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Springfield College Department of Physical Education and Health Education PHED 239: Design and Implementation in Physical Education

K-12 Module 4/High School Physical Education (Grades 9-12) Fall 2013: Second Half Professor: Dr. Kathy Mangano Office Hours: Posted outside office Grad Teaching Fellow: Meghan Flanagan Office: Wellness Room 126 / X3147 Email:

Office: PE Complex Room 105 / 518.391.9029 Office Hours: Posted outside office Email: Credits: 1.5 Lecture: M & W 8:00-8:50 a.m. in PE Complex Room 119 / Lab: T or R 9:00-10:50 a.m. in PE Complex Blake Arena Course Information: MY SCWEB / MOODLE Pre-requisites: PHED 102, MOSK 140, MOST 105 COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES: This one half semester course is designed to help second-year physical education teacher preparation students further their pedagogical content knowledge and to introduce principles of curriculum development for grades 9-12. Students will also be introduced to appropriate practices for planning, teaching and evaluating high school physical education. The approach to teaching used in the course is based on nationally recognized appropriate physical education practices for high school students. The information given in lecture will be reinforced and practiced in a 2-hour per week lab experience at a high school site teaching students. In addition, PHED 239-Module 4/High School Physical Education is one (1) of four (4) modules (PHED 236-Module 1: grades K-2; PHED 237-Module 2: grades 3-5; PHED 238-Module 3: grades 6-8) that students will take in the year-long course sequence. Students will be assigned two (2) modules in the fall and two (2) modules in the spring. Each module must be successfully completed (C or better grade) in order to matriculate for the pre-practicum and practicum experiences. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: 1. 1. describe the characteristics, interests and program guidelines of high school students. 2. apply developmentally and instructionally appropriate practices for high school students. 3. identify and demonstrate an understanding of the NASPE standards and the MA State curriculum framework standards. 4. develop an understanding of safety issues involved in the profession and specifically at the high school level. Methods of Assessment Worksheet, LPs, Exam, Discussion LPs, Teaching, BP, SE Project, Exam LPs, Teaching, Exam, Worksheets LPs, Teaching, Discussion, Reflections

5. develop and plan detailed lesson plans that match the developmental level of the students. 6. promote a positive learning environment that emphasizes cultural diversity and equity. 7. utilize questions to probe thought and stimulate critical thinking in lessons. 8. provide positive, corrective, specific, behavioral, and timely feedback to students and/or class. 9. consistently demonstrate a variety of teaching skills and styles. 10. develop routines and rules appropriate for high school students that will promote appropriate standards of behavior, mutual respect, and safety. 11. collaborate with colleagues and cooperating teachers to improve teaching & facilitate student learning. 12. reflect on teaching process to improve teacher effectiveness and future lessons. 13. employ a variety of formal & informal assessment tools. 14. demonstrate professionalism and commitment to the profession. 15. incorporate technology and research into lesson plans and other assignments. 16. communicate clearly in oral and written expression.

LPs, Teaching, Reflections LPs, Teaching, Reflections LPs, Teaching, Reflections LPs, Teaching, Reflections Exam, Teaching, Worksheets, BP LPs, Teaching, BP, Reflections, SE Project LPs, Reflections, Discussion LPs, Reflections LPs, Teaching, Reflections, Exam Teaching, Reflections BP, SE Project, Video, Worksheets, Teaching Worksheets, Exam Discussions, LPs, BP, Reflections, SE Project PPA Assignment

17. develop an understanding of the Preservice Performance Assessment (PPA) system by collecting supportive evidence for the MA state standards. 18. develop an understanding of the impact of physical activity and the value of promoting an active and healthy lifestyle for high school students. 19. identify and demonstrate an understanding of appropriate behavioral management techniques, and teaching responsible behavior. 20. identify the concepts and features of a sport education model and how to implement the model at the high school level. 21. identify the principles and concepts of a developmentally sound physical fitness and wellness program. 22. create modified games and small-sided games to implement in a variety of units.

Worksheets, Exam, Discussions, LPs, Reflections, BP LPs, Teaching, Reflections, Discussions, Exam SE Project, Exam

BP, LPs, Teaching, Exam, Presentation Modified Games Project, Teaching, SE Project

Required Text: Darst, P. W., Pangrazi, R. P., Sariscsany, M., & Brusseau, T. A. (2012). Dynamic physical education for secondary school students (7th ed.). New York: Benjamin Cummings. Recommended Texts: National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2004). Moving into the future: National standards for physical education (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. Zakrajsek, D. B., Carnes, L. A., & Pettigrew, F. E. (2003). Quality lesson plans for secondary physical education (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Assessment: A grade of C or better is required to matriculate (73% or 401/550). Lecture = 60% of grade / Lab = 40% of grade Lecture Assignments Modified Games Project Physical Fitness/Wellness Block Plan Sport Education Model Project Preservice Performance Assessment (PPA) Weebly E-Portfolio Worksheets/Presentations/Quizzes Class Participation Exam Due Dates Mon. Nov. 11th Wed. Nov. 20th Wed. Dec.4th
Mon. & Thurs; Dec. 9 &16

Mon. Dec. 16th TBA --Mon. Dec. 16th Total =

Points 45 pts 50 pts 85 pts 25 pts 15 pts 35 pts 10 pts 70 pts 350 pts

Lab Assignments Site Observation Lesson Plans (4@10pts each) Teaching (4@10 pts each) Post Lesson Reflections (4@10 pts each) Video Tape Evaluation Reflection Summary Paper

Due Dates Points One day after observation 30 pts Fridays for Tues lessons 40 pts Mondays for Thurs lessons TBA 40 pts One day after teaching 40 pts TBA 20 pts Two days after final teaching experience 30 pts Total = 200 pts

Dress Code: On- and off-campus lab classes SC professional teaching attire (SC collared shirt tucked in, khaki pants/shorts, or black/maroon warm up pants unrolled and sneaker length, sneakers, and socks. No hats!) Expected to have a WHISTLE AND a WATCH (on your wrist, not your cell phone) for all labs!

Individual Behavior: Students in this course are frequently involved in class discussions and small group activities. All students are expected to listen to others respectfully and to express their views in a courteous manner. Attendance/Tardiness: Attendance is required for both lecture and lab. The overall course grade will be reduced 5% for each unexcused absence. Missing a lab constitutes two (2) missed classes! Remember, the teachers and students at the laboratory sites are expecting us to be on time and prepared to teach quality lessons. Promptness is a professional responsibility. If tardiness occurs frequently, points may be deducted from the grade. Make-ups/Late Assignments: Make-ups will only be given in the event of an excused absence from class which has been approved prior to the examination/quiz. Late assignments will receive a 10% reduction for each day the assignment is late. No assignment will be accepted more than one (1) day late. Accommodations Planning: If you have a documented physical, learning, or psychological disability on record with the Academic Success Centers Learning Support Services, you may be eligible for reasonable academic accommodations to help you succeed in this course. It is your responsibility to request such accommodation in advance and to provide appropriate documentation. Students on the main campus should contact the Director of Learning Support Services, who is located on the first floor of Hickory Hall, room 105, and can be contacted at 413-748-3768. Please let me know of your request as soon as possible so that I can work with you and the Director to arrange for appropriate and reasonable accommodations. Academic Assistance: A wide variety of academic assistance is offered through the Academic Success Center. Students can receive a variety of services, such as tutoring through Writing Support Services, Math-Science Support Services and the Content Tutorial Program. The Academic Coaching Program is available to help students improve time management and study skills. The Assistive Technology Program provides training in a range of assistive technology software. The MTEL Assistance Program provides support for students preparing to take the Communications and Literacy Skills portion of the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure. The Conversation Partners Program provides support for non-native speaking students wishing to improve linguistic skills in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and other languages as available. The Academic Success Center is located on the first floor of Hickory Hall, room 109 and can be contacted at 413-748-3747 or The most up to date information and support service schedules are available on the ASCs PrideNet page:

Academic Dishonesty: Students will be held accountable for the academic integrity of their work. Violations of academic integrity include: 1. failure to cite sources used in paper (plagiarism). 2. cheating on examinations or assignments by unauthorized collaboration with other students. 3. purchasing/borrowing papers, using crib sheets on exams or presenting the same written work as the requirement for more than one course without the permission of the instructor. Any student suspected of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Office of the Dean of Students. Sanctions may include receiving a zero for the examination or assignment, failure of the course, placement on academic probation, or dismissal from Springfield College. See Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy in Student Handbook. Withdrawal/Incomplete: Incompletes are only given under extenuating circumstances. Students will not receive an incomplete because of an unsatisfactory grade. The instructor will allow withdrawals until the date published in the Academic Schedule. CAVEAT: The schedule and procedures for this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. REFERENCE GUIDES: Buck, M. M., Lund, J. L., Harrison, J. M., & Blakemore Cook, C. (2007). Instructional strategies for secondary school physical education (6th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. Fronske, H. (1997). Teaching cues for sports skills. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Hastie, P. (2003). Teaching for lifetime: Physical activity through quality high school physical education. New York: Benjamin Cummings. Hellison, D. (2003). Teaching responsibility through physical activity (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Himberg, C., Hutchinson, G. E., & Roussell, J. M. (2003). Teaching secondary physical education: Preparing adolescents to be active for life. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Metzler, M. W. (2005). Instructional models for physical education (2nd ed.). Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway. Mitchell, S. A., Oslin, J. L., & Griffin, L. L. (2006). Teaching sport concepts and skills: A tactical games approach (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Siedentop, D., Hastie, P. A., & van der Mars, H. (2011). Complete guide to sport Education (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Silverman, S. J. & Ennis, C. D. (2003). Student learning in physical education: Applying research to enhance instruction (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

PHED 239: High School Grades 9-12 Tentative Lecture & Lab Schedule Date Day 10/23 W 10/24 R 10/28 M Topic Lecture: Intro to Course, Syllabus, Review Assignments Lab: EVERYONE Dr. Russ Carson (97) interactive lesson with PHED 236 - Blake Arena Lecture: Appropriate Instructional Practices for High School PE including safety issues Reading/Assignment Due Student Background Information Sheet

Ch. 1 & 5 (pp. 106-122); Appropriate Practices handout, Complete worksheet-bring to class + Google Drive copy

10/29 T

10/30 W

10/31 R


11/5 11/6 11/7


Lab: EVERYONE Lab schedule, Site Observation, Teaching Reflections, Divide Labs and Assign Teaching Sites & Cooperating Teachers, Lesson Plan Format, PPA, Activities Blake Arena Lecture: Impact of Physical Activity on High Ch. 2, NASPE Standards & School students, NASPE Standards & MA MA Framework handouts. Curriculum Framework, PPA PPA handout, Group Presentations Lab: EVERYONE Model lesson/critique Sample Teaching LPs lessons Blake Arena. Assignment bring to class Lecture: Modified and Small-Sided Games & Group Presentations Tournament Formats (continue) Ch. 13, Modified Games/ Tournament handouts Lab: Observation at East Longmeadow High School Lecture: Modified and Small-Sided Games & Ch. 13, Modified Games/ Tournament Formats Tournament handouts Lab: Observation at Agawam High School Lecture: Developing Curriculum & Characteristics of High School Students Ch. 3 / Complete worksheet bring to class + Google Drive copy / Modified Games Project Due Lessons

11/11 M

11/12 T

Tues. Lab Teaching Lesson #1 at ELHS & AHS

11/13 W 11/14 R 11/18 M 11/19 T 11/20 W

Lecture: Lifetime Physical Activity and Physical Fitness/Wellness Curriculum, Unit Outcomes Thurs. Lab Teaching Lesson #1 at ELHS & AHS Lecture: Lifetime Physical Activity and Physical Fitness/Wellness Curriculum, Unit Outcomes Tues. Lab Teaching Lesson #2 at ELHS & AHS Lecture: Sport Education Model

Ch. 10 (pp. 222-236), 15 & 16 Lessons Ch. 10 (pp. 222-236), 15 & 16 Lessons Ch. 4, SE handouts/ Physical Fitness & Wellness Block Plan Due Lessons Ch. 4, SE handouts Lessons Ch. 6 & 7, handouts Lessons Ch. 6 & 7, handouts / Sport Ed Project Due Lessons Technology handout/ Technology presentation/ PPA Project Due and Reflection Summary Due for TUESDAY lab

11/21 11/25 11/26 11/27 12/2 12/3 12/4 12/5 12/9


Thurs. Lab Teaching Lesson #2 at ELHS & AHS Lecture: Sport Education Model Tues. Lab Teaching Lesson #3 at ELHS & AHS Thanksgiving Break NO CLASS Behavioral Management & Teaching Responsible Behavior Tues. Lab Teaching Lesson #4 at ELHS & AHS Behavioral Management & Teaching Responsible Behavior Thurs. Lab Teaching Lesson #3 at ELHS & AHS Lecture: Technology in PE /Show & Tell Presentations

12/10 T 12/11 W 12/12 R 12/16 M

NO LAB Reflection & Review for final exam Thurs. Lab Teaching Lesson #4 at ELHS & AHS Final Exam Lessons Weebly & Time Record Sheet Due PPA Project Due and Reflection Summary Due for THURSDAY lab

Additional readings/assignments may be assigned at a later date!

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