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Flow Control

Unrestricted Simplex protocol Simplex stop and wait protocol Simplex protocol for noisy channel

Sliding window protocols

One-bit sliding window protocol Go back to N protocol Selective repeat protocol
Here Simplex means one direction data transmission but in some cases receiving device OPM Having mechanism to send ACK

Unrestricted simplex protocol

Sender and receiver having infinite buffer space and processing capability.
Lossless channel

No sequence number or ACK are used

Here Simplex means one direction data transmission


Simplex Stop and wait protocol

Now putting restriction of finite buffer space and processing capability of receiver To avoid overrun of receiver, transmitter waits for ACK Allows ACK control frame (header without data) from receiver to sender

Simplex protocol for noisy channel

Use time out Use sequence no. of frame to maintain record of frame transmission


One-bit sliding window protocol

Bit by bit duplex transmission for frames in both direction
Use sequence Number If sender receives ACK, transmits next frame

In case of time-out retransmits the frame


Go Back to N protocol

In case of failure of ACK of a frame sender retransmits all the frames (N) of the window size

Selective repeat protocol

Selective acknowledgement for frame
Sender knows what to send (expected Frame) This protocol reduces acknowledge requirement but at the increased cost.


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