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Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own idea (in words, picture music

or film) in whichever way they wish, there should be no government restriction on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree whith this opinion?

Comment [M1]: Is society invented ? Better option : creation

Since invention of human society, the amount of control on artistic activity was an important issue and it has undergone to considerable changes till now. It seems this matter is a multi aspect issue, as a result, pros and cons have raised different view points about that and societies always are in the horn of dilemma in front of this issue, although most of them believe on governmental control and restriction, there are also strong points in favor of Immunity of artists against governments interference. While first group is referring to influence of artists activity and their modern and new idea on stability and security of society, one of the main contrary points in favor of artists freedom is effect of political restriction on killing creativeness off of society. This group believes that creative artists will help society boost its culture. Another perspective related to freedom of artists is referring to human right declaration. According to this manifest, everybody is free to present his idea. And through or our attention to this fact which artists do do the same (declare their idea) by the aid of their production. One of the other views which is supporting elimination of censor, is talking about this factreffering to the fact that which any idea once had been new ideahas once been new and if since down we had restricted all the new ideas as a result there was would have been no developed societysocieties in modern world so we shouldnt eliminate new ideas if we found find it unacceptable for to ourselves. Taking all the points in account, I believe on independence of artists. At least putting limitation on their activity by government should not be as easy of some under developed developing society societies such as Iran.

Comment [M2]: Better alternative : works Comment [M3]: Censor is a verb ( if it is used as a noun, it means a person who censors) Correct choice : censorship Comment [M4]: You are using conditional type three where something impossible is imagined in past ! If + had pp + would have pp Comment [M5]: Eliminate is repeated Alternative : banish


TEL: +9821 88640490

The bars, illustrate what satisfies employees belong to different ages groups. In this specific survey, results have been categorized in two ages groups: first group is between 18 to 30 (this group is representing younger employee) and another one is between 45 to 60 which is representing older and more experienced staffs. It looks, most of motivation also can be divided in two categories, while some of them are linked to future perspective of employee, For example money and promotion prospects are belonged belong to this group. Other bunch of motivation somehow is connected to more respectful condition such as respect from colleagues and more competent boss. As it was expected younger staffs are looking for First groups of motivation for example number of younger staffs that are looking for personal development is twice of elder employees. In contrast, elders are taking care of more respect full environment. What is a little odd is tendency of younger people to more relaxed environment which needs more survey to discover its reason. Instructors comment:

Comment [M6]: No need for paasive


TEL: +9821 88640490

The graph is not based on calculated parameters. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE to work on your own understating without considering the scientific mathematical data. You need to act as a report not a commentator. Estimated band score : 6.5


TEL: +9821 88640490

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