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End of the Year Survey


1.) What piece of literature did you most enjoy reading this semester? E plain !hy.

".) What !as your favorite activity or lesson this semester? E plain !hy.

#.) What !as the most challenging/ most difficult part of this class for you? $this could %e a daily activity& a %oo' !e read& an activity !e did& a paper !e !rote& etc.) E plain !hy.

(.) What did you learn the most a%out this semester. )E S*E+,-,+. E plain !hy. .o! did you come to learn a%out this topic?

/.) What !as your favorite part of this class? E plain !hy.

0.) Name something you learned a%out !riting.

1.) Name something you learned a%out Sha'espeare $his sonnets& his life& or Romeo and Juliet)

2.) Name something you learned a%out grammar or voca%ulary.

3.) Name something you learned a%out dystopian literature $in general or The Giver or Catching Fire).

14.) Name something you learned a%out The Odyssey.

11.) Name something you learned a%out poetry.

1".) Name one other thing you learned in this class.

1#.) 5ther comments:

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