read. The diorama is messy and disorganized. Objects are hard to see or are not secure in the diorama. The student put little thought into creating the project.

Index card is not included or it contains one sentence that is irrelevant about the habitat. Sentences contain many errors in capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. Handwriting is illegible. The diorama is messy and disorganized. Objects are hard to see or are not secure in the diorama. It does not appear as though student put any thought into creating the project.

Dioramas de Hbitat Qu es un hbitat? Hemos estado explorando este tema en clase y hemos descubierto que el hbitat es un lugar que tiene seres vivos y no vivos que componen un determinado tipo de entorno . Los seres vivos que se encuentran en un hbitat tienen todo lo que necesitan . Ahora es su trabajo para crear uno de los hbitats que hemos hablado en clase. En el primer da de la unidad de hbitat , se le asignar un hbitat. Los cuatro hbitats que vamos a aprender acerca de son: Los ocanos Desiertos Bosques Humedales Una vez que sepas lo que ests haciendo hbitat , comenzar a buscar informacin importante al respecto. Luego, utilizando una caja de zapatos , se crear un diorama que representa todas las partes importantes de su hbitat. Utilice cualquier material que le gustara crear un hbitat muy realista en tu caja de zapatos. Cosas importantes que debe considerar: Plantas Los animales El tiempo Las partes no vivas En la parte posterior de la caja de zapatos , incluir una ficha con su nombre y una o dos frases con algo especial acerca de su hbitat. Dioramas son completadas por el jueves 5 de diciembre de 2013.

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