Legend Release Notes 10-9-9 fp15

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--- Legend Release Notes ---


ONLINE SERVICES 1. CMS setting status page 2. Online signup SEPA integration 3. Ticket service (Car Park) integration INVOICING 1. Site codes auto populated from accounting number 2. New date column in credit note report FOH 1. Car parking integration 2. Remove member from interest groups in FOH CRM 1. CRM bulk email online services invite FEE COLLECTION 1. New Fee Collection application and SEPA BOOKINGS 1. Parent/Child patronage recording in bookings MEMBERSHIP MANAGEMENT 1. Reason field when creating a credit note

1. CMS setting status page #4027 Requirement: A web page where all CMS settings are documented in a single location, this includes showing the section they are attached to, a name, database name, release they are associated to, current value and a description. Proposal: A new page in the Legend CMS will be created that lists all settings with the associated data. Implementation: A new page has been created at www.yourdomain.com/admin/sitesettings which will load the CMS login page, once logged in all the current settings will be shown by default. There are numerous ways of filtering the settings; firstly by selecting tags. For example you can select the tag SocialMedia which will show all the settings connected with social media. The filter for show only configured will filter out all settings which havent been set away from the default leaving only those that have been set. There is also an option to search for a setting via name, filter by which release the setting was released in and finally the page will show a total count of setting returned. The list of setting returned will show a tick in the configured column is they have been set, if they are a Legend Admin setting (Only available to be set by Legend Administrators) a tick will be shown. The tags column shows all the tags associated with each setting on hover, the title column lists the name of the setting; on hover it shows a brief description and the name in the database. The final column, Value, will show the state of the setting, this is generally either text or an On/Off icon. 2. Online signup SEPA integration #4579 Requirement: To allow for the entry of SEPA details for member banks when entering Direct Debit information for membership purchases. Proposal: To change the membership purchase process to allow for SEPA details to be entered once the functionality is enabled and also amend the mandates that get produced to deliver the correct mandate depending on configuration. Implementation: To allow for SEPA account details in online signup it must first be enabled in CMS. The setting is named Enabled BIC and IBAN for DD. This setting is a Legend Admin setting and must be enabled by a Legend User, this is due to some additional configuration that may need to be in place or checked before the feature is enabled. Once the setting is enabled the user will get the option to enter IBAN/BIC details or the normal Sort Code account number. There is an additional setting which is named Enabled SC and Account Number for DD which, when disabled will hide the Sort Code account number option and leave the remaining IBAN and BIC details. The remainder of the online sign up process remains unchanged apart from the mandate the customer receives at the end of the process if Paperless Direct Debit is enabled. If the user enters IBAN/BIC details then the mandate they receive will the SEPA mandate rather than the standard BACS mandate.

3. Ticket service (Car Park) integration TFS #1683/TM #86974 Requirement: Kiosk users require a car parking ID printed on the tickets from the kiosk so that they can receive free parking (in Parkeon Car Parks) while using the facilities. Proposal: A new setting will be created to enable the printing of the car parking number on tickets and receipts. Implementation: There are some settings and services that will need to be set up and enabled before this feature can be used, please contact your Account Manager or the Legend Support Team for more information. Once this has been set up there is a new setting located in CMS named KioskEnableTokenPrinting and has the associated tags of Kiosk and FP15.

1. Site codes auto populated from accounting number TFS #5013/TM #80435/95871 Requirement: To ensure that the correct site code is input for each site so that human error is minimized and the number of errors is reduced. Proposal: To add a new entry in the Control Panel where the accounting number can be set which will auto-populate the site code in the invoicing application. Implementation: A new setting has been added in Control Panel > Club Settings > Club > Club Details to enable the account number integration. Once an entry has been made into the accounting No field the tick box for Enable Invoicing Integration for Account Number becomes available. Once this is ticked the site code will be auto-populated with this code. The code will be disabled from editing unless the user has the security token, INVOICING_ALLOWUSERSITECODECHANGE, added to their user group. If the user has this security token they may override the autopopulated setting. 2. New date column in credit note report TFS #5019/TM #97244 Requirement: To show details of dates around credit notes in the invoicing credit note list report. Proposal: A new column will be added to the report. Implementation: When running the Credit Note List report inside invoicing there is a new column named Credit Date, which shows the date the credit was added. This will only show for credit notes created after the release of Feature Pack 15.

1. Car parking integration TFS #4698/TM #86974 Requirement: For a car parking ID printed onto the customer receipt or ticket so that the free parking (in Parkeon Car Parks) can be managed. Proposal: A car parking PIN will be printed onto the bottom of every customer receipt and/or ticket obtained via FOH.

Implementation: This feature requires additional configuration that can be arranged via your Account Manager and integrates with an external car parking service. Once enabled the car parking PIN will be printed onto the bottom of every receipt or ticket that FOH produces. 2. Remove member from interest groups in FOH #4690 Requirement: To have the ability to remove a member from an interest group via FOH upon the request of the group, member or in case of a mistake. Proposal: To add a remove option to the Member Interest Groups tab in FOH Member Info. Implementation: To remove a member from Interest Groups in FOH the user must first have the security token, IG_MEMBER_REMOVE, against their security group. The security token can be found in the IG group along with IG_MEMBER_ADD and IG_STARTUP. Once the user has the relevant security load the relevant member into FOH and navigate to the Member Interest Groups tab of member info, it can be found underneath the Sports Courses tab. The list will contain all Interest Groups the member is a part of, simply click the relevant row and click the remove button, a pop up will ask the user if they are sure they want to remove the member and then confirm. Upon removal the user will no longer have access to the Interest Groups and an event will be written to the members account stating that the member has been removed; the event code will be listed as INT_GRP_RM with a note to say which Interest Group they were removed from.

1. CRM bulk email online services invite #4322 Requirement: To have the ability to bulk email online service emails to users who are not currently registered online in order to increase the online services take up. Proposal: To use the existing bulk email communication reporting and enhance it with additional filters such as has email address and is registered for online services and use these reports to send an email using an OPE (Online Profile Everywhere) template. Implementation: In CRM select Data Wizard from the application menu and select the relevant filters for the report, there is a new filter name Is Online User in the Selection tab and has a value of either Yes or No. Once the report has completed and gathered the data the results grid has a new column for IsOnlineMember which can be filtered using the standard filter set. There have been no additional changes to the remainder of the bulk email process, the normal selection of an email template or creation of an email remains in place.

1. New Fee Collection Application and SEPA Fee Collection is a completely new application in the Legend Suite. It is aimed at making direct debit (and any other collections) easier, more efficient from both the database and the users point of view and give a lot more flexibility for administration of a collection. As this is the first release of this application certain areas are still to be developed. This release mainly focuses on

SEPA (which is for EU Irish customers and not applicable in the UK) and collections using SEPA rather than BACS. Some customers may not see the application after release, mainly those who operate BACS collections, however for more information on the plans for Fee Collection please dont hesitate to contact your account manager or the Legend Support Team who will be able to direct you to the relevant contact. Please see the full user guide which is available on the releases portal for details on the application.

1. Additional patronage reporting - #5517 Requirement: To be able to record patronage figures for Adult and Children for block bookings. Proposal: To allow for the configuration and setting of an additional patronage value this includes the setting of a different inventory item. There will also be a new configuration item which will state that the patronage no longer has to be recorded once the booking time has passed and can be provided at any time. Implementation: To configure bookings to allow for the additional patronage settings there are two new check boxes in Control Panel > Global Settings > Bookings Tab > Allow Immediate Recording and Allow Capture of Additional Patronage. Once both of these are checked the bookings application will allow for the confirmed attendance to be set against the normal inventory item at any stage and for an additional inventory item to be added and the confirmed attendance to be recorded against it. The details are recorded against bookings in the advanced tab of the reservation in the patronage section.

1. Reason field when creating a credit note - #5961 Requirement: When raising a credit note there is a requirement to log a reason if required. This reason is also required in the Credit Note report. Proposal: An option for a reason to be added when creating a credit note will be added to the new credit note form in Membership Management. The reasons will be control via the Control Panel and can be created, the reason will also be available to set to required or not. The Credit Note report will be altered to capture the reason. Implementation: There is a new Credit Note reason configuration section in the Control Panel, which can be found in Data > Credit Note Reasons. This allows the user to add and edit reasons to be entered when creating a credit note. The reason is set to not required by default, this can be changed in Control Panel > Global Settings > Credit Notes > Set reason to be required using the tick box. Once the reasons have been created in Control Panel there will be a new option to select a reason from a drop down when creating a new credit note. If the reason is set to a required then the user will not be able to create the credit note without first selecting a reason.

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