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Running head: Review of Waydes World Circle Tour 1

Review of Waydes World Circle Tour Taylor Nielsen College of DuPage Composition !li"a#eth $nderson %eptem#er& 1'& ()1*

Review of Waydes World Circle Tour ( Review of Waydes World Circle Tour +awaii is one of the most #eautiful places to visit in the ,nited %tates- With the #eautiful mountains and the greenery as well as the #eautiful #eaches& it is one place that many people wish that they could go toWhen was a#le to go to +awaii it is so #ig that did not .now where to go first%o in order to get an idea of the many wonderful places to go you have to go on a tour- +owever& with the many different tours that are availa#le to ta.e anyone can get confused on the perfect one to go on- When my family went to +awaii this past $ugust we decided to ta.e a tour that many tourists in +awaii may not .now a#out- The tour is called the Circle Tour #y a man name Wayde and his team- Wayde is a man who made /ouTu#e videos on cheap places to go when someone goes to +awaii- $s many may .now +awaii is e0tremely e0pensive& and with the many different tourist traps throughout the different islands anyone visiting can get caught spending more money than they ever intended to%o when my family planned this tour we had no idea if it was going to #e anything li.e the other tours in +awaii- +owever& Waydes tours were not li.e any other tours #ecause of the fact that he has a different type of transportation& was a#le to customi"e our tour& and #rought us to many different local restaurants- 1n the day of the tour we got a definite surprise& as to the transportation that we would #e for this tour was not ordinary-

Review of Waydes World Circle Tour * The way tours are given in +awaii is not very uni2ue so when Wayde showed up a huge #lac. 3eep my family .new that this would #e a different type of transportation then most toursThis is an interesting way to ta.e a tour in +awaii- When arrived in +awaii one of the first things that saw were tour #usses- Those #usses are everywhere and they are all from different companies- %o it was nice to see that my family was not going to get stuc. in a closed up tour #us all day- When we got ready to leave for the tour we had to get into this huge 3eep and #uc.le up- Now #uc.ling a seat #elt may seem li.e the easiest thing to do& however when you are in a huge 3eep that is meant to go off road it is not the easiest thing to #uc.le- That was something from the trip that was not en4oya#le #ut after we got over the seat #elts we were on our way on our trip around the island- This particular tour was an eight hour tour which may seem li.e a long time& however when you are going around the whole island of 1ahu in a 3eep& the eight hours is not enough time to see all the #eauty that the island has to offer$lthough the time seemed so short we too. off on our trip from the North %horeWhen anyone plans a tour in +awaii many of the locations are planned out in advanceWhile planning this tour Wayde lists the different places that we would #e going- +owever #ecause we had #een in +awaii for three days #efore this tour we had #een to many of the places

Review of Waydes World Circle Tour 5 on the tour- 6ost tour guides would ma.e the tourists go to those places anyway- 6any tour companies do that #ecause they have so many people on those #usses that there was no possi#le way to customi"e a tour- +owever in my familys case since there was only the four of us Wayde was a#le to customi"e our tour so that we could go to places that we had never seen- $s we pulled out of our hotel we hit this first stop on our custom tour- The first stop was a #each where when you went up to the top of the hill you could see this roc. formation that had a hole right in the center- t was ama"ing to see #ecause this roc. had eroded and it would not #e there foreverf can never go #ac. to +awaii was a#le to see a natural wonder- That was not the only #eautiful place that he too. us to- We were a#le to see secret #eaches& #eautiful mountains& and even see mon. seals- The places that he too. us to on the island were incredi#le and the ma4ority of the places that he too. use were free- t made us feel more li.e native islanders than tourist #ecause we were not stuc. on a #us- 7y going on his tour we were a#le to get out and loo. for as long as we want at where ever we may have #een- t made his tour more uni2ue and special #ecause not only were we a#le to see the wonders of 1ahu& #ut we were a#le to ta.e our time and ta.e in the view6any of the tours in +awaii offer only tourist locations li.e the #each or a museum- +owever& my family en4oys to find places that we could eat at again that we may not have gone to on our own- 1ne of the places that he too. us to was a 3uice 7ar that serves smoothies and healthier food options- The thing that he told us to try was

Review of Waydes World Circle Tour 8 called an $cai 7owl- This was something that had never tried #efore& so #ecause of that was e0cited to try it- This had acai sor#et with honey& #ees pollen& straw#erries& #ananas& and granola- This was one of the #est things that ever had- 6y family ended up going #ac. to the 3uice 7ar three times #efore we left 4ust to get that $cai #owl- +e also too. us to the #est place on 1ahu to get snow cones- That was another place that was glad that was a#le to go to #ecause the snow cones tasted 4ust li.e ice cream- 1verall& the many different food places he too. us to were great for us to try- 6any of the places that we went to on our tour were places my family and would have never went to- %o Waydes tour definitely was a hit for my family1verall& was e0tremely happy with this tour- Wayde made my family feel li.e we were locals on the island of 1ahu- +e too. us to so many different places that gave us not only #eautiful scenery& #ut he also #rought us to many different food places that many of the locals only .new a#out- f ever went #ac. to +awaii would do another one of Waydes tours so that could see more of the island that was una#le to see during my first trip- Wayde made my family feel li.e locals #ecause of the fact that we got to go to cheap or even free places on 1ahu that many tourist do not .now a#out- Wayde was a#le to ma.e my first trip to +awaii e0tremely en4oya#le and #ecause of that would recommend his tour to anyonehttp:99www-classtools-net9:791;)<=6y>##%

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