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In no particular order: 1. Run DMC vs Jason Nevins- It's Like That . !lca"ar- Cr#in$ !t The Discote%ue &. Destin#'s Child- 'a# M# Na(e ). 'cooter- The Lo$ical 'on$ *. Train- Drops o+ Jupiter ,. Lenn# -ravit"- .l# !/a# 0. 1reen Da#- 1ood Riddance 2Ti(e o+ 3our Li+e4 5. Darude- .eel The 6eat 7. .at8o# 'li(- The Rocka+eller 'kank 19. The :++sprin$- ;rett# .l# 2.or ! <hite 1u#4 11. 1rinspoon- Just !ce 1 . 6eastie 6o#s- Inter$alactic 1&. The Mi$ht# Mi$ht# 6osstones- The I(pression That I 1et 1). Ra$e !$ainst The Machine- No 'helter 1*. ;o/der+in$er- These Da#s 1,. -illin$ =eidi- <eir 10. .at8o# 'li(- ;raise 3ou 15. Ra$e !$ainst The Machine- 1uerilla Radio 17. -illin$ =eidi- Mascara 9. 6link 15 - <hat's M# !$e !$ain 1. Madison !venue- Don't Call Me 6a8# . .at8o# 'li(- Ri$ht =ere> =ere No/ &. Che(ical 6rothers- =e# 6o#> =e# 1irl ). 6link 15 - !ll The '(all Thin$s *. The 'uper(en Lovers- 'tarli$ht ,. Moloko- 'in$ It 6ack 0. ?++iel ,*- 6lue 2Da 6a Dee4 5. ?i++iel ,*- Move 3our 6od# 7. ?i++el ,*- M# Console &9. @anessa !(orosi- !8solutel# ?ver#8od# &1. '(ash Mouth- !ll 'tar & . Madonna- 6eauti+ul 'tran$er &&. Deleriu(- 'ilence &). ?(ine(- M# Na(e Is &*. Red =ot Chili ;eppers- 'car Tissue &,. Chicane- Don't 1ive Ap &0. 'antana +eat. Ro8 Tho(as- '(ooth &5. ;u8lic Do(ain- :peration 6lade 26ass In The ;lace4 &7. ;o/er(an *999- <hen <orlds Collide )9. ii:- Rapture )1. ;o/der+in$er- M# =appiness ) . Millencolin- No Ci$ar )&. Coldpla#- 3ello/ )). 5 Da#s- Rip It Ap )*. 1rinspoon- ;edestrian ),. 1rinspoon- ;ost ?ne8riated !nBiet#

)0. ;apa Roach- Last Resort )5. 5 Da#s- 'ucker )7. -illin$ =eidi- 'uper(anC'uper$irl *9. 1reen Da#- <arnin$ *1. !lien !nt .ar(- '(ooth Cri(inal * . !lien !nt .ar(- <ish *&. 1orilla"- Clint ?ast/ood *). .at8o# 'li(- <eapon o+ Choice **. 1erlin$- Dust Me 'electa *,. Dido- Thank 3ou *0. 1roove !r(ada- 'uperst#lin' *5. Linkin ;ark- :ne 'tep Closer *7. Da+t ;unk- :ne More Ti(e ,9. ;uretone- !ddicted To 6ass ,1. 1roove !r(ada- M# .riend , . Du8 ;istols- C#clone ,&. ;apa Roach- 6lood 6rothers ,). 'piller- 1rooveDet 2I+ This !in't Love4 ,*. Love Inc.- 6roken 6ones ,,. !T6- 7;M 2Till I Co(e4 ,0. Darude- 'andstor( ,5. ?(ine(- Lose 3oursel+ ,7. ?(ine(- Cleanin$ :ut M# Closet 09. Coldpla#- Clocks 01. JEL vs ?lvis ;resle#- ! Little Less Conversation 0 . N.?.R.D- Rock 'tar 0&. ?(ine(- <ithout Me 0). 6li""ard 6rothers- Thunderstruck 0*. 1/en#th ;altro/- 6ette Davis ?#es 0,. @anessa !(orosi- 'hine 00. Mar# Mar#- 'hackles 05. Jurassic *- ! Da# !t The Races 07. Nell# +eat. -ell# Ro/land- Dile((a 59. 'a+ri Duo- ;la#ed-!-Live 2The 6on$o 'on$4 51. <arp 6rothers- ;hatt 6ass 5 . 6on Jovi- It's M# Li+e 5&. .ive F Gueen- <e <ill Rock 3ou 5). .ra$(a- Toca's Miracle 5*. :utkast- Ms. Jackson 5,. !TC- !round The <orld 2La La La La La4 50. Linkin ;ark- In The ?nd 55. Cortina- Music Is Movin$ 57. ?(ine(- The Real 'li( 'had# 79. 'ash- !delante 71. ModDo- Lad# 2=ear Me Toni$ht4 7 . 'oni%ue- It .eels 'o 1ood 7&. Li+ehouse- =an$in$ 6# ! Mo(ent 7). DJ !li$ator- The <histle 'on$ 7*. DJ !li$ator- 'to(p 7,. 'hakira- <henever> <herever

70. Cra"# To/n- 6utter+l# 75. Nickel8ack- =o/ 3ou Re(ind Me 77. ;a++endor+- <here !re 3ou 199. Linkin ;ark- ;apercut

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