Bad Rumours About Walmart

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Good or Bad?

There is a lot of controversy about Wal-Mart in America. One thing we do know, if you want goods made in China, Wal-Mart is for you. ere are some more things we know about Wal-Mart! OW "#$ #% WA&MA'T( 1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart every ho r o! every day. ". #his $or%s o t to $"0,&"' pro!it every min te( 3. Wal-Mart $ill sell more !rom )an ary 1 to *t.+atric%,s -ay .March 1/th0 than #ar1et sells all year. 2. Wal-Mart is 3i11er than 4ome -epot 5 6ro1er 5 #ar1et 5 *ears 5 7ostco 5 6-Mart com3ined. 8. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people and is the lar1est private employer. And most can,t spea% 9n1lish 6. Wal-Mart is the lar1est company in the history o! the World. /. Wal-Mart no$ sells more !ood than 6ro1er : *a!e$ay com3ined, and %eep in mind they did this in only 18 years. '. - rin1 this same period, 31 * permar%et chains so 1ht 3an%r ptcy .incl din1 Winn--i;ie0. &. Wal-Mart no$ sells more !ood than any other store in the $orld. 10. Wal-Mart has appro; 3,&00 stores in the <*A o! $hich 1,&06 are * per 7enters= this is 1,000 more than it had 8 years a1o. 11. #his year /." 3illion di!!erent p rchasin1 e;periences $ill occ r at a Wal-Mart store. .9arth,s pop lation is appro;imately 6.8 3illion.0 1". &0> o! all Americans live $ithin 18 miles o! a Wal-Mart Maybe Wal-Mart should bail out Wall %treet. W4A# #49 M9-?A 4A* @A# #AB- CA< ABA<# WAB-MAD#
Starting in 1958, Sherman Skolnick was a Chicago court reformer. Since 1963, he was founder/chairman, Citizen s Committee to Clean !" the Courts, disclosing

certain instances of #udicial and other $ri$er% and "olitical murders. &r. Skolnick has "assed awa% on &a% '', '((6, $ut his work li)es on.

%herman %kolnick)s re*orts on Wal-Mart and the 'ed Chinese %ecret +olice! 'e*ort ,- - .click to read/ *+n its sim"lest terms, ,al-&art is a front for the .ockefellers and the .ed Chinese Secret /olice. 0o not the to" honchos at ,al-&art know that their chea" "rices are $ased on "roduction $% Chinese sla)e la$or, in cam"s and factories o"erated $% the Secret /olice1 2% the wa%, there has $een a mo)ement in the !.S. to "a% re"arations to the descendents of 3merican sla)er%. ,ill there some da% $e a similar mo)ement in mainland China, to com"ensate the families and descendents of sla)e la$orers1 +tems that other stores sell for twent% dollars are sold $% ,al-&art for ten dollars. 3nd ,al-&art re"ortedl% "a%s onl% twent% cents for the item made $% sla)e la$or. 4here is )er% little a$out the "eriod of the 198(s as to ,al-&art, when the .ockefellers were installing the Chinese in 3rkansas and in 3merican $usiness. ,ho was noticing when the .ockefellers were "la%ing their China card1* 'e*ort ,0 1When you know the facts, you would understand why we designate the new air*ort in 2orthwest Arkansas, as China)s Air*ort on 3.%. soil. &ook at a ma* of the area. 'ight nearby, in "entonville, is the head4uarters of Wal-Mart %tores, #nc., %am)s Club, and other subsidiaries. As stated in +art One, Wal-Mart re*ortedly de*ends on goods from 'ed China made by slave laborers under the authority of the %ecret +olice. Also right nearby in %*ringdale, Arkansas, is the head4uarters of Tyson 5oods, #nc., also called by some as Tyson Chickens. They dominate the 3.%. chicken market and Tyson e6*orts to more than 78 countries. As stated earlier, Tyson has re*ortedly been financed in *art by do*e trafficking. Was their visit to 'ed China to share chicken *rocessing 1e6*ertise1 or to re*ortedly make further arrangements for e6*orts to the 3.%. from %outhwest China of 1China White1, high *urity do*e( 1 'e*ort ,9 - .click to read/1The second section of the 'ockefeller scheme is to relocate all or a substantial *ortion of Wal-Mart)s head4uarters to Chicago. Tyson has already set u* in Chicago a ma:or food *rocessing *lant that re*ortedly em*loys a large number of non-citi;en Me6icans more or less induced to infiltrate the 3.%. %uch workers are sub:ect to being cowed by the #mmigration and 2aturali;ation %ervice, #2%. And such labor is *referred to local labor which likes to be unioni;ed and receive numerous fringe benefits. After all, Chicago has traditionally been a trade union town.

To make this all work, Wal-Mart needs an arbitrary and corru*t federal :udiciary, cowardly lawyers, and a venal see-nothing *ress who are more like stenogra*hers of official government lies rather than like in4uiring re*orters. "ig cor*orations *refer to litigate in Chicago)s 5ederal courts. Why( As one blunt observer a*tly stated, 1Chicago has the chea*est :udicial whores in the nation1.

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