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Autumn Term Core Maths 3 Departmental Homework 5

sin 2 x . 2 cos x




2. 3.

Solve the equation

4 + tan2 = sec (7 sec ) for 0 2.

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!in" the #$a"ient of the cu$ve y = ln(& x +%) at the point 'he$e x = 4.

. )he equation of a cu$ve is y = x ( e x . Sho' that the cu$ve has a stationa$y point 'he$e x = (. [(]
2x at the point ((* ()* #ivin# you$ ans'e$ in the x %


!in" the equation of the no$mal to the cu$ve y = fo$m y = mx + c.

[ ]

!. )he function f is "efine" +y f(x) =

, * w"th #oma"n x $ 0. x +2

(i) S-etch the #$aph of y = f(x) fo$ the #iven "omain. (ii) !in" the inve$se function f .%(x). (iii) /alculate the value of x fo$ 'hich f(x) = f .%(x).

[2] [2] [4]

%. 0 sphe$ical +alloon is inflate" at a $ate of (1 cm(s .%. !in" the $ate at 'hich the $a"ius of the +alloon is inc$easin# 'hen this $a"ius is ( cm. [)he volume of a sphe$e is #iven +y the fo$mula V =
4 ( 2r ] (



'"( 34p$ess & cos ( sin in the fo$m R cos( + ) * 'he$e R > 1 an" 1o 5 6 5 71o* #ivin# the e4act value of R an" the value of 6 co$$ect to % "ecimal place. '""( 8ence solve the equation & cos ( sin = 4 * #ivin# all solutions in the inte$val 1 1 ( 1 1 . '"""( 9$ite "o'n the #$eatest value of %& cos 7 sin as va$ies.


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