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By Jo Lee Loveland Link and John W. Link

RETURN OF THE THREE KINGS: RECLAIMING THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS addresses the all-too-common reality of Christmas today: o ercommerciali!ation" r#sh" stress and let-do$n% Sharin& somethin& missin& in the #s#al Christmas cele'rations" (o )ee )o eland )in* and (ohn +% )in* loo*ed to older traditions and less harried times for ins,iration% The )in*s $ere deli&hted to redisco er the historical tradition of -Olde Christmas". the /0 1ays that act#ally occ#r after Christmas 1ay" 1ecem'er 02 thro#&h (an#ary 3" or E,i,hany% To this older tradition, the Links grafted new ideas to celebrate a more joyful 1 !ays of "hristmas. This cele'ration reimagines the #eason not as a s$rint to "hristmas %orning, but as a rela&ed "hristmastime through the 1 !ays 'without $artridges, gold rings or milking maids(. RETURN OF THE THREE KINGS gives a fresh way to meet the challenges that we all face as we navigate the emotional minefield of the holidays. This old tradition made ne$ a&ain 'ecomes a &#ide to ha in& more f#n and yet &ettin& a dee,er sense of meanin& and connection for o#rsel es" o#r families" and o#r comm#nities%

There is room for all faiths and no faiths at the abundant table of the 12 Days. Together with the Three Kings, we each make our own journey to Bethlehem and can choose to allow oursel es to be !rofoundly enriched by what we find there. RETURN OF THE THREE KINGS is available in bo ! "a"e#ba$% an& Kin&le '#o( A(a)on*$o( +++*#e ,#no'-%in.s*$o(

RETURN OF THE THREE KINGS shares a sim,le daily cele'ration for each of the /0 1ays% Gift &i in& is co#,led $ith disc#ssion for &i ers and recei ers" creatin& lo$-,ress#re and tho#&htf#l e4chan&e% The 'oo* incl#des detailed ho$-to information" and strate&ies for /0 1ays Cele'rations for indi id#als" co#,les" families" and e en those $ith lo ed ones stationed else$here% There is e en a section on dealin& $ith &rief and sorro$ d#rin& the holidays% The 'oo* has additional reso#rces of holiday acti ities" stories 5from ,layf#l to serio#s6" 'oo*s" and mo ies" most of $hich are a aila'le for free% The )in*s e4,lore the history of Christmas" Christian and ,a&an" and find Festi als of )i&ht across reli&ions" time" and &eo&ra,hy% 7ased on Solstice Festi als as $ell as sacred stories" Christmas ,ro ides an ideal meetin& &ro#nd for families to reach o#t and em'race cele'rations $ith their o$n s,ecial meanin&% The )in*s ,ro ide acti ities and readin&s $ith somethin& for e ery'ody: 5/6 from traditional Christian So#rces8 506 from +orld Reli&ions incl#din& (#daism" 7#ddhism and S#fism8 and 596 that are a&nostic or sec#lar" '#t still foc#sed on Christmas themes% The )in*s so#&ht to ma*e s#re that the /0 1ays $o#ld 'e incl#si e for all families $ho often ha e different ,oints of ie$ and yet see* to&etherness and shared meanin& for Christmastime%
The Links began researching and experimenting with their own 12 Days of Christmas Celebration for over ten years ago. Professionally they are cons ltants! trainers and researchers in social science! and interpersonal and organi"ational dynamics for the government! #ort ne $%%&s! start' ps! non'profits! and ch rches. (he is a master professional in )pplied *ehavior (cience and )d lt +d cation thro gh an +piscopal Ch rch'sponsored practitioner program. ,e has a -.(. from .eorge -ason /niversity program in Conflict -anagement! and *. ). in +nglish from the /niversity of 0irginia They live in the mo ntains of 0irginia with their two cats! and with the good company of visits from grandchildren! children! and friends.

/o Lee Lovelan& Lin% ) /o!n 0* Lin%

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