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the worldhealth organisation defines good health as a state of physical,mental and social well-being and not only the

absence of disease or infirmity we can maintain good physical and mentalhealth by eating. (1). eating balanced diet. (2). doing regular exercise to keep various body parts in a healthy condition.( )resting the body mentally and physically through recreationalactivities and sleep(about ! to " hours for adults,mors for growing chidren) and (#). doing work suited to our mental andphysical ability. we can acheive social well-being through a wellbalanced family and community life. $ad habits like smokingand drinking excessive alcohol ,and drug addiction ruin thehealth of a person . %o we must becareful not to develop thesehabits. &ood health help us to resist most pathogenic (microorganism). 'his is because the body has defence mechanism tofight against pathogenic micro-organism. 'hese mechanismfunction efficiently in a healthy person. the body defencemechanisms include . ( (). a healthy skin and mucousmembrane which prevent the entry of pathogenic micro-organism into the body) (!). substance in tissue secretions suchas tears or sweat, saliva and mucous secretions, that kill or inhibit the growth of invading micro-organisms. (*). $odynatural microflora that prevent pathogens from coloni+ing thebody.

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