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Book Title: Kitaab-Ul-Gaybah. Meaning Of The Title: Book On Occultation. Author: Sheikh Abu Jafar Moha e! At-Tu"i.

#ubli"her: Maktabah $ayna%a Al &a!i"ah. #age": '('. #age Si)e: A*erage. +anguage: Arabic. Sheikh Tu"i ,A.-.. i" the /ri!e of the Shia %orl!. &e %a" born in the year 012 A.&. in the city of Too" in 3ran. &e igrate! to 3ra4 in the year 561 A.&. for ac4uiring 3"la ic "tu!ie". 3nitially he !irectly "tu!ie! un!er Sheikh Al-Mufee! ,A.-.. till the later" !e i"e in the year 570 A.&. Sub"e4uently he "tarte! learning un!er Ala Al &u!a Sye! Murta)a ,A.-.. %ho %a" the o"t learne! "tu!ent" of Sheikh Al-Mufi! ,A.-.. an! brother of Sye! -a)i,A.-... Sye! Murta)a ,A.-.. !ie! in the year 508 A.&. Sub"e4uently Sheikh Tu"i ,A.-.. %a" con"i!ere! a" the highe"t authority of the "hia" in the real of kno%le!ge. &e ha! a huge library %herein he ha! collecte! nu erou" book" %ritten by the co /anion" of Ma"oo een" ,A.S.. an! "o e %ritten by the a"oo een" ,A.S.. the "el*e". Unfortunately thi" trea"ure of book" %a" loote! an! "et abla)e by the Sunni grou/". Sheikh At-Tu"i ha! /re/are! ore than 066 u9tahi!" un!er hi . Thi" book %a" co /lete! in the year 55: A.&. The author /re"ent" o"t robu"t; intellectual; a" %ell a" narrati*e /roof" to e"tabli"h the e<i"tence of 3 a Mah!i ,A.=... Thi" book al"o !i"cu""e" the i"infor e! an! !i*ergent *ie%" about 3 a Mah!i ,A.S.. that ca e into e<i"tence in the ti e" of 3 a " ,A.S.. an! the author take" great /ain" in re9ecting the"e *ie%" through intellectual an! narrati*e rea"oning. Thi" book i" eant for the abo*e a*erage rea!er an! the "cholar".

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