Questionnaire Answers

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how often do you buy music magazines?

always often sometimes


which music magazine do you usually buy?

NME Kerrang Vibe

how much would you be prepared to pay for a music magazine?

less than 1 1-1.50 1.50-2

2.50-3 more than 3

What is your favourite thing about your current music magazine?

Through my questionnaire I found out that most people like to find out about their favourite artists and upcoming gigs in music magazines. I asked random students from around the college to participate in my survey and although some of them enjoy different genres of music they all have the same reasons for choosing to read their preferred magazines.

How would you improve your current music magazine?

As with the last question there was a clear need for more information about gigs and tours in all genres of music magazine as almost everybody commented on the lack of tour or gig information featured in the magazine that they read. Also, there was also a comment about more exclusive interviews with artists needed in music magazines.

What genre of music do you prefer to read about?

In this question each person asked put a variety of different genres however, the most common of answers that came up included Pop and rock. This may because pop can sometimes be associated to soft rock and derived originally from rock and roll. This shows me that my idea to create a pop music magazine may be successful because most people in my target audience of students enjoy this genre.

What do you prefer to see in music magazines? Why?

The most common answers I collected for this question where: lots about the artists so you feel like you are getting to know them Interviews and competitions because they are interesting to read favourite artists so you feel like you can relate to them This shows me that the best things for me to focus my magazine around would be exclusive interviews, competitions and gig information because they are the things that most people picked up on as either their favourite things in a magazine or things that their magazine lacks.

How often would you like the music magazine to be issued?

monthly fortnightly weekly

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