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Sara Isabel Ramos dos Santos Mendes

Rua da Prata n 15 1 7005-369 vora Portugal

Summary !ig!l" talented# ent!usiastic and sel$ motivated %ootec!nic &ngineer 'it! e()erience in e(tensive livestoc* )roductions# mainl" in indigenous +reeds o$ )igs and goats. ,it! an e(tracurricular course as tec!nician in mar*eting# distri+ution and !o' to use )lant )rotection )roducts. -ave great interest 'or*ing in livestoc* )roduction and agriculture in general. .)en to ot!er )ro/ects and activities.

Education 0001 vora 2niversit" -3raduation in %ootec!nic &ngineering 0013 4unda56o &ug7nio de lmeida 8olunteer 9an* - 8olunteer training 01:0010-03:0010 - ;om)etir -&(tracurricular ;ourse in <ar*eting# distri+ution and !o' to use )lant )rotection )roducts 0005 - P;R=- =er)entina 3oat >ational Producers ssociation -?nterns!i) ;ollecting and anal"@ing mil* sam)les in goats

Position held 0006-Present - >;P lente/ano Pig >ational 9reeders ssociation Zootecnic Engineer (Livestock Production Engineer) -=>?R A>ational ="stem o$ Register and animal ?denti$icationB Cec!nician -= A=ervice o$ gricultural ttendanceB Cec!nician - nimal ?denti$ication and monitoring in t!e $ield and in slaug!ter!ouses

-Creatment o$ data gat!ered in t!e $ield -.$$ice 'or* 0000 - 000D - =2<.E ;?9 E O ice !ssistant -Firect sales# )a"ments -,are!ouse management and organi@ation 10:0001-10:0001 - =.> & <.F E4 Sales"omen -;lot!ing sales #ey Skills Portuguese >ative. &nglis! 4luent. =)anis! ?ntermediate. Interests =inging AEborae Music )ol")!onic c!oir mem+erB. 8olunteer Ain t!e &s)Grito =anto -os)italB. nimals. ;inema. Craveling.

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