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Biology Essentials- Biodiversity Guided Viewing Worksheet Name: ________________________________________________ 1: What is biodiversity? Amount of life that we have.

Variation in life. 2: What are we doing to decrease biodiversity? What is a monoculture? We use monoculture, only planting one thing. Decreasing the amount of area in land. 3: How much of our planets species have been identified? Half. We have only discovered an small percent. 4: What is a keystone species? What is an example? Why are they important? It a species thats able to keep a balance in the ecosystem, proportioning more than others. It keeps a balance. The Sea otters. 5: E.O. Wilson stated, The one process ongoing that will take millions of years to correct is the loss of genetic and species diversity by the destruction of natural habitats. This is the folly that our descendents are least likely to forgive us. Discuss this statement. What is the #1 cause of species decline?
A change in the ecosystem. When you moved animals from one place to another, or destroy an ecosystem putting something else. Like the forest and the farmland. This destruction made by humans. They destroy habits this cause the organism to have not shelter of food.

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