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John McCarthy Name

HLAC 1096- Course

12-14-2013 Date

HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Wr te a paragraph on each o! the !o""o# n$%
1& What ' ' you "earn a(out )" !e"on$ #e""ness* !rom ta+ n$ th s act , ty c"ass. "earne' that . can/t $et my $oa"s 'one n one ( $ 0ush& . nee' to constant"y #or+ on myse"! to $et 'o#n to a #e $ht . am com!orta("e # th& An' . "earne' that . shou"' (e a m n$ !or th s #e $ht1 not 2ust to "oo+ (etter1 (ut to m0ro,e my hea"th to& . 'on/t #ant to ' e at 40 " +e my $ran'!ather an' #hat . "earne' !rom th s c"ass # "" he"0 me a,o ' a s m "ar 'eath&

2& Ho# #ou"' you a00"y th s n!ormat on to your " !e3he t#o ( $ th n$s th s c"ass tau$ht me #as ho# to e4cers 5e (etter an' ho# to set e4erc se $oa"s that are !eas ("e an' # th n my reach& . ho0e ! . ha,e sma""er $oa"s such as 6. 2ust nee' to "ose 10 0oun's6 an' +ee0 them u0 . can reach that $oa"1 rather than try n$ to reach a $oa" o! "os n$ 70 or 80 0oun's&

3& What s your ntent on to cont nue to e4erc se n your " !e an' #hyHonest"y my ntent on s to try $ett n$ a cons stant sche'u"e 'o#n !or e4erc se an' my ' et so that . # "" ! n' t "ess o! a chore to e4erc se an' not ha,e ran'om !oo' ( n$es that a errat c ' et ten's to (r n$& 3he other reason . #ou"' " +e to try to cont nue a hea"th er " !esty"e are that (es 'es #ant n$ to stay a" ,e an' a,o ' the heart ' sease that my !am "y has a h story o!1 . #ou"' " +e to m0ro,e my se"! con! 'ence an' (o'y ma$e& . th n+ that t #ou"' he"0 my " !e a "ot o! . ' 'n/t ha,e such a ne$at ,e se"! ma$e& 4& 9enera" 'eas !or m0ro, n$ th s course. rea""y a00rec ate you sen' n$ me messa$es a(out my ass $nments an' sho# n$ that you care'& 3hat ment a "ot an' . a00rec ate t& 3here s not anyth n$ . #ou"' say to m0ro,e& . " +e the !ormat o! the c"ass1 the ass $nments #ere not too (a'1 an' the :u 55es #ere !a r& 3han+ you !or ha, n$ me n your c"ass an' . # sh you the (est o! "uc+&

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