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Open with hook to the unit and relating it to the students lives. Have the students choose cards which will be out of 3 roles, the accusers, prosecutors, and the accused. After the students choose their roles, the accusers will accuse random students of a crime with the prosecutor (s) supporting their decisions. Then after this activity is done, we will discuss the context of the play to get students better prepared when we start reading it in 2 days. (See attached lesson plan at the bottom for more in depth description)

To better prepare the class for when we read The Crucible the next day, we will do an activity/scenario based on real life that relates to The Crucible. It is a worksheet detailing a scenario where a teacher feels that there has been cheating on a test and accuses students of doing so. The students are informed that they will not graduate if they do not turn themselves in or turn in each other. They will also face a panel who will give them questions determining their innocence or guilt. After going through the scenario with the students, ask them how they would feel in the situation. Go over the term crucible and lead a discussion on how the children must feel about the strict religious roles in the community and how that term influences the play.

Ask students who would like to get certain roles for The Crucible aloud. Explain that we will rotate every day between people, everyone will get the opportunity to read aloud, and we will switch off over the coming days. I will tell the students to keep a journal and write down the characters as we meet them in the play. We will start reading Act I. We will periodically stop at scenes as we read to discuss the importance of them in the play. We will discuss characters motivations in the play and their emotions such as jealousy, selfinterest, paranoia which can also go in their journals. We will stop at the point when John Hale comes.

On this day, the students will have read from Hales introduction and continue on the previous day of class. I will remind students to keep writing down the characters that they meet with their motivations and other emotions discussed. I will choose students who did not read the previous day to read the parts for that day. Students will discuss in groups before sharing with the rest of the class. We will focus on the theme of guilty by suspicion as a whole and discuss as a class how decisions are made based on fear. An important concept is the mob mentality and we will discuss how that is reflected so far in the play. We will then finish Act 1 on this day and periodically analyze scenes as we go along.

We will start reading Act II in class and continue on in the play. After getting almost halfway through Act II, stop. Assign the students into groups at the end of class so that they know who they will be working with for the next day of class. Once students are divided into groups, pass out a 3x5 card to each group. Each 3x5 card will have a name of a character on it. Hand out assignment sheet to students and explain that each group will be asked to write a simple report (2-3 paragraphs) describing the character that they have been assigned. The groups will focus on 3 main questions about characters so that they will be better prepared for class on Monday. The questions are: What has my character done in Acts 1 and 2? Has my character had any effect on another character? What do I think

Over the Weekend. . .

The students will finish reading Act II for Monday. Tell the students to make sure that they pay attention to the characters and keep notes of descriptions of them and their motivations. This will better prepare them for when we go to the computer lab on Monday.

will happen to my character in the coming acts?

The students will have read all of Act II by this point in time. We will do a wrap up of Acts I and II and then do a mini project to make predictions for Acts II and III. Ask students if they had any questions about the play or from any reading that they might have had. Remind the students of what groups they are in. Advise students that they need to be smart about who they are choosing because they will only be given this class time to work and so they will need to be effective workers. Have them consider the 3 main questions given to them over the weekend. Have them find a

Start by asking how the students felt the previous day went with the minireport. Allow the students to share what they had done if they are comfortable doing so. Now we start reading Act III as a class. Ask the students to make sure that they have their journals for the characters as we continue on in the play to make notes about them. We will continue to analyze particular scenes as we go through the play. Assign the rest of Act III as homework for the next day to discuss.

Discuss what seem to be the most important points of the play so far. Ask the essential questions: Why do good people do bad things? Would you accuse someone else just to stay alive and why or why not? Why do the girls keep acting this way? Then start reading Act IV as a group before stopping towards the end of class. Remind them to keep writing in their journals. Ask the students what they believe will happen at the end and why they think that way. Ask to provide any possible evidence from the play for why they think characters will have certain fates. Assign Act IV to the end as homework for the

To start the class, provide a journal prompt by asking what they thought of the play and how they think being guilty by suspicion fit the play and to turn in later. Then ask the students to share with the rest of the class if comfortable. Next, lead a discussion on the problems that the characters faced in the play. Be sure to reference the mini reports that the students did on Monday and ask if their feelings had changed. Discuss the mob mentality and how it was ultimately portrayed in the play. Remind students that we will start watching the film the next week and that the next day of

The students will be asked what they consider to tell stories better, films or texts. We will then go into a review of comparing and contrasting. We will do an example together in class on how to compare and analyze a film compared to a text. Students as a whole will vote on the text and film adaptation to discuss and compare. Throughout the class, students will write down similarities and differences between the text and film chosen by themselves. Then the students will discuss their observations done in groups. Students who did not recognize the


picture that represents their character and write a caption for it. Then it will be uploaded by the end of the period. As the teacher, I will be going around the classroom helping students one-onone and answering any questions that they have about the assignment.

next day.

class is when we will be doing comparing and contrasting review with films.

film or text will be given the opportunity along with everyone else to discuss why it is important to make that comparison. The students will then discuss how characters can be interpreted differently depending on the medium. At the end, remind the students to keep notes of similarities and differences between the film and movie when we start watching on Monday. Students will analyze different poems in groups relating to mob mentality to better understand how a similar theme can be interpreted differently. Students will also have the opportunity to work alone and try to analyze the poem that they choose. I will model an example in class that the whole class will do before they start doing their own. During this period with the students analyzing their poems in groups or individually, I will have the opportunity to conference one-on-

Tell the students that over the next 3 days, we will be watching and analyzing the film version of The Crucible. Explain that a compare and contrast paper will be due next Monday with a handout. Explain that the paper can focus on specific instances that you agree with or disagree with the adaptation. Hand out the assignment sheet for the compare and contrast paper after explaining how it can focus on specific instances with the adaptation. Tell the students that they will also

Ask the class what it thinks of the film so far and if it seems to be a better use of storytelling. Continue watching The Crucible and identify the similarities and differences between the film and play. Analyze certain scenes as before and tell the students to continue to take notes so that they can use them for their paper due next Monday.

Finish The Crucible film which will not take up the entire class. Ask the class how it compares to the play itself. Have students raise their hands with what they believed to be a better use of storytelling. Then have students start writing why they think that way in order to get them into the mindset of writing their paper. Explain the assignment in detail by reflecting back to the assignment sheet so that they better understand what they are supposed to do. Then explain how they can use their journals of characters to

I will ask the class about any examples of being guilty by suspicion in real life and to come up with as many as possible. Then I will write them on the board as they speak. As an example of Guilty by Suspicion, I will provide the class the article about the UMD UND game where offensive racial remarks were made. The reason would be to show how the students involved formed the mob mentality and how it relates to their lives because it happened in the nearby area. The article also

Students will finish their papers over the weekend to hand in on Monday.

be turning in their notes so that I can understand their process for writing the paper. Start watching The Crucible and stop to analyze scenes and record the similarities and differences. Discuss how the filmmaker has interpreted scenes as well.

explore how the characters are portrayed differently. Afterwards, have the students do an exit slip saying what they have learned to give me feedback on their feelings towards The Crucible.

shows how others will start to form a negative stereotype of people in the area overall so they are guilty by association from others perspectives. We will start by sharing with each other and then bringing it back and discussing as an entire class. We will discuss the implications and other examples in real life. Finally, we will relate this to looking at other texts that are about the same theme and say we will be looking at poetry for the next day.

one and see how they are doing in the class along with helping those who are struggling with the assignment. They will also have the opportunity to work on the comparing and contrasting paper to write or type if they are done analyzing their poems early. I will remind the students that the paper is due on Monday and that we will be doing the play, Twelve Angry Men, next week.

Students will turn in their compare and contrast papers and notes at the beginning of class. Next introduce Twelve Angry Men. Explain how we as a class will be looking at a text that deals with the theme in a different way in order to look at different writing styles. The class will write an essay on how Reginald Rose and Arthur Miller interpret writing styles differently which will be due the next Monday. Hand out an

Ask the students why is it important to look at different interpretations of the same theme and understand how different writing styles matter. Lead a discussion on how it is important to look at different styles in order to gain a better understanding of writing itself. Ask the class to make predictions on the play and see how they think that the story will be different compared to The Crucible.

Continue reading Twelve Angry Men in class. Assign roles again and ask how the play is and how it compares to The Crucible at this point. Periodically analyze and stop at key scenes in the play in order to see the motivations with the characters. Remind them to write notes as we discuss. Next ask the students questions related to the play: who is the most likable juror? Would you be willing to stand up

Continue reading Twelve Angry Men in class. Assign roles again before reading. Periodically analyze and stop at key scenes. Ask the students, who should determine who lives and dies according to the play? If the students are not comfortable answering the question, then instead, have them write the answer on paper and share with others.

Make sure that Twelve Angry Men has been completed before class. Ask the class if it believes if the boy was innocent or not based on what has just transpired. Lead a discussion on how the play made the students feel and who the students could relate to in the play. Ask the students to explain the reasoning behind their answers and also how being guilty by suspicion plays a role in the play.

The students will have the weekend to finish their papers on writing styles and how the theme of being guilty by suspicion is interpreted in the two different ways.

assignment sheet detailing the paper. Ask the class if they have felt that someone was guilty without any evidence. Then ask what they think of shows dealing with guilt and innocence such as Law and Order and if they feel they could be on a jury. Explain that this story is from the perspective of the jury and to see which jurors they agree or disagree with. Explain what different writing styles are and compare examples to help the class better understand it. Tell the class to start reading Twelve Angry Men the next day. Students will hand in their papers on the writing styles of Arthur Miller and Reginald Rose. Then proceed to the computer lab. Explain to the class that the final project in the class will be to complete a Web Quest relating to being guilty by suspicion and mob mentality. Have the students open the Web Quest and have them proceed to the task portion. The Web Quest will be

Start reading Twelve Angry Men in class with roles assigned. Analyze particular scenes as we as a class go through the play to better understand Twelve Angry Men is about 60 pages so students will end up reading 20 pages a day. At the point that we as a class stop, the students will have to finish reading those 20 pages for the next day.

for the boy like Juror 8? Do you think that the boy is guilty? Why do you believe he is or is not guilty? Read up to the next 20 pages for the next day.

Have them share with the closest people around them. Ask the students as we attempt to finish reading if Juror 8 did the right thing in defending the boy. Ask the questions: Do you disagree with the jurors decision? Why or why not? If we do not finish in class, then the students must finish reading it for homework.

Give the students time to ask questions about the paper if they need to be made clearer. Remind the students that on Monday, the paper on the two different writing styles will be due and that we will be going to the computer lab.

Give the students 15-20 minutes every day to read for the next 4 days including this one. Tell the students that it may be helpful to write notes as they read to keep track of the important events and characters in the novel as they occur. Then they can save the notes when working on the final project the next week in the computer lab. After they are done reading, have the

Give the students 15-20 minutes to read their choice book. Then have the students get into their book groups. Have the students compare their notes with each other to see if they have different perspectives as they were reading the text. Students will switch roles when discussing their novels and will be given the

Give the students 15-20 minutes to read their choice book. Then have the students get into their book groups. Students will switch roles when discussing their novels and will be given the opportunity to decide how it is best to use their time by either reading their novels or thinking of what they will do for the project.

Give the students 15-20 minutes to read their choice book. Then have the student get into their book groups. Students will switch roles when discussing their novels and will be given the opportunity to decide how it is best to use their time by either reading their novels or thinking of what they will do for the project. Remind the

Students must complete novels chosen from Web Quest in order to work on presentation in computer lab next week.

done in groups with the students choosing the book that they would like to read out of the 5 possible choices 1984, Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, and Brave New World. The students will have the week in their own time to read the novels and will create a multimodal presentation detailing the plot, how the themes relate, and its application in a real world setting. Explain that next Friday is when the presentation is due and when the groups will present on their novels. Have the students get into their groups and decide what is best on how to proceed and successfully read the novel by next Monday. The reason why it would be next Monday is because we as a class will be in the computer lab next week. Show examples in class of the different types of methods they can use to create the presentations if they are struggling.

students get into the choice book groups and discuss how far they have gotten. Go to each group and see if there are any individual questions that they have about their novels while also clearing any confusing things up. Then make sure that the students know what they are supposed to be doing for the Web Quest. Every day, the students will take on roles from the Web Quest and switch so that they can all analyze the novel in a different way and come to a better consensus. As the teacher, I will be going around the classroom helping students one-onone and answering any questions that they have about the assignment. As needed for this and next week, do a mini-lesson on the different presentation tools available in order to have the students better understand them if they are confused on how to use them.

opportunity to decide how it is best to use their time by either reading their novels or thinking of what they will do for the project. As the teacher, I will be going around the classroom helping students one-onone and answering any questions that they have about the assignment.

As the teacher, I will be going around the classroom helping students one-onone and answering any questions that they have about the assignment.

students to finish their novels by Monday and to think about how they would like to create their presentations based on the notes and observations from their novels. As the teacher, I will be going around the classroom helping students one-onone and answering any questions that they have about the assignment.

In the computer lab with students working on their final projects. Remind the students to take out their notes from their literature circle groups so that they are able to use them for guidance on having information for the final project. As the teacher, I will be going around the classroom helping students one-onone and answering any questions that they have about the assignment. I will also show examples of the types of tools that they could use for their Web Quest projects again just to remind them.

In the computer lab with students working on their final projects. As the teacher, I will be going around the classroom helping students one-onone and answering any questions that they have about the assignment.

In the computer lab with students working on their final projects. As the teacher, I will be going around the classroom helping students one-onone and answering any questions that they have about the assignment.

In the computer lab with students working on their final projects. As the teacher, I will be going around the classroom helping students one-onone and answering any questions that they have about the assignment. I will remind the students that we will be in the computer lab tomorrow and to be ready to present in any way that they see fit.

The Web Quest is due and the students will be presenting their final projects to the class. They will also be submitting the projects to me personally whether through an e-mail or some other way electronically. After the groups are done presenting, I would like them to go back to the Web Quest and complete the Evaluation section to get feedback. Then look at the Conclusion section and discuss what they have learned overall in the unit.

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