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Updated per December 3, 2013 HOMEWORK QUESTIONS FOR THE FINAL EXAM MCG 1A NB: unless otherwise mentioned,

please turn in your handwritten answers at the beginning of the class. REVIEW OF THE FIRST CLASS HELD ON NOVE !ER 12" ### t$e%e &'e%t()*% are +)r ,)'r re-(e. )*/,0 ,)' d)*1t *eed t) t'r* ,)'r a* (*2 ### 12 W$at .a% t$e ma(* d(++ere*ce* L't$er a*d Ca/-(* a% re3ard% t$e r)/e )+ m'%(c (* t$e re/(3()'% %er-(ce4 22 5/ea%e 3(-e a +e. 6e,.)rd% .$(c$ de%cr(be acc'rate/, bar)&'e m'%(c a*d bar)&'e pa(*t(*37%c'p/t're2 QUEST !NS T! "#E"$#E %!# N!&E'BE# () *** +ou don,t need to turn your answers in. *** NB: the course boo- doesn,t include a discussion about the .utch #epublic in the (/th century, so use other 0internet1 sources2 (. "lease name at least one political, one economical and one religious reason why the .utch people rebelled against the Spanish rulers in the (345,s. 6. 7ho was 8acob 9an Eyc- and why was he so important for the musical life in the city of Utrecht: QUEST !NS T! "#E"$#E %!# N!&E'BE# 64 *** +ou don,t need to turn your answers in. *** (. 7hat is absolutism and why is ;ouis < & a typical absolutist -ing: 6. "lease describe ;ully,s contribution to %rench music. =. >i9e short definitions of the words ?chapelle,, ?chambre, and ?@curie, in the conteAt of the baroBue court music in %rance. QUEST !NS T! "#E"$#E %!# .ECE'BE# = *** +ou don,t need to turn your answers in but be well prepared !" t#e $la%%& we w!ll a%' a (ew %tude"t% t) read t#e!r a"%wer% al)ud . *** (. "lease describe in some detail the two main musical genres associated with Corelli. 6. 7hat is T$e !e33ar1% Opera and what has it to do with Dandel,s biography: QUEST !NS T! "#E"$#E %!# .ECE'BE# (5: *** +ou don,t need to turn your answers in. *** (. "lease gi9e at least three maEor biographical differences between 8.S. Bach and Dandel. 6. EAplain in which respect Bach was influenced by talian music on the (

Updated per December 3, 2013 one hand and %rench music on the other hand. =. n Bach,s compositions, please mention direct or indirect influences of the three Christian religions: ;utheranism, Cal9inism and Catholicism. ESSA* QUESTION FOR THE FINAL EXAM+ E ,lea%e re(le$t )" t#e ()ll)w!"- %tate.e"t+ /Opera !%& a(ter all& a Re"a!%%a"$e art ()r.01 NL Re(le$teer )p de 2)l-e"de %tell!"-+ /Welbe%$#)uwd !% )pera ee" Re"a!%%a"$e3'u"%t2)r.01 Please turn your essay answer in (maximum one page, handwritten) at the beginning of the final exam on December 17. 8))d /'c69

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