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Deiparine, Kim SCL 3

Vision of a Church Renewed Reaction Paper

Upon reading the visions of a church renewed, I cannot help but agree that those were really important aspects of what the Church should focus on more. It would be what God would have wanted us to do as Christians in the first place. Like for example, compassion like how Jesus is to the broken and alienated. We should definitely show more compassion to those who are feeling down and rejected, because through this we could accomplish the kind of person Jesus wants us to be. I am really glad that they have come up with this vision of how we should be towards these kinds of people. Another thing that caught my attention as I read it was the part where it said about the preservation of the earth. As a biology student, I have come to learn to understand Gods living creations in deeper sense. More than that, Ive developed this deeper feeling toward the environment, the plants and the animals. Both of which contribute so much to the balance God has given us since day one. Young as I am, I am honestly an advocate of the illegal cutting of the forests. I havent given it that much thought before I started college, but then I came to realize that taking good care of the earth that we live in is one of our duties as man. But dont get me wrong. Not because I am a biology student that I am obliged or rather I am the only one who could understand or think this way. Even those who seldom encounter the nature, especially the trees and animals in their chosen field or industry doesnt mean they shouldnt be aware or care for the environment. We all live in the same planet anyway and who could take good care of it more than us, humans, who are also Gods creation.

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