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Bell curve & its Application in Employee Performance Appraisal : A Critical Analysis

Bell or Vitality Curve

The Normal Distribution

Curve is used as tool in measuring human capacities, Pioneered by the leader Jack Welch former CEO of GE It is a differentiation tool used to assess an employees performance and promotability Jack called it as Vitality Curve'. Also known as - Dead mans Curve - Forced ranking - Rank and yank - Up or Out

Grading the curve

The employee force is ranked into a 20-70-10 bucket

70% Vital or average


Bottom feeder

Illustration ..

9 Block: Further Segmentation of Employee population

Check , where do you place yourself in this matrix !!!!!!!!!!!

Alleged Advantages of Bell Curve

Brings objectivity to the Performance Appraisal Normalization of the appraisal process Predict performance patterns Guides for uniform rating process/pattern

Helps in planned attrition and in predicting promotions/job enlargements/job enrichments/rewards/incentives.

Identifies high performers for commensurate rewards

Identifies low/weak performers for training/forced attrition

Bell Curve & Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life is a 1994 book by American psychologist Richard J. Herrnstein and American political scientist Charles Murray

Intelligence is substantially influenced by both inherited and environmental factors

Predictor of many personal dynamics, including financial income, job performance, chance of unwanted pregnancy, and involvement in crime than are an individual's parental socioeconomic status, or education level

Faulty Assumptions for Bell Curve

Human Cognitive ability is a single general entity Cognitive ability has a heritability of between 40 and 80 percent and is primarily genetically based IQ is essentially immutable, fixed over the course of a life span IQ tests measure how "smart" or "intelligent" people are and are capable of rank ordering people in a linear order IQ tests can measure this accurately IQ tests are not biased with regard to race, ethnic group or socioeconomic status

IQ predicts poverty much better than socioeconomic status


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