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Net/Court & Wall Games Modifications

Net/Wall Games Net games: Volleyball Badminton Tennis Pickle-ball Table Tennis Wall Games: Squash Wall ball Handball Racquetball

The modifications listed below incorporate the arious strate!ies for modifyin! !ames to fit the needs of the players for the types of !ames listed in the table abo e" #any of them can be used in combination as well" Modifications $se special ball% shuttle &e"!"% li!hter% hea ier% and'or lar!er(" $se li!hter racquets with lar!er heads" $se racquets with shorter handles" Shrink court si+e -liminate net &usin! )ust a line on floor(" .d)ust net hei!ht &i"e"% lower hi!her(" Shortened racquets" 0en!then the court &i"e"% deeper baselines(" ,ncrease width 1 decrease depth of court" 2ecrease width 1 increase depth of court" $se differentiated scorin!" 2i ide court in different scorin! +ones" Focus Slows speed of ob)ect so trackin! is easier" #ake e*ecution of techniques easier and increase success le el" #ake controllin! the ob)ect easier" ,ncrease focus on controllin! ob)ect" ,ncrease focus on controllin! ob)ect" Slow !ame down/ limit the use of selected techniques &e"!"% VB spike(" ,ncrease success in strikin! ob)ect" #akes power control less of a limitation" ,ncrease focus on playin! the an!les 1 court co era!e" ,ncrease focus timin! the use of short and lon! shots 1 court co era!e" -ncoura!e use of particular techniques -ncoura!e focus on shot selection'direction"

From Complete Guide to Sport Education by Daryl Siedentop, Peter A !astie, and !ans "an der Mars, #$$%, C&ampai'n, ()* !uman +inetics

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