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Today, were going to talk to talk to you about global warming. (B has just come to Peru from the U.S in order to visit his friend called Jose. Then A y B are waking in the street and suddenly they meet unexpectedly) B: Hi Jose. I havent seen you for a long time? A: Hi Pamela, youre right. How about going to the caf? B: That sounds great. (Then once A and B are at the caf, they ask a waitress to serve some drinks. Then they begin a nice talk) A: Are you having a good time here? B: Yes, I havent been here long. A: Have you ever been to Peru? B: No, Ive never visited to Peru. A: oh, I see. Have you seen the latest news? B: No, I havent. But would you mind if you tell me about it. A: Sure. Have you ever heard about the global warming? A: No, I havent. But I would like to know about it. B: No problem my friend. Ill tell you about it. It is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's
atmosphere and oceans. (Then in that moment A y B suddenly saw Andres walking nearby the caf which A and B were.) A y B: Hey Andrs. C: hey guys. A y B: Come here my friend. (Then Andres walk into the caf) B: Sit down please. C: Thank you. What are you doing here? A y B: We are talking about the global warming. C: That sounds interesting. And what is it about? A: Its a general increase in world temperature caused by increased amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. These findings

are recognized by the national science academies of all major industrialized nations around the earth. C: oh, that is really interesting, but Ive never heard about greenhouse gases? A: Well they are gases, such as water vapors, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and ozone. However the clouds also affect the balance of radiation. These gases are thought to trap heat about heart and cause greenhouse effect. B: And tell me Jose, What other manifestations can be produced by this phenomenon? A: Well other manifestations that can also be produced by this phenomenon are the derretimiento generalizado de la nieve y el hielo. B: Great Jose. However I remember when I was a child my school teacher always used to teach me about it. C: I want to know how we can solve this serious problem. I believe that exits some good solutions to stop this

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