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Christmas is celebrated all over the world. Its a religion holiday, which celebrates Jesus Christs birth.

Elements common to many areas of the world, especially Great Britain, Moldova, the USA include
the lighting of Christmas trees, the hanging of wreaths, Christmas stockings, candy canes, and the creation of ativity scenes depicting the !irth of "esus Christ# Christmas carols may !e sung and stories told a!out such figures as the Ba!y "esus, St icholas, Santa Claus, $ather Christmas. In USA and Great Britain Christmas holiday season !egins in the end of ovem!er and ends in the !eginning of "anuary# %he interior and e&terior of houses are decorated during the weeks leading up to Christmas Eve# 'resents the family will e&change are wrapped and placed near the tree, including presents to !e given to pets# %his is a family holiday, and that day there is a special atmosphere in the air, an atmosphere that reunites all the family# (n our country Christmas is cele!rated on )th "anuary, !ut the holiday season !egins earlier, !ut not such early as in GB or USA# (n Moldova people usually make the traditional Christmas tree one week !efore new year*s eve# %he singing of carols is a very important part of Moldavian Christmas festivities# %his is, in my opinion is what distinguishes us from them# ( think that Moldavian Christmas is fuller of traditions than GB*s #

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